Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Wheat and Tares Separation: Past Regression

Hi Everyone,

           Today I am going to talk about the Wheat and Tare Parable. This process has been going on for quite sometime. In fact, the Wheat and Tare process happens before and after the rapture for those who are not quite ready. First there is a mass awakening. Protests against the governments are happening worldwide. There are many people who do not agree with what their governments are doing and they want change. Why is this happening all of a sudden? What is with such a huge mass of protests that is happening everywhere? This is due to the Heavenly Father putting within their spirits of His Coming. This era of darkness, confusion, and mass manipulation is over. So what does this have to do with the Wheat and the Tare Parable? Simple. 

           Then Wheat in this picture above is perfectly aligned and is extremely healthy. This is a perfect example of a person who has a strong relationship with the Heavenly Father. They give thanks to Him for everything He has done and they honor everything that He asks for. A wheat has no doubt that they are going within the right direction. So what does this have to do with people and protests? People with good hearts know that what the governments are doing is wrong and they can spot corruption. The awakening process within them is actually making them look at things in another light. They begin to understand that the Heavenly Father did not intend for them to live like slaves and that He made everything for us free of charge. They start giving and serving others and they start finding their way towards enlightenment (which is really short for pathway to the Heavenly Father.) Most importantly they begin to relate towards every living thing that is in the world. They view animals, trees, ponds, sea animals and every living aspect as a soul and not as some living thing that is beneath them. That is a Wheat. 

             A Tare in this picture above is growing all over the place. One minute its growing to the left then the right and then the left again. This is a perfect example of one without belief and one who pretty much wants to be their own boss and make up their own rules despite the moral code that is embedded in all of us. They love doing bad things and think that there is no consequence in their actions. This is one that is so in love with all the worldly things that they rather die than to give it up. They don't think that the world is going to end, and they have no regards to the natural laws that is set in the Universe. These are also the ones that don't take a moment to stop and think about things and rather follow whatever the government says because they know best. These are the ones that do not put their trust in the Heavenly Father and as a result of that... They perish. That is a Tare. 

       Okay Indo, where are you going with this and what does this have to due with past regression?

       I bring this up because we are now moving into mass separation of people. People that you have never expect to be a tare ends up being a tare. The Heavenly Father is now stripping the veil off of everything. Peoples true nature will be revealed. The cosmic energies of the Heavenly Father will no longer cover or turn a blind eye towards corruption ever again. Right now, we have 2 categories according to duality: Good and Evil. Since the magnetic sphere of Earth is weak and gives no more strong protection the radiation of the galaxy plays a huge part of peoples minds. This radiation is airborne. It creeps into the peoples minds and brings out everything that was hidden in the dark. If that makes sense. I hope it does. I'm trying no to lose anyone trying to explain this but it must be talked about. 

          The meteor storms and solar storms play a role in this. Have any of us ever wondered why people are becoming slower and slower to get things? Hard to finish a sentence? Forgetting things easily? Or all of a sudden doing something crazy that they have never done before? Now, I'm not at all blaming radiation from the Heavens at all for it is good radiation for we need radiation from the Sun to be energized. 

Who do I blame for this? 

          Chem-trails and man-made radiation. Because that stuff is made to kill not to preserve live whatsoever. The chem-trails are suppose to make the world cool due to the heat that the Earth is packing. However, doing this is actually becoming a hazard towards us who live on Earth because that crap sprinkles on our heads and can cause fungus and can also take out our hair. Not only does it hurt us by direct contact and its airborne chemicals, its also tearing up the Ozone Layer that protects from space radiation as well. Yes, solar radiation is good but have we ever heard of the saying "Too much of a good thing can be bad?" Well without the Magnetic Field and the Ozone Layer than we are in for a not so good treat. This is why people has been acting strangely and it is the grace of the Heavenly Father that we have not fully gone to the dogs. 

What are we in for if the masses of the people keep getting effected with radiation over time? Well guys, get ready for WWZ.

         Lets think about this. A radiated planet, with no food and no water. People will lose their humanity due to the radiation and will slowly turn to their animal like state. That is basically what a zombie is. A human animal that is malnutritioned. They are not going to know their names, how to drive, how to eat properly, how to work, how to take care of themselves, how to talk and nothing else dealing with civilization. The only thing that they will have on their minds is their savage nature of survival. This is all happening right now. This is the start of it, pretty soon we are going to be hearing at lot of cannibalistic attacks and cannibalism on the news, if we have media by that time. Come on guys, people are slowly forgetting and drifting away. Please build a titanium strong relationship with the Heavenly Father. Alright guys, be safe and spread the love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Milky Way: Dwelling Place Of The Heavenly Father

Hi Everyone,

              Wanna know why its so hot and its barely dark outside? Well that is because the Earth is getting closer and closer towards the Milky Way. This will be a fulfillment prophecy of the Mayans. Our whole entire solar system is traveling within the Milky Way and we are getting towards the two gates as stated in the Bible and the Testament of Abraham when he said that he saw two gates, a small gate which lead up to Heaven and a big gate which leads into Destruction. We are getting close toward that point. The small gate for the good souls, the Phoenix will rapture us up and the big gate of destruction is the black hole. This is very, very important. Inside of the Milky Way resides the Four Heavenly Creatures and around them are the 13 Elders that I have talked about in a previous blog. Why do we think that NASA is focusing on the Milky Way so much if its suppose to be billions of miles away? Why are they trying to measure Dark Matter?

            Dark Matter is a scientific name for the Heavenly Father, though it is disrespectful. However, the problem is it is impossible for us to measure something that we cannot see with physical eyes, so they are wasting their time trying to measure Him and they are in for a rude awakening if they keep on going up in space messing around with Heaven. They are going to get what they have been asking for. Like seriously. Anyways, this is also why I have posted the Rapture blog with all seriousness because we are so close to the Heavenly Father. This is absolutely amazing and I hope that you guys are very excited as I am about it. Okay, buckle up because this year and all the other who are left behind is going to get crazier and crazier and even more supernatural. Alright guys that's all I have right now. Be safe and spread the love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Rapture Is Happening Now

Hi Everyone,

           Well, I hope that I can get as much information as I can out. I want to be able to wrap all of this up before the magnetic sphere goes completely out and we have no internet. Today's focus is the Rapture again. If we look around each other, you will start to notice that we have animals dying by the masses. Water is super scarce and vegetation is not producing like it use too. That can only mean one thing: Rapture. I have read that some people say that animals are not even going to be raptured. Well, I come to tell you that that is not even true. Animals are dying by the masses and that means that they are getting raptured and it will not be long for we get raptured as well. Then of course all Hell is going to break loose. We must be ready as far as going vegan. I know that some of you guys are like "Why is it so important to go vegan?"  Well, because the meat is coloned, and humans are being killed during satanic sacrifices and they give their flesh for us to eat posing as animal meat. That is why it is so important to turn towards veggies. Fruits and Veggies and nothing but Fruits and Veggies. I don't want you guys catching all kinds of crazy hormones and have your DNA modified because that can so happen. 

            To be honest, I really wish that I could tell you the date of the rapture but it is not definite at all. Okay? I can't say anything about it but it is imminent, fore rapture is Death of the Flesh, not the Spirit. Staying here on this World of Sin is Death of the Spirit. I'm not trying to fear monger anybody just stating pure fact. That is what Rapture means. Rapture means an Earthly Death. When we pass away in our earthly bodies we then are transformed into our spiritual bodies. In other words, we will live again. Flesh doesn't mean anything, its the Spirit...The Soul... That means so much more than any Fleshy body. I mean can any of you imagine a body that doesn't get old and lives forever along with the Heavenly Father. That sounds a heck of a lot better than just sitting here in this world, getting operated on and sticking microchips in my body and turning me into some cyborg with no brain. If they microchip any of us, there is no such thing as freedom. We do not have any control of our bodies, THEY DO. THEY MEANING THE DEMONS RUNNING THIS WORLD!! They can program anyone to come in and destroy and kill children, women, men and do anything else and we will not have no control of our bodies, and our minds. That's why the call it the Mark of the Beast. 

           I say forget that. I'm trying to get out of here and I know that you are too. We know that all of this is not right. All of this crazy stuff happening. We know that this is not right. So we have to get right with the Heavenly Father so we can ascend out of this world. Rapture is happening right now. It's a process but we will be getting out of here. So hold on guys we are so close. I cannot stress how close rapture time is because its imminent but I can tell you that its close and lets keep our eyes on the prize. 

Remember to:

  • Eat Fruits and Veggies
  • Fast
  • Practice all Virtues
  • Have Respect for the Earthly Mother

Building Relationship with Heavenly Father

  • Go Out in Nature
  • Meditation
  • Be Simple 
  • Be Thankful for Everything

Basically do the right thing. We all know right from wrong so I don't really need to say anything about it. Okay guys, be safe and spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Recap: The Kingdom Within

Hi Everyone,

          This is kinda of a repeat of what I had mentioned in my other blogs so if you guys have already read them then you can just skip over this. This is a post to basically understand what Yashayah said when he mentioned the Kingdom Within. I have scanned over countless Youtube videos about this subject but there was one that was just so off I could not understand what she was saying. So I decided to post this to help those who are like her understand the full meaning of the Kingdom Within. 

         First off, it has nothing to do with the brain. The brain does not give any of us access to the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. It is the Spirit. Mind, Body and Soul in combination within meditation gives us access to the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. Heart or Spirit of Belief in/and Love, Mind in Belief in/and love sending nerve pulses in our bodies to feel Belief in/and Love. The Heavenly Father is all about Love and Feeling. So He searches the hearts of all of us to really know whether we are serious or not. So it is very important that we start having that inner connection with the Heavenly Father. Have Him show you thing and really tell you what He is really about, what He really stand for and not following what all these other doctrines say. Yes, religion has Dogma in it but people fail to understand that the basics of each religion has similar basis in them. They all talk about going vegan, going out into Nature, get connected with the Earth, being humble, giving to others in need and help teach the youth the same ethics. That is what we are suppose to learn. 

        We get very tied up into all the other things. For instance, once we realize the lies that have been spoken to us within the books than we are so quick to turn to the things that the books told us not to get into. In this case, that happens to be the occultism practices.  Here is the thing about that.... IF THERE WAS CORRUPTION IN THE RELIGIOUS BOOKS, I GUARANTEE YOU GUYS THAT 99.9% OF THE OCCULTISM PRACTICES ARE CORRUPTED TOO!! The whole entire world is corrupted. That is why Matthew wrote that getting in to Heaven is a fine and narrow path. Many go into the path of destruction than Heavens Gate. Why is that? Because we are addicted to complexity. To accept something simple is just not in our cups of teas. We have to be have something complex than something simple. Why do we think Yashayah said that it was easy for a poor man to enter into the Kingdom of the Lord? If a poor man has no money, than its easy for him to accept all the little things in life, thanking the Heavenly Father for another day, thanking Him for stability, grounding, and giving him strength to continue another day. This is true gratefulness and not Thanksgiving. Never understood why Thanksgiving was in the Bible in the first place because Thanksgiving makes me think if the holiday Thanksgiving. 

         At any rate, the Kingdom Within basically means inner connection with the Heavenly Father. That personal knit tight relationship between Father and Son or Father and Daughter. In this realm, we are to know how to conduct ourselves, live in unison with the Earthly Mother, respect all of our surroundings, eat nothing but fruits and veggies, be happy with just being simplistic. That is what we all need to know within this realm. As we ascend to higher realms than we will learn a little bit more, and a little bit more and even more each and every time. Right now, our biggest struggle is believing that there even is a Heavenly Father out there. Most of us are addicted to physical and visual perception. "Seeing is believing." Remember that phrase? How many times have we heard this phrase before? We have to see it physically happen in order to believe it. That is why many of us will be fooled because when this Antichrist dude come than we will have visual perception. I'm telling you, he's got some serious supernatural technology for all of us. So we have to stay on guard and stay on our tippy toes so we will not slip. 

           Once you guys do things things, you will feel a whole lot better about yourselves and about the true surroundings around you. You eyes will start opening because you guys have paid the ultimate tithe and that is giving up everything in this world and everything that you learned to obtain enlightenment and to obtain a personal relationship with the Father. We will not obtain enlightenment in a church, nor anywhere else that is physical. Instead, going out and actually making an effort to meet the Heavenly Father half way is more than enough because the Father will do the rest. Meeting Him halfway is not that bad nor as hard as some try to make it be. Okay, fasting is no joke, that may be the hardest thing you guys may ever do but the rest I promise is not as hard as you may think. Just give it a try. The most important thing is going at your own paste and not trying to be like Speed Racer. The Father knows that you are making an effort and He will reveal Himself to you. You don't need to study any magic to get to Him because He will come to you. He knows where you are and He knows how to communicate with you. He will find you. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Heaven Passing Away

Hi Everyone,

"Heaven and Earth shall pass away."  -Matthew 24:35

             I wanted to talk about Heaven passing away. This part of scripture is coming into fluorescent. As we look into space right now we see that there are stars colliding with each other and causing massive cosmic explosions. We see a whole in the Sun, we seen asteroids attack the moon, we seen baby planets die right after they were born, we've seen Jupiter's big red spot shrink and we have seen auroras on Saturn. This is war and mourning through out the entire universe. These are things that we are not really use to seeing. We have also seen multiple black holes come and swallow up stars. We have also seen cosmic bloodbaths take place in space. There is so much that is out there. 

             Right now, Heaven is being judged just like the Earth is being judged. The final resort is either we ascend or we fall into the gigantic gate of destruction. So what is the gigantic gate of destruction? It is what we call today as the Black Hole. There have been multiple cases of black holes already appearing in space and have already gotten rid of some of the stars out there. There will be even more black holes as we get further and further out off the solar system. This is how we can see the Heavens in the process of passing away. 

             Each planet has a job to do, each star, each, meteor, each dwarf planet, and each asteroid. They all have a job to do and they are all being called by the Heavenly Father to carry out those plans. We have been brainwashed to think that only we are the only important thing in the universe and everything else comes first. We have been sucked into the Egotistical Movement, but if we all sit down and view the world and actually see the movements of the Earth and to see how everyone and everything works together, we can see the Path of Unity. If one dies then it can effect the whole entire universe. Why? Because we all are extended family. One Love, One Brotherhood and One Sisterhood. This is the way the Heavenly Father has made it to be. Yet now, we see nothing but wars on top of wars. Both above and below. Fights everywhere. There is no more unison and I'm afraid that we have passed that point now because this way of thinking and the systematic brainwashing as either programmed or tried to program us into thinking that we can survive in this world by ourselves, well if that was the case than i guess it would be just one person per planet.

             We have stopped caring for one another and thanks to the beast system that we have we will always struggle to see the fact that Unity is the key towards making things better out here in the world. The Heavenly Father has grown tired of waiting for us to realize that fact and make the change. So that is why He is breaking all of this down towards the last compound. There is so much corruption here on Earth and there is much war going on in Heaven right now as we speak. So it is time for us to start getting our minds towards the right path of spirituality and get raptured up. I will say it again. There is a rapture. There are too many ancient text that describes this event for it not to be taken seriously. Trust me guys, you do not want to see a huge catastrophic galactic war coming here. We as mortals have no chance in surviving this. At all. So please guys, lets start getting right with the Heavenly Father why there is still time left. Okay Guys? Alright, be safe and spread the love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 
May Peace Be With You.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Elders in Revelation

Hi Everyone,

             I gave this some thought about the Elders in Revelation. There are lots of debates on who the Elders really are. So I wanted to put my own little two cents about who I think the Elders are. Okay. First off, I read many text some off and some in the Bible. I ran across the Essene Book of Revelation and the first thing that I saw was the huge number difference. The Revelation in the Bible said that there are 24 Elders that reside, but in the Essene Book of Revelation, I find that there are 13 Elders that reside. So which one is it? Is it 24 Elders or is there 13 Elders? Hmm....

             After giving it some thought, I find myself after reading both books over and over again, that I was leaning more towards the 13 Elders than I did the 24 Elders. I am the type of person that goes with my gut on a lot of things. After doing more research and reading ancient prophecy, I started to notice that the 13 Elders seem to make more sense. In one of the lost books, Yashayah the Christ said to the twelve disciples that they can help him judge during judgement day. So what does that mean? I, then noticed that the twelve plus Yashayah equals a total of 13. I found this to be interesting. Also there is another something that caught my attention. I looked into the Mayan prophecies again with a family member and the scholars made an interesting point. When talking about the stars in space, we find that there is actually a total of 13 constellations in space. One however is hidden so it is not counted. Making it look like there is 12 constellations. 

       I sat down and pondered that thought.  There is more evidence than I thought. So after looking into these things and especially the Mayan Prophecy. I see that there are:

  • 13 zodiac constellations. 
  • 4 Heavenly Creatures
  • Two divine crosses : One cross for longitude and latitude of the solar system (which is a foundation our solar system is structured under) and another cross for the connection of the four Heavenly creatures.
  • This makes eight like the eight pointed star that is suppose to represent the Melchizedek Order or what I like to call the House of M. 
  • That's not all the cross makes. It also makes a symbolism of the Tarot Card Wheel of Fortune, which represents things like destiny and life cycles. The Wheel of Fortune was also mentioned in the Bible in Ezekiel. The total of 26,000 year earth cycle. Total number of 8, again.
" As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle."  -Ezekiel 1:10

  • I looked at the top of the tarot card and noticed the roman numeral 10. so I looked at the meaning of the number 10 in the Bible. The number 10 means the number of perfection and completion of the Heavenly Father's divine order.
    • The number 10 in numerology also talks about new cycles. Also representing the Tree of Life, numerically. Representing wholeness and unity. 

           So to summarize all of that. I think that the 13 constellations in the Heavens are the 13 Elders in the Essene book of Revelation. I think that the 13 Elders are in conjunction with the Cosmic Priest Order of Melchizedek. I think that the number 24 was imputed by the Vatican and means something totally different. What? I have no idea. Just my two cents about it. Alright guys, Be safe and don't forget to spread the love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Antichrist: The Dark Messiah

Hi Everyone,

           This is going to be a short blog. I'm sure you guys already know what the deal is about the upcoming Antichrist. Just a refresher of what the deal is with this guy. Okay, the Antichrist is basically the vessel that will contain Satan's spirit. I know you guys are like I already know this, but its a good starting point for this blog. We have three different Antichrists here. The crazy part about it is some of the Antichrists are depicted as the savior in some religions, only because the Vatican are in control of the religious front of what religious texts gets published and what stays hidden in the dark. Because there is a dual world here on Earth, we will have two different types of Messiahs. A Light Messiah, Yashayah, in which everyone knows about his teachings and try their best to follow them and a Dark Messiah, Satan, that comes and deceives the world into thinking he is the savior. Lots of people are going to be fooled because its going to be some supernatural stuff that's going to happen and he's basically going to lie his way to the top. (Which is not going to be that hard because he has already fooled like 85% of the population already.)

             As we speak, he is currently in route and it will be very soon when he gets here. Satan's spirit has been here since the beginning and wrecking a lot of havoc, but for him to physically be here is going to be another story. Even some of the people who are doing a lot of dark stuff and think that they are cool with this are even going to think twice when he comes out in the open. This is his world after all. So he is going to come for what he claims to be his. That is why I say that the body of Earth is going to physically transform into Hell. The Dark Messiah is going to come and "save" his people. (Yes, Satan made some people too. I'll explain that later in another blog.) He is also going to have an attitude like a militant/dictator. Talk about peace, love, and tranquility while blowing people up and marking people all at the same time. This will be a crucial moment. In a vision, I saw an underground city and in it there was a vessel of a human that was being made for this particular event. I was totally floored by it. So it will not be long before this major event jumps off. So guys be safe, keep watch, and continue to share the love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Open The Matrix: WW3 Final Showdown

Hi Everyone,

            I wanted to briefly talk about WW3 that's coming up very soon. Since the systematic governmental structures are breaking down all over the world and especially in America, a war must start. Wars are generally made to keep people in the matrix. Every time people start getting an awakening we notice that the powers that be have to create some kind of war to keep the matrix alive. Today, we see this already setting up. Notice on the so-called news we have the opening of the 9/11 memorial in addition to the missing Malaysian plane and also missing nuclear warheads of the coast of Texas, if memory serves me right. Do you guys see the connection that I am trying to make here? It seems to me that we are going to have something similar to the 9/11 event. That may be what FEMA Region III is all about. I don't know, but they are preparing for something over there. 

             And you can bet your socks off that its going to happen really soon. Also, because there is no chaos being done on earth and we as people are starting to live together in unison, they powers that be HATES it!! Oh man, they really REALLY hate it. So they have to start all kinds of stuff to have us divided. Why do you think there are so many racists comments towards African-Americans and other minorities. Tensions from all these world countries. Ashkenazi Jews against the Christian population. Come on people. It's happening right now all from up under our noses. They have to show their hand because they know that this is it for them. For these evil bastards, its a do or die situation. Also, Satan gets his energy from chaos and blood. There has to be killing going on towards some degree so he can get his energy. Fear is also a huge plus because he feeds off of it. 

"Okay Indo, I get the point. Why is this important?" 

             Well, I bring this up because he is trying to hurry up and set up his new Matrix. Remember Exodus 13:12, where it says: 

"That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix..."   -Exodus  13:12

             Notice that I have highlighted the Lord in red. In my previous post I said that there are two entities in the Bible. The Heavenly Father and Satan. Satan calls himself God too. That is why Yashayah said when saying the Lords prayer, "Our Father, which art in Heaven." Crazy but it is the truth. I wouldn't have said so if it wasn't.

              We are in the process now of a cover up. Another matrix to fall on the people. This one is a special one because this is the main even that Satan's been planning for 5,000+ years. This main event right here. That's why there is so much crazy demonic crap on TV and in entertainment because he is in the midst of trying to brainwash us to accept all his demented ways. That is why entertainment was created in the first place to brainwash. Well, technically everything society has to offer is made to brainwash but entertainment is No. 1 because it grabs peoples attention the most. People don't want to look at something too boring, they want to have fun. Entertainment is the best way to trap people. Okay back to the matrix, this has been planned since he got kicked out of Heaven. Once the war starts, the are going to kill as many as they can (helps with the Agenda 21 depopulation plan), scrap the old system (at least what's left of it), kill the "president" and put the whole entire country in chaos. Then BAM, just like that a new matrix is born. 

           Matrices are born from trauma, fear, chaos and confusion. When being hurled in a situation like that, people want the horror to stop. Not live festive in it and this is where the grand set up comes. The False peace. It is so cleverly planned that its going to literally deceive the whole world. So I tell you this to keep you guard up. Stay steadfast in prayer. Keep close relationship with the Heavenly Father at all times. Do not stop, we have too many demons up on the surface right now, lurking and watching. Be safe guys and spread the love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You Always. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hell and the Underworld

Hi Everyone,

       I pretty sure that everyone has an idea of what Hell is. So I don't have to say too much about it. However, sadly to say this but we are in what we call Hell. Earth turned in to Hell since Satan got here. This beast is an illusionist so it makes it seem like we are not in Hell but in actuality we are. World Wide Enslavement and repetitious work and working for free is all signs of Hell. I mean lets sit back and think for a moment. I know that I have to work my regular 9 to 5 job to stay in a decent home, eat, enjoy some worldly entertainment like going to the movies or go to an amusement park with my friends. Sounds like a great deal, but when I actually thought about a little deeper and I was like "wait, why am I paying Uncle Sam to stay at a spot that he doesn't even own? That doesn't make any sense. The land was already there before any nation was thought about. Since when did he have to make up the rules of where I stay and how I should stay there. I mean is that even logical? The Heavenly Father laid down this land for everyone to live on not a government. If that is the case, go in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and make some land appear off the shores of Honolulu, so the Hawaiians can have some more land besides what they have now. Make yourself useful. Oh wait, I forgot, you can't, because you are not a god... bummer isn't it? Well, since Uncle Sam is not the boss of the land, I think we should be able to live like we choose anyway. Just my opinion and that goes for all around the world not just Bossy America. 

         Anyways back to what I was saying, we are working and dying over some fake money that has no value what so ever. I mean whats the difference between the US dollar that some money architect made against a piece of construction paper that a kindergartner made that just say 1 dollar. What is the difference? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! It's the truth guys. So when the news talk about oh... we are in so much debt... oh the troubles of this country.... oh... I mean really? In actuality there is NO SUCH THING AS DEBT!! Why? Because the money at even real enough to go in debt WITH! This frustrates me because they put a mental enslavement bondage on everyone all around the frigging world. I mean the whole entire world is doing it. Everyone on this Earth has to go by it or starve to death. Why? When the food was made to be free in the first place. See the game that they play, people? This is ridiculous. This is why I say, this is Hell. Spiritual and Mental Hell!! 

But this is not the be all, say all and end all right here, guys. This is going to turn physically into Hell. 

       That's why we keep hearing climate change. They know what's coming. Talks about wars and microchips and bio-metrics and all this crazy stuff. Having us walk around like Cyborg, Bionic Woman, and Iron man. I mean who in their right state of mind is going to have some electric piece go inside of them and jack up their frequencies and have us even more messed up than the chem-trails they dump on us now. That's why there is so much problems going on with the brain. This stuff is deep, but I'm going to get even deeper than this. Meanwhile while the governments are plotting to kick off WW3 like they do every war, Some of you may want to disagree with me about what I say but they say it themselves in Captain America: Winter Solder. There whole life story is broken down to us in a quick minute. The Earth is going further and further out... IN THE HOLE!! That is the underworld. 

         The truth. The Heavenly Father revealed it to my dad and he told me about it. The Underworld is literally the Black Hole in space. NASA periodically talks about this but with no further detail. They even try to lie to us about the Milky Way is shown every year. Really How come only one part of the frigging world can see it? I haven't had the pleasure of seeing the Milky Way and apparently no one would take pictures of it if it was seen "every year". Then there is a Black Hole like right there in the rift of the Milky Way and Saturn traveled around the Milky Way just a few days ago. Come on. If that was the case guys, NASA wouldn't be trying to planet hop and have us like that Elysium movie. (Don't worry though guys, its not going to happen. It was predicted by the Muslims that they would try to planet hop but the Heavenly Father would stop it.)

        Whew... that was a load of info... but that is the truth. The Body of Earth is going into the black hole just like our solar system. This is why the Bible says:

"Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth', for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away."  -Revelation 21:1

Saturn: Turning Tables

Hi Everyone,

         I wanted to talk about Saturn quickly. Just to put this out here I wanted to go ahead and say that I'm kind of an esoteric junkie and with that said, in an esoteric stand point planets have influential forces on us. That is extremely legit. It is the truth. The reason why I am covering Saturn this go round is because it is presented as the Planet of Karma. On May 10, Saturn was at its closest. Last night I was able to see it next to the moon with the rings and all. Tonight, the moon will occult or hide Saturn. However, the closer a planet gets towards the Earth, the more effects we are going to feel. Saturn is also a structural planet. It can build new structures and tear down others. These are the influences that was given to Saturn by the Heavenly Father. I don't see any of the planets as demonic, its just that if you have a whole bunch of fools preforming ritual sacrifices and all that mess every time a planet gets close to Earth, it does make it seem that way. It's really not the planets fault that we have nuts that go out and try to make sacrifices towards it and call themselves worshiping it. Just like its not any of the apostles fault if someone wanted to build and alter toward them and pray to them either. It's the people. They know what is right and they know what is wrong. They know that they are suppose to pray to the Heavenly Father. Which brings me to this revelation right here:

        I'm pretty sure everyone knows about the Illuminati and all of their stuff. I mean we are bombarded with their subliminal messages all the time. What they do is perform rituals towards certain planets and try to manipulate the spirit of the planet for their own personal gain. Now, an angel came up to me and told me that the spirit of Saturn is tired of being manipulated and is now going to turn on the Illuminati. This will lead towards a tear down of systematic structures. YET, the Illuminati is going to cover it by installing their so-called "NWO" right? But how long will that last? Not long. When the Heavenly Father says that is enough, then that is enough. They are not going to keep this going at all.

          As for Satan, he is going to get a piece of this Karmic action himself. Everything that he called himself doing is going to bite him in the ass. Which will then cause him to pop out of the water, mad as hell. Not going to do him much good though, his fate is written right there in the Bible. We all know what happens to him in the end. Hmm.. No wonder why he's telling his whole life story on TV. Can't wait til he is gone for good. At any rate, this is just the beginning the tribulation or as some like to call it the transitional period. Where the Heavenly Father tears down all of the evil systems of the worldly governments, kick all of the bad guys out and we live in peace and harmony forever and don't have to worry about anymore evil ever. No more suffering and no more 9 to 5 jobs. No more enslavement of people. That sounds sweet doesn't it? Be safe guys and continue to share the love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pluto and Kuiper Belt

Hi Everyone,

          As I was meditating one day an angel came up to me and told me that we were out of place. That we were in the outer domain. I knew that this angel came from Pluto. ( All plants have beings living on them, not just us.)  The angel told me intriguing news, not good news but serious news. The Earth is actually drifting further and further away from where she was and now she is really a dwarf planet herself. Of course, scientists will debunk this information and claim that I am a lunatic but I find it mighty interesting that there is so much talk about Pluto. to the point where they can send a shuttle, ship or whatever they are sending to Pluto and have it be observed. How can they do that? I thought Pluto was miles and miles away from Earth. Why keep messing with Pluto. It's suppose to be a dwarf planet right? Why explore it? 

           Well, that is because we are way closer to Pluto than the scientist want to own up to. Why are we seeing so many meteor showers? Why are there so many reports of close calls from NASA about an asteroid coming just a few meters from hitting the earth? Why are there so many fireballs being reported? All of these questions go unanswered and avoided but should be questioned and forced on officials. They know the answer but not going to tell you what it is... at least not directly. So here is the answer. We are currently traveling through the Kuiper Belt. 

      Yep, the last belt of asteroids in our solar system. That is why we see lots of dwarf planets and hearing about the outer planets or better yet why these outer planets seem to come so close to Earth. We ended up out of our place. Simply due to disobedience and unbelief. Now, thousands of years ago, the Ancient Mayans predicted that this was going to happen. Since this cycle is going to end, we will see destruction at its finest, because everything that ended the previous cycle will all come into one to end this one. The elite knew this so they decided to switch the dates on us and have us confused so when we see that nothing has happened we can then go on towards our daily lives and not think twice about the changes that are about to take place. 

      So the real question is:      What now?

        Well, I say its best to start getting right with the Heavenly Father and repent of the sins. Start getting back into doing the right things and get rid of all of the old big bag of sorrows and start living the right way. The earth is on her way out of here. Her spirit is living her physical form each and everyday. I don't even fill the deepness of her spirit anymore. It's extremely light and hardly no gentleness is found in her. All that is left is the simple fact of sickness. It will not be long before she passes away and take flight to the next dimension. What I tell you is as real as it gets. It's not going to get anymore realistic than this. So please guys keep this in mind and in consideration as the days continue. Keep the Heavenly Father first. If you doubt what I tell you then please go and ask Him to confirm this information that I told you. He will confirm everything if you just ask Him. Alright guys, be safe. Love Everyone. :)

May Abba Be With You Always. 
May Peace Be With You. 


Monday, May 12, 2014

Climate Change or Solar System Gone Rouge? Hmmm....

Hi Everyone,

            Again, I am sorry for not really getting back on the scene like I should have I have been looking inside of myself and communicating with the Heavenly Father and he has shown me much details about what is going on. Most of it is doom and gloom because of how humanity has been towards the earth. Now we must be honest with ourselves. We have not been treating our Earthly Mother right at all for the past several eons. Now all of this is going to bite us in the rear. Due to greed and lust of power, our world governments have went crazy and is destroying everything that the Heavenly Father, has put on Earth to keep us healthy and have longevity. That is part of why we are getting what we are getting. The other part is the fact that Earth has been knocked off her axis and is moving elsewhere. 


           Because of this we are experiencing a lot of abnormal activity. Right? Right. Unfortunately, it is going to get even worse, because now the earth is rocking and she is rocking right out of her place just like the other planets that are orbiting with her and around her. More storms are going to be kicking off and more blasts are going to be fired from the storm this year and its going to keep turning up and up and up and up. This is something that society cannot wish away and think that eventually everything is going to go back to normal. No way. Even in Matthew, he stated that this is the beginning of sorrows. 

         Now do I think that all of it is climate change? No. It is something much more deeper than that. The whole entire solar system is not even in the same place it was before. If we were to go outside right now and look towards the sky, you will see that the once vivid blue sky is no more but it is more of a grayish-teal looking sky. Not the way I have once remembered it. Also we will see that the Sun and the Moon are at war. Yes, they are fighting in the midst of our day. Yashayah the Christ has stated this a lost book that the Sun and the Moon will be fighting each other. This is going on right now. When you look up you will see the Sun and a few miles either to the left or the right depending on your location at that point you will see the Moon. Of course they are trying to chem-trail it to death but at the end of the day you can still see it. This is not normal at all. There are many signs that are popping up right about now and what does society do when things are going belly up and they don't want people to question it?


          They know what the deal is but they want people to get so distracted with all of this crazy mess on TV and fancy the public with their little toys so we won't see what time it is or have a fighting chance to get right with the Heavenly Father. I tell you this life is a major test and the world that we live in is a huge monopoly game. When the pole shifts completely, will we even get a chance to see what the world would look like after she flips? 

            My answer is no. We will not. Millions of people will die during this cataclysm. The great earthquake that was predicted in the Bible will be so strong that the people who decide to go underground will not be able to survive because the crust of the earth is going to fall on them. Did it not state that no flesh will survive in the Bible? I mean, yes this is the future map of the world but by the way things are looking I highly doubt humanity will live on to see this future map come into florescent. I think we might see some of it happen but not the whole thing. That is for certain. 

Cardinal Cross Awakening

Hi Everyone,


         I wanted to briefly talk about the cardinal cross and how it will help us in the near future. I would have talked about this earlier but I feel ill for a moment and got side-tracked with the things that's were going on in society. However, that is not all that important what is important is talking about this Cardinal Cross. Well just days before the True Hebrew Year, I noticed that this Cardinal Cross will help us even more with awakening and help us see the world in which we live in, in true HD living color. Society will be stripped as we know it so we're going to buckle up because its going to be a bumpy ride. 

        This cross is a true gift from the Heavenly Father and it is refreshing to know that this whole system is going to be exposed and going down all in one swoop. These demonic governments know this and they find it to be the perfect opportunity to set up their "NWO" on us which is really full prime time enslavement with no illusions attached. Why? Because at that time we will know everything and all of their cheap tricks. 

         This Cardinal Cross is important because this is the Heavenly Father bringing in this energy for us to be in tune towards what is going on and be able to ascend to heaven once we know the truth. However, because everyone is different due to what is in their natal chart and things, some will excel towards getting information from the Father than others. Some will awaken faster than others. It is really getting close towards rapture time. I know that there are some of you guys that are like, "Oh, yeah sure the rapture will happen soon. You have been saying that for like months and nothing has happened." I have a two words that will answer to that, "We'll See."  In the mean time, buckle up because I have much to tell after being away for so long. I kind of went into the shadows to book keep on a few things and meditate on other things. Speaking of meditation, now would be a perfect time to start doing that. Even though the Cardinal Cross happened like a few weeks ago, it is still relevant to do these things. Catch this energy that is flowing through the planet right now. 

           If you have not returned to the Heavenly Father, then I strongly suggest that you do so, because things are starting to get really crucial in the skies. There is a lot of distress in space happening right now as we speak and I going to tell you guys about it as the days go by. So buckle up guys, because its going to be a roller coaster. Be safe and I love you guys. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

moon cycle