Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Recap: The Kingdom Within

Hi Everyone,

          This is kinda of a repeat of what I had mentioned in my other blogs so if you guys have already read them then you can just skip over this. This is a post to basically understand what Yashayah said when he mentioned the Kingdom Within. I have scanned over countless Youtube videos about this subject but there was one that was just so off I could not understand what she was saying. So I decided to post this to help those who are like her understand the full meaning of the Kingdom Within. 

         First off, it has nothing to do with the brain. The brain does not give any of us access to the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. It is the Spirit. Mind, Body and Soul in combination within meditation gives us access to the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. Heart or Spirit of Belief in/and Love, Mind in Belief in/and love sending nerve pulses in our bodies to feel Belief in/and Love. The Heavenly Father is all about Love and Feeling. So He searches the hearts of all of us to really know whether we are serious or not. So it is very important that we start having that inner connection with the Heavenly Father. Have Him show you thing and really tell you what He is really about, what He really stand for and not following what all these other doctrines say. Yes, religion has Dogma in it but people fail to understand that the basics of each religion has similar basis in them. They all talk about going vegan, going out into Nature, get connected with the Earth, being humble, giving to others in need and help teach the youth the same ethics. That is what we are suppose to learn. 

        We get very tied up into all the other things. For instance, once we realize the lies that have been spoken to us within the books than we are so quick to turn to the things that the books told us not to get into. In this case, that happens to be the occultism practices.  Here is the thing about that.... IF THERE WAS CORRUPTION IN THE RELIGIOUS BOOKS, I GUARANTEE YOU GUYS THAT 99.9% OF THE OCCULTISM PRACTICES ARE CORRUPTED TOO!! The whole entire world is corrupted. That is why Matthew wrote that getting in to Heaven is a fine and narrow path. Many go into the path of destruction than Heavens Gate. Why is that? Because we are addicted to complexity. To accept something simple is just not in our cups of teas. We have to be have something complex than something simple. Why do we think Yashayah said that it was easy for a poor man to enter into the Kingdom of the Lord? If a poor man has no money, than its easy for him to accept all the little things in life, thanking the Heavenly Father for another day, thanking Him for stability, grounding, and giving him strength to continue another day. This is true gratefulness and not Thanksgiving. Never understood why Thanksgiving was in the Bible in the first place because Thanksgiving makes me think if the holiday Thanksgiving. 

         At any rate, the Kingdom Within basically means inner connection with the Heavenly Father. That personal knit tight relationship between Father and Son or Father and Daughter. In this realm, we are to know how to conduct ourselves, live in unison with the Earthly Mother, respect all of our surroundings, eat nothing but fruits and veggies, be happy with just being simplistic. That is what we all need to know within this realm. As we ascend to higher realms than we will learn a little bit more, and a little bit more and even more each and every time. Right now, our biggest struggle is believing that there even is a Heavenly Father out there. Most of us are addicted to physical and visual perception. "Seeing is believing." Remember that phrase? How many times have we heard this phrase before? We have to see it physically happen in order to believe it. That is why many of us will be fooled because when this Antichrist dude come than we will have visual perception. I'm telling you, he's got some serious supernatural technology for all of us. So we have to stay on guard and stay on our tippy toes so we will not slip. 

           Once you guys do things things, you will feel a whole lot better about yourselves and about the true surroundings around you. You eyes will start opening because you guys have paid the ultimate tithe and that is giving up everything in this world and everything that you learned to obtain enlightenment and to obtain a personal relationship with the Father. We will not obtain enlightenment in a church, nor anywhere else that is physical. Instead, going out and actually making an effort to meet the Heavenly Father half way is more than enough because the Father will do the rest. Meeting Him halfway is not that bad nor as hard as some try to make it be. Okay, fasting is no joke, that may be the hardest thing you guys may ever do but the rest I promise is not as hard as you may think. Just give it a try. The most important thing is going at your own paste and not trying to be like Speed Racer. The Father knows that you are making an effort and He will reveal Himself to you. You don't need to study any magic to get to Him because He will come to you. He knows where you are and He knows how to communicate with you. He will find you. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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