Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

No Equals In The World Of Illusion

Greetings Everyone,

          Sorry for not being able to blog my teachings and lessons that I have come across and learned from Abba ministered to me by Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. I have been learning during my absence. I am still learning and Abba has blessed me with more knowledge and I have not quite mastered all of it yet. However, I will take some time to teach about equality. This is NOT about political correctness or anything like that. I am going by what is according to nature. Now, with that said. Let me just say that I believe that women should have a voice as far as teaching the gospel. I don't see why it has to be predominately male in the first place. No, I am not vexed. I'm perfectly fine. So just hear me on this.

           Now before you guys start ranting and sounding off scriptures to me about how women should not have a role as far as preaching the gospel. Yes, I know about Jezebel and what she did. However, I am talking about women who have been servants of God. Like Anna, Miriam, Judith, Esther, Virgin Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rebekkah, Deborah, Rachel, and Susanna. All servants of Abba (God). So with that said. I think that women can also be talked too in dreams and visions like our (I'm a woman, too) male counterparts. Like with Anna (Yeshua's grandmother), Deborah and Miriam (Moses sister). Abba has shown in the story of Susanna as well as the story of Judith that He has gave them strength and has came to their aid in their time of need. All of these stories have been down played because it does not involve a male as a center of the story. So there really are not any equals in this illusionist world.

            Why am I making a fuss about it? Well because it goes against the nature of things. There is a male and female counterpart for a reason. So I do not understand why there is so much inequality. I mean are we still on the Eve thing? Yeah, it was bad, I admit, but Aaron fashioning the golden calf was bad. Adam being lead by satan to the tallest mountain, so both Adam and Eve be pushed off the mountain is also bad. In the Tribe of Judah, males were taking foreign women as wives instead of their own native counterparts was bad as well. So there are lots of things that turned out to be bad. And they were not always started by a woman.

           So I just don't see how women cannot preach the gospel unto others. Women have insight too. It does not take a man to decipher the bible. It takes discernment to decipher the bible. The discernment of God. What do I mean by that? I mean this... The bible has been tampered with guys and I believe that it was the Vatican that has done that and have blamed poor King James for it. Calling him a homosexual man that bashed women when actuality, King James was none of those things. Things have been very much so altered that everyone is all messed up. If it was only a place for men to rule and women have no say then most likely there will be no sign of women in the first place. Women would never be made. So there has to be some type of significance to why we are here.

             Even the most deepest mysteries that have been revealed are located in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. There is also other mysteries that may have been revealed to her but its hard to see the connection because her gospel has been destroyed and there is not much of it that is left. Why would they destroy it. So basically, the reason for women bashing most likely started with the pagan Romans that had no morals of themselves but carry much of the corruption that we see here today. They carry much of the same characteristics as what we are see in modern society.

            And I am talking about the gospel that rightly supports Abba's Laws and Statues and all who observe Yeshua Ha'Mashiach as the Anointed Messiah. Not all of this so called "pagan" worship. People are so quick to judge. I think that we should all see an the insight of a woman as well as a man. We have listened to the insight of a man for a long time and now it is time for us to see things through the eyes of a woman. See how we view things and how things work within us. How Abba talks to us and how Yeshua minister to us and how the Holy Spirit talks to us. How Abba speaks through us? We all should think about these things. This world is already backwards as far as thinking. In order to change it we must first change our mindset and that is going to require a open mind to things.

So the bottom line is this...

                 A woman can preach the gospel if she wanted too. If the world was suppose to be predominately male then it would be an all male, then Abba would make it so. But, however, he has it where both male and female. So with that said, it is to go against the very essence of Abba. Bashing women is not the way to go. It is an to go against everything that is according to its nature. Even the smallest of plants have a male and female counterpart. Everything has a masculine and feminine aspect. So please keep this in mind. As I explain this to you guys. Okay guys, be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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