Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Future of Earth

Greetings Everyone,

       In this particular blog I will be talking about spiritual and physical form of the future for Earth. This is supported in the hidden texts that are not found in the Bible but do act as attachments within the Bible. The Gnostic Teachings of the Bible or Lost Books of the Bible. Now, I hear many people say if it is not in the Bible then you must rule it out. This is serving people a disservice and a allowing people to fall into a big trap. So I here I go. I will talk about the spiritual sense of Earth. The spiritual sense of Earth is dying out. She is in a lot of pain and had to endure a not of things. Now she is in the process of ascending upward. This is the concept of a New Earth because the old one is not going to be here any longer. With this being said, Earth is going to turn into a really dark place. And this dark place is Hell. I mean we are in Hell and many of us do not know that we are in Hell but we are indeed in Hell. This is why they have piled up a huge list of nothing but distractions. To distract you of what there is to come. This is their thing.

       We are slaves in a crappy system that is going to fall apart. The Dark Ones know this and that is why they are ready to go to the next phase in their plan. The NWO phase. Not going to do them any good because it will not stop the fact that Abba will shut this whole thing down and He will. Within this polar shift, this is when Earth goes into a physical state of pure Hell. This is where the physicality begins. Alright. This is going to be where different beings from other dimensions are going to surface up and are going to start attacking people and everything, some of them are going to transform or morph into demons as well. To get the full just of it, take mental reference of a horror flick of a horror t.v. show and you can see all these different creatures or entities that take over peoples bodies, zombies, vampires, werewolves and everything else you can think of and even more. We are even going to have beings from other planets come down here and fight. This what the Bible calls "Armageddon" 'Kay? It's not just going to be an all out human war but we are also going to have beings that are going to fight as well. Its going to be a huge war.

       After the war is fought and the good guys win. We will see permanent bondage to this realm, which we know identify as Hell. This is where the Mark of the Beast comes in. The Mark of the Beast is going to of course determine if you go to Hell or go to Heaven. Since I have establish that this is Hell, the Mark of the Beast is basically this... It will determine whether you STAY HERE PERMANENTLY.

  • Take Mark of the Beast= STAY HERE
  • DON'T TAKE Mark of the Beast= ASCEND TO HEAVEN
    This is key. That is why everything that is born die because this is HELL. That is why we have so many mean "people" and all kinds of injustice and all this backwards thinking. Earth is almost done with her Ascension and all the plants and animals are starting to leave and we are the only ones left. Then we will have the rapture happen. I have explained the rapture all ready. Okay that is all I have for you guys right now. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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