Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jupiter: Entering Into A Higher Level of Consciousness

Greetings Everyone,

           Today, I wanted to talk about Jupiter. I finally have some good news to share other than becoming the barrier of bad news most of the time. I had a dream about Jupiter passing Earth. The Earth started to shake but what was interesting about Jupiter is that I was able to have a zoom in point in my dream which rarely happens. The zoom in point is actually the Big Red Spot on Jupiter. Of course I was confused about it but I noticed that I was shown this for a reason:

           This Red Spot is a vortex, as some of you guys know all ready, but its not just an ordinary vortex but this vortex is going to bring in energy to Earth's vortex in the north causing people to go into a higher shift of consciousness. It is to bring balance to the world and have us who are still sleeping wake up to this matrix.

       Now also in my later dreams about Earth and Jupiter, I notice that there is a familiar pattern that is on Jupiter and on Earth vortexes and is also a symbol of balance. Anyone can guess what it is?

         You guys have guessed right if you guessed the Yin/Yang symbol. This is a symbol of balance. The world is out of balance or out of order and this year will mark the year of beginning to put things in balance. In Taoism, its all about balance. Those who are go against the Tao will eventually be subjected to follow the Tao whether the bad guys want to or not. If not they perish. Since Jupiter is going to be at the highest point in the beginning of this month. March. We are going to see a Rise in Consciousness in people.

      Now I noticed that March is the 3rd month of the Solar year. God works in the number 3 as well. In numerology the number 3 is linked to the planet Jupiter. So I was floored when I did research on  this information pertaining to my dream. This is not just going to affect us human beings, but it will affect those in the Animal kingdom and Mineral kingdom. This is already starting to happen right now. This is a great blessing. Though some of you may think of it as a curse because there are going to be rebellion among animals. Thus pertaining to Revelation 6:8:

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him is Death, and Hell followed him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill the sword, and with hunger, and with death and with the beasts of the earth."  -Revelation 6:8

        So that's overall that is great news, because I want everyone to get out of the darkness and notice exactly what is going on around them. Like I said, I am getting dreams about these planets because there is a huge significance. They play a huge role in bringing forth Abba's judgement upon the Earth. We are on trail right now guys. Wake up and continue to search for Abba through Yashayah and follow your soul, it will not guide you in the wrong place. Continue to search for the Truth because its about to be unveiled for all of us. Keep looking and be safe out there. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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