Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Holy Spirit

Greetings Everyone,

          I wanted to talk about the Holy Spirit today. There is a lot of controversy about surrounding the Holy Spirit. I think that the Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood part of the Trinity. Many people from all over have been battling whether the Holy Spirit is Masculine or Feminine in nature. Well I come to tell you this:

The Holy Spirit is Feminine in Nature.

           Why do I say that? Well, because the gifts that the Holy Spirit brings that are usually feminine traits. See when the Vatican tweaked the Bible, years ago, they had a special vendetta about women and have been warring with the Divine Feminine for quite sometime. They wanted it to be an all make trinity and exclude women. Thus, giving women a false sense that they can never teach, or be apart of something that is indeed far bigger than anything else in the whole entire world.

So what does the Holy Spirit give us:

  • Wisdom
  • Understanding
  • Counsel
  • Fortitude
  • Knowledge
  • Piety (Reverence)
  • Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe)

        That is also a quick reference to the seven heavenly virtues. Now these are feminine traits which makes the Holy Spirit the perfect comforter while Yashayah is away. In spirit, the feminine spirits are natural teachers, counselors, naturally intuitive, and naturally conscious about whether something is right or wrong. So we must take that all into consideration of comfort. These are the feminine aspects of the Godhead. Remember if it where to be an all male trinity wouldn't Earth just be a planet full of males and not females. However, yet and still we have denied this fact because we are so conditioned into thinking that males are the only ones that matter and females should not have any part of the bigger picture because all they are here for is to serve and help populate the world. This is not so.

      What do we call Wisdom? Sophia right? Isn't Sophia a feminine name? The Holy Spirit brings in Wisdom. That is the number one gift that she brings. In Hebrew is called Chokmah and Understanding in Hebrew is called Binah, both are feminine words.  So the Holy Spirit is indeed feminine, okay? Some of you will agree and most will not but it is the truth. Hope that clears up some of the confusion regarding in the Holy Spirit. Much Love Guys.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

The Truth About The 144,000

Greetings Everyone,

           I wanted to talk about the 144,000. I wanted to tell you guys that the 144,000 is a lie. Now this is how I came to that conclusion.

  • They people learn a new song during the sealing of the 144,000 but later on in the Bible, they holy angels sing the song of Moses. How is that? I mean they sing the new song and then go back and sing the Song of Moses? Remember guys that I said that there is two different entities talking. In Revelation we have Yashayah talking and then we have the Devil talking. It's crazy.

  • Only 144,000 make it into heaven and then the very next verse we have multitudes and multitudes of people all backgrounds, nations and tongues, that no one can number makes it into Heaven. That doesn't make any sense at all. First its only 144,000 and then after that you have multitudes of people that make it in. So there is that duality again.

  • The 24 elders have no idea who the multitude of people are that have on white robes and olive branches. How are the elders not going to know who they are? They should have witnessed the whole thing. They do not need anyone to jog their memories of who the multitudes of people are. They would celebrate along with them, right?

  • Yashayah died to take away the sin in this world and to save men from their iniquities both of those stemming from the Children of Israel and Gentiles alike, why would there only be total 144,000 people make it into Heaven? That makes no sense. And it be males. No females allowed. That makes no sense either, the earth is populated with both males and females alike not just males. That makes no sense at all. 

      Those are the main points that I have noticed when researching the 144,000 saints. So do not stress guys. Continue to have faith, allow Yashayah into your heart and continue to become the best person you are meant to be. Help others and leave this materialistic world alone because its done alright. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Two Parts of Creation PART 2

Greetings Everyone,

           I'm coming with another part 2 of the Two Parts of Creation. Okay, since I have established the general story of the esoteric and the materialistic parts of it. Due to my findings of actually analyzing the Bible, I was shown by our Heavenly Father that there is two entities that are talking within the Bible. We have our Heavenly Father and we have the Devil. I notice where after the Heavenly Father has spoken then there is these phrases that come out "and I", "and he", "And I also" and sometimes a semicolon is present. Have anyone felt that the Bible sometimes repeats itself? Like for instance, in Exodus, our Heavenly Father said that He had heard what was going on with the Children of Israel.

"And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and I have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows."  -Exodus 3:7
        This is our Heavenly Father speaking in this Exodus Chapter 3. Then I was shown by the Heavenly Father this verse in Exodus Chapter 6:

"And God spake to Moses, and said to him, I am the Lord, and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Issac and unto Jacob, by the name God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not know to them. And I also established my covenant with them the land of Canaan... And I also heard the groaning of the Children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in Bondage; and I have remembered my covenant."  -Exodus 6:2-5

         Something sounds fishy. If our Heavenly Father knew about the suffering of the Children of Israel and has already introduced Himself to Moses then, why in the world would He have to repeat Himself again, and under a new name. That makes no sense. I want to take you all to Revelation, mainly because we are in the the Book of Revelations right now, and their are some details in there that I want to point out. In Revelation Chapter 1, we will see a huge distinction:

"I was in Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first in the last."  -Revelation 1:10-11

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."  -Revelation 1:8

See the distinction in that? The Lord suppose to be the beginning and the end, the first and the last right? Where in our Heavenly Fathers name do we have, "which is, which was, and which is to come" phrase implanted there? Something is terribly wrong here. Here's more distinction:

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever."  -Revelation 11:15

"And the four and twenty elders , which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshiped God, saying We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast and art to come."  -Revelation 11:16

Here is one more verse that gives an example of the two entities that are caught up into one verse:

"I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen;... and I have the keys of hell and of death."  -Revelation 1:18

       The first verses or first parts of the verses are indeed our Heavenly Father, then we have the Devil that represents the verse after that verse. That is why I say that the Bible is an esoteric book with trip wires. It is quite hard to pick up on at first and if it where not for our Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, Yashayah (Jesus), the angels and my mom, I would have not caught it. So guys do not read the Bible as a whole. There is constant duality throughout the book. Prophecies are solid. 

       Just remember that our Heavenly Father IS and ALWAYS WILL BE CREATOR!!! All of this "what is, what was, and what is to come" stuff is NOT our Heavenly Father. That is the Devil. I mean doesn't it sound a lot like the beast description? It can not be our Heavenly Father. It just cant. Then we have all kinds of new names. 

Heavenly Father's Names in Bible
  • God of Heaven
  • God of the Hebrews
  • God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob

What the Devil calls himself in the Bible
  • God of the earth
  • God Almighty
  • Jehovah

      This is truly something. I was stunned when I saw this and I thought that I would share my findings with everyone. I hope this helps. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Two Forms of Creation: PART 1

Greetings Everyone,

       I come to tell you news of something very profound that I must talk about in this ministry. There are actually TWO forms of Creation! Yep, that's right! Two forms. Let me explain.

        In the Bible, I see that there is a duality within the whole entire book. There is two different gods here. First, we have the God that we all know about. That would be our Infinite Heavenly Father. There there is this other guy that's in there and I have no idea of where he comes from and where he fits into the equation.

       However, in the book, we have the seed of good and we have the seed of evil. First, with Abel, being the seed of good and we have Cain being the seed of evil. Then it repeats itself again. Jacob being the seed of good and Esau being the seed of evil. There is clearly a distinction of creation between good and evil. Because of this, we know live in a dual world on earth. The world of nature (a.k.a the esoteric world) and the world of society (a.k.a the materialistic world). Everything is in the sign of division. Thus bringing in the things of the Spirit and the things of the Flesh. Hence the sign of Yin/Yang, the sign of Duality.

       Okay, now here we go into the Bible. Again, everyone has there own interpretation of what the Bible states. That is because the Bible is really and esoteric book with trip wires. What do I mean by that? I mean that the Bible is meant to talk to ones individual soul. (Esoteric teaching= Inner Teaching, not cult teachings as some have been saying for years.) The Esoteric teachings is like another way of saying Mystic Teachings. Mystic means those in search of God, the Heavenly Father. Not the old fashioned Hollywood perception of mystics being sorcerers or trick magicians. The trip wires is what a certain group of people and the Fake Jews that are over there in Israel now, did to the Bible, which flipped scriptures backwards and did some extreme editing to make sure that no one knows the truth. Now with this said, I am not saying that the whole entire Bible is evil. I'm saying that there have been some trip wires in them, but the scriptures in there are very sound.

      Back to the two forms of creation, we have our Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, and is esoteric. (Esoteric= Inner). For Example:

"Yashayah (Jesus) answered and said, the kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here or lo, there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."  -Luke 17:20-21

           The kingdom of God is within you is actually the first sign of the esoteric perspective. It is not found within the outside but within the inside. Remember, the body is the temple, not a church, nor a mosque, but inside of you. In the form of Nature is also showing the Essence of God. 

"Behold the birds of the heaven, that sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your Heavenly Father feedeth them."  -Matthew 6:26

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin."   -Matthew 6:28

"But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field..."  -Matthew 6:30

All of these, represent the esoteric perception as well as the essence of God that is found in all living things. These teachings have deep meaning and also lead ways an opening into the very Essence of God. 

         Now here, I will talk about the things that are worldly. In the Bible, it talks about worldly as being superficial right? The materialistic stuff that the Bible warns us not to be apart of but in this generation, we clearly see that these worldly matters (a.k.a society) takes up all the time of man.

"It is not good to eat much money: so for men to search out their own glory is not glory."  -Proverbs 25:27

"Do not be conformed to this world..."  -Romans 12:2

"Training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions..."  -Titus 2:12

"Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world - the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life - is not from the Father but from this world. And the world is passing away along with its desires..."  - 1 John 2:15-17

        So here is the two forms that are setting in. Now I will stop it here and continue but before I go I wanted to live this verse that is from Genesis, and I am sure that we all notice this strangeness going on in Genesis that clearly shows that there are two forms of creation:

This is the first part of the creation. Notice that men, male and female alike where already on Earth and they do not have names:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he them. And God blessed him. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply."  -Genesis 1:27-28

"Thus the heaven and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and rested on the seventh day from all of his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy."  -Genesis 2:2-3

Then we have the next is the creation of Adam and Eve. Man and Woman. During my observation, I notice that during this sign of creation Females or the so-called "woman" has be made of the same likeness of the heavenly father, not out of the rib of Adam. Because the original people were already walking the earth. This is only part one of this, guys, I will be back to tell you the rest of it because it is so huge that I can't really summarize it all into one blog because it is getting so long but I will be back to tell you guys the rest. Much Love Guys.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Revelation 18:21 in the midst of being fulfilled! KEEP WATCH!!!

Greetings Everyone,

       I wanted to talk about this new asteroid that has been found by NASA. I believe now that this is the asteroid that is going to hit the earth. One will strike the land and the sea. So here is the picture of the asteroid:

"And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all."  -Revelation 18:21

"The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb."  -Revelation 14:10

     In this article, Astronomers find first asteroid with rings by CNN, sparked my interest. What really caught my eye is the ring sizes. The numbers 3 and 7 play key in this. Those numbers represent in the Bible:

  • The Number 3 represents divine fullness or completion. The number 3 also speaks of totality, sufficiency and the complete work of God. 
  • The Number 7 represents Spiritual Perfection. But it also represents totality, completeness and divine fullness. 
If you add 3 and 7 together you get 10:

  • The Number 10 represents perfection and completion of God's divine order. 
There is a huge pattern going on here. I believe that this asteroid is IT! There has already been 2 close calls of asteroids coming really close towards hitting the Earth. This is like asteroid number 3 found and the number 3 has a huge significance within the Bible. So this is extremely huge. Why else would NASA shut down their ISS program? There had to be a reason. 

The claim that its billion miles away but I don't buy it because if it was that far off. Why report on it? Better yet, can a telescope see that far off to know about its rotation and how far apart each of the two rings are? I don't by it at all. Just like with Nibiru, they tried to denounce it but in actuality planet Nibiru is like right behind the Sun which would also be coming in florescent really soon. Get ready guys because it is going to get really intense as the months go by. Rapture is also around the corner so keep watch on that also. Okay guys, that's all I got. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Revelation 14:14 Fulfilled

Greetings Everyone,

            Revelation 14:14 has just came into florescent, okay. Now here is why I say that. Yesterday, I was browsing on Yahoo! News. You know checking to see what was going on and everything and I came across this striking astronomy article. It said that a giant asteroid is going to blot out the start Regulus in the Sickle of Leo. One of the brightest stars seen over North America. This was a rare celestial event. So when I saw that it said a rare celestial event, I was like, something is going down. So I looked at the picture they had and that's when I heard, Son of Man and Sickle in my ear and I was like. Oh... So I went into my online Bible to get the scripture. Revelation 14:14 says:

"And I looked and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle."   

          Okay now here is the sickle:

           This is the exact image that I got from Yahoo! News before the article went poof. As we can see here, we see in the first image that the star Regulus is right there and within that splitting moment its like totally gone. Like the asteroid covered the entire star. Like no trace of light what so ever. Now I believe that the rest of the verses in Revelation 14 is going to fall into place right along with this one. The constellation Leo represents the lion in the Tribe of Judah and the sickle is represents...well... the sickle. So this is truly something. We are seeing a prophecy come to life. This is definitely something to watch because it also ties into the angels with their sharp sickles to reap the grapes of the earth because the grapes of the earth is fully ripe. 

"And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it unto the great winepress of the wrath of God."  -Revelation 14:19

          I do think that Regulus star represent the grapes of the earth that is ripe and have been reaped. And will go in the winepress. This is really something. 

      This is a map projection of who will be able to see it in like Blu-ray edition compared to those who live in other parts that live else where will be able to see a DVD copy of what is going on. I find it interesting about the path that is taken place here. We have New York highlighted here, and parts of New Jersey. Within that area. And the asteroid is the size of Rhode Island, guys so it is a really huge asteroid blocking the Regulus Star.

        Okay, bottom line of what I think is happening here. I think that this rare event that took place is actually signifying or leading up to an asteroid strike that is going to hit really soon. Too much evidence from the signs of the stars to the Bible itself that supports the fulfillment of Revelation 14:14. No coincidence. I don't believe in coincidences at all. I believe that everything happens for a reason. And there was a reason that this asteroid covered the Regulus star in the Sickle found in the Constellation of Leo. Keep Watch Guys. Much Love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Future of Earth

Greetings Everyone,

       In this particular blog I will be talking about spiritual and physical form of the future for Earth. This is supported in the hidden texts that are not found in the Bible but do act as attachments within the Bible. The Gnostic Teachings of the Bible or Lost Books of the Bible. Now, I hear many people say if it is not in the Bible then you must rule it out. This is serving people a disservice and a allowing people to fall into a big trap. So I here I go. I will talk about the spiritual sense of Earth. The spiritual sense of Earth is dying out. She is in a lot of pain and had to endure a not of things. Now she is in the process of ascending upward. This is the concept of a New Earth because the old one is not going to be here any longer. With this being said, Earth is going to turn into a really dark place. And this dark place is Hell. I mean we are in Hell and many of us do not know that we are in Hell but we are indeed in Hell. This is why they have piled up a huge list of nothing but distractions. To distract you of what there is to come. This is their thing.

       We are slaves in a crappy system that is going to fall apart. The Dark Ones know this and that is why they are ready to go to the next phase in their plan. The NWO phase. Not going to do them any good because it will not stop the fact that Abba will shut this whole thing down and He will. Within this polar shift, this is when Earth goes into a physical state of pure Hell. This is where the physicality begins. Alright. This is going to be where different beings from other dimensions are going to surface up and are going to start attacking people and everything, some of them are going to transform or morph into demons as well. To get the full just of it, take mental reference of a horror flick of a horror t.v. show and you can see all these different creatures or entities that take over peoples bodies, zombies, vampires, werewolves and everything else you can think of and even more. We are even going to have beings from other planets come down here and fight. This what the Bible calls "Armageddon" 'Kay? It's not just going to be an all out human war but we are also going to have beings that are going to fight as well. Its going to be a huge war.

       After the war is fought and the good guys win. We will see permanent bondage to this realm, which we know identify as Hell. This is where the Mark of the Beast comes in. The Mark of the Beast is going to of course determine if you go to Hell or go to Heaven. Since I have establish that this is Hell, the Mark of the Beast is basically this... It will determine whether you STAY HERE PERMANENTLY.

  • Take Mark of the Beast= STAY HERE
  • DON'T TAKE Mark of the Beast= ASCEND TO HEAVEN
    This is key. That is why everything that is born die because this is HELL. That is why we have so many mean "people" and all kinds of injustice and all this backwards thinking. Earth is almost done with her Ascension and all the plants and animals are starting to leave and we are the only ones left. Then we will have the rapture happen. I have explained the rapture all ready. Okay that is all I have for you guys right now. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Rapture Explained

Greetings Everyone,

The Rapture

     I don't remember if I touched on the rapture or not. However, I want to fully explain what the rapture is. During this ministry, I have stated that the Bible is both literal and metaphoric. Now the Bible, described metaphorically about the rapture. This pertains these two verses that I paraphrased. 

Two men shall lie in the bed, one will be taken and the other left. 

Two women shall be grinding in the filled one will be taken and the other left.

 The dead in Christ shall rise first.

And we shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye and our bodies will be raise out of the earth to meet our Lord in the skies.  

     Okay... There are two parts that is tied within this particular event. The first part is the state of consciousness. Again, Two men shall like in a bed, one will be taken and the other left. Two women shall be grinding in the field. One taken and the other left. This is pertaining to the consciousness or higher calling as spiritualists call it. The ones that are taken are the ones that are going looking for answers and have received spiritual consciousness and what is going on and are starting to notice that there really is a veil between then and the world. Once the veil has been dropped they realized that the society that they knew so well is actually a designed for the entrapment of enslavement. That is the first part of the Rapture. 

Now we are at the second part of the Rapture. The second part of the Rapture is this... Death. Why do I say Death? It is not physically possible to go up in physically possible. These bodies that we get are astral bodies. We must first die in the flesh, both spiritual and physical, in order to be changed into a new body. Now all of this will be happening extremely fast so we will not know what happened. The next time we blink we will be in the clouds and in new bodies. So this is going to be a huge rush of excitement because we will all know at that particular time of the things that are being taken place. That is the Rapture fully explained.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Close Asteroid could possibly hit Earth

Greetings Everyone,

       I am constantly looking at the signs in the heavens to see what is going on. Today, I heard about Asteroid DX110. I find this interesting asteroid. The numbers are very interesting. I have been calculating numbers of what is what and it reminds me of the numbers that I see on the road all of the time. So here are the numbers that I came up with during a few YouTube videos that did asteroid coverage.

  • 10= Divine Order
  • 7= Spiritual Perfection
  • 6=Man without God
  • 8= New Beginnings/Resurrection
  • 5= Half/ Just Recompense or Bounteous Reward
  • 11= Disorder
  • 9= Judgement/Finality
  • 2= Difference/ Divisions/ Separation
  • 3= Divine Order
Those were the numbers that I have gotten from studying the numbers and also I have noticed that this is suppose to be an Apollo class Asteroid? Could this be the key to the bottomless pit like from the fifth trumpet as the Bible depicted? 

"Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fall from heaven to earth and given to him was the key to the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit and the smoke arouse out of the pit like the smoke out of a great furnace... "  -Revelation 9:1-2

And they had a king over them the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon , but in Greek his name is Apollyon."  -Revelation 9:11

Just wondering. Okay be safe out there guys. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Government of India: Stop Lying to the People

Greetings Everyone,

        I have gotten a few buzz words about India. So I have been carefully watching you all due to the buzz words for a few weeks now. Though I have been watching you since the floods and natural disasters that has happened in your country. You have forsaken God in which you call Him, Brahman, but I call Him, Abba. Therefore, I will call Him, Abba throughout this essay.

Government of India,

           I have received message from Abba. You guys got to stop lying to the people and tell them that they are facing a SERIOUS CASE of FAMINE!! That's why you approved the field trails. It has nothing to do with food being so prosperous. Those are GMOS! That is not real food. Why will you not tell them this? Because of the fear of what will happen when the people realize that there is not one tiny morsel enough to feed a starving child! TELL THE TRUTH!

         Now where does this woe come from? The fact that people are worshiping flawed religious beliefs of graven images. When the flooding happened and the statue of Shiva was flooded last year:

     That is not suppose to be up there at all. It was not suppose to be made. Its a molten image created by human hands and you guys are worshiping the thing. It has no relevancy. Now, you guys have not learned and now there is famine being swept upon your borders and the government will not even tell you that there REALLY IS A FAMINE! You guys have to let the graven images go. It's killing you guys over there. And the Famine is going to get worse. Here is a letter that was prepared for you guys that was written a few weeks ago but I'm going to release it now because its been on my spirit strongly for a couple of days now. Here is what the letter says:

        Judgement has been weighed greatly. You have forsaken Abba and have placed graven images for you idol worship. Therefore, I shall brake your false gods into pieces and there shall be a famine far greater than the land has ever seen. It will sweep across your borders and you shall look upon each other and you shall see each other to be good enough for food. You shall tear through flesh and the remnant shall run bu no neighbor shall take you. You will be isolated. 

           This is serious business. Abba is going to keep turning it up and up and up until you guys recognize what time it is. Most of you probably think that I'm crazy but I'm trying to warn you guys before it happens. You guys have to get your act together and turn to the ONE TRUE GOD and not all these false idols that are in your midst. Repent to Lord Yashayah. This is a plea, not an attack as most of you guys are going to process this message as.

          People of India, these governments are not your friends and they will never be. Instead, they just want to mind manipulate you as to what all of the other governments are trying to do to their "people" in the country of ruling. They don't want you guys to know that you are facing a SITUATION OF GREAT FAMINE. I am not fear-mongering or anything like that. But this is a huge warning to the people of India. To let those false idols and images go and return to the ONE TRUE GOD before stuff really hits the fan! This is to help you guys not hurt you guys. Be safe out there brothers and sisters of India. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Letter to Europe: NATO

Greetings Everyone,

     I just written about what the word I have received from Abba stating about the EU. I also got one concerning about NATO. This has definitely caught my attention and was very alarming. I also hope that you find it interesting as well. So I wanted to go on ahead and get right to it:

Message to NATO,

      You have initiated war upon the firmament. For that your fall of desolation shall be great. The wrath will come upon you like fire upon wood. You have made war upon My angels and you shall get a full compensation of My wrath upon you. Your agents will turn against you and your establishment shall break form the inside. You will know who you are up against and their is no aid in the world that will help you. Prepare slaughter. 

       That's all I got. So, yeah. When I got this message it was something that was very concerning to me. So, guys be careful out there in Europe again. Watch the governments carefully. They are not your friends. Though they try to appear that way. Don't trust them. They are not for you at all. Likewise, the US. So again, you can choose to take this message to heart or to ignore. However, Abba's Will will be done. Okay, be safe guys. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 
May Peace Be With You.

Letter to Europe: The EU

Greetings Everyone,

Today, I have received word from Abba concerning the EU and also concerning NATO towards my brothers and sisters that live in the European Nations. He is very angry about what is going on. So, without further notice I will type what I have written from Abba:

Message to the EU,

        Fallen! Your nations have fallen! Your Euro is no more. Your cities have lost value. No one will obtain it! No one will aid you through your desolation! You have provoked Ahayah, Lord of spirits. Your thievery shall be re-compensated tenfold. Famine will sweep the land, war shall sweep your waters and bounds. You will not escape. Your people and wicked ways have provoked Me for the FINAL TIME!

Okay just a little commentary, what Abba means by people he means those who work for the EU and those who support the wickedness of the EU. The Ukraine war is serious but they are not saying anything to you guys about the Euro collapsing, just like the US dollar collapsing. I don't know anything about the EU. What it does or nothing about it. But after this message I notice that it does play a central role. So, guys be safe out there in Europe. You can either take this message as a time to prepare or a time to ignore. However, it will be done. God is especially mad. This is the Letter to the EU. There is another one that I will write concerning NATO. Okay guys, be safe. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jupiter: Entering Into A Higher Level of Consciousness

Greetings Everyone,

           Today, I wanted to talk about Jupiter. I finally have some good news to share other than becoming the barrier of bad news most of the time. I had a dream about Jupiter passing Earth. The Earth started to shake but what was interesting about Jupiter is that I was able to have a zoom in point in my dream which rarely happens. The zoom in point is actually the Big Red Spot on Jupiter. Of course I was confused about it but I noticed that I was shown this for a reason:

           This Red Spot is a vortex, as some of you guys know all ready, but its not just an ordinary vortex but this vortex is going to bring in energy to Earth's vortex in the north causing people to go into a higher shift of consciousness. It is to bring balance to the world and have us who are still sleeping wake up to this matrix.

       Now also in my later dreams about Earth and Jupiter, I notice that there is a familiar pattern that is on Jupiter and on Earth vortexes and is also a symbol of balance. Anyone can guess what it is?

         You guys have guessed right if you guessed the Yin/Yang symbol. This is a symbol of balance. The world is out of balance or out of order and this year will mark the year of beginning to put things in balance. In Taoism, its all about balance. Those who are go against the Tao will eventually be subjected to follow the Tao whether the bad guys want to or not. If not they perish. Since Jupiter is going to be at the highest point in the beginning of this month. March. We are going to see a Rise in Consciousness in people.

      Now I noticed that March is the 3rd month of the Solar year. God works in the number 3 as well. In numerology the number 3 is linked to the planet Jupiter. So I was floored when I did research on  this information pertaining to my dream. This is not just going to affect us human beings, but it will affect those in the Animal kingdom and Mineral kingdom. This is already starting to happen right now. This is a great blessing. Though some of you may think of it as a curse because there are going to be rebellion among animals. Thus pertaining to Revelation 6:8:

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him is Death, and Hell followed him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill the sword, and with hunger, and with death and with the beasts of the earth."  -Revelation 6:8

        So that's overall that is great news, because I want everyone to get out of the darkness and notice exactly what is going on around them. Like I said, I am getting dreams about these planets because there is a huge significance. They play a huge role in bringing forth Abba's judgement upon the Earth. We are on trail right now guys. Wake up and continue to search for Abba through Yashayah and follow your soul, it will not guide you in the wrong place. Continue to search for the Truth because its about to be unveiled for all of us. Keep looking and be safe out there. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

moon cycle