Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Saturn: Turning Tables

Hi Everyone,

         I wanted to talk about Saturn quickly. Just to put this out here I wanted to go ahead and say that I'm kind of an esoteric junkie and with that said, in an esoteric stand point planets have influential forces on us. That is extremely legit. It is the truth. The reason why I am covering Saturn this go round is because it is presented as the Planet of Karma. On May 10, Saturn was at its closest. Last night I was able to see it next to the moon with the rings and all. Tonight, the moon will occult or hide Saturn. However, the closer a planet gets towards the Earth, the more effects we are going to feel. Saturn is also a structural planet. It can build new structures and tear down others. These are the influences that was given to Saturn by the Heavenly Father. I don't see any of the planets as demonic, its just that if you have a whole bunch of fools preforming ritual sacrifices and all that mess every time a planet gets close to Earth, it does make it seem that way. It's really not the planets fault that we have nuts that go out and try to make sacrifices towards it and call themselves worshiping it. Just like its not any of the apostles fault if someone wanted to build and alter toward them and pray to them either. It's the people. They know what is right and they know what is wrong. They know that they are suppose to pray to the Heavenly Father. Which brings me to this revelation right here:

        I'm pretty sure everyone knows about the Illuminati and all of their stuff. I mean we are bombarded with their subliminal messages all the time. What they do is perform rituals towards certain planets and try to manipulate the spirit of the planet for their own personal gain. Now, an angel came up to me and told me that the spirit of Saturn is tired of being manipulated and is now going to turn on the Illuminati. This will lead towards a tear down of systematic structures. YET, the Illuminati is going to cover it by installing their so-called "NWO" right? But how long will that last? Not long. When the Heavenly Father says that is enough, then that is enough. They are not going to keep this going at all.

          As for Satan, he is going to get a piece of this Karmic action himself. Everything that he called himself doing is going to bite him in the ass. Which will then cause him to pop out of the water, mad as hell. Not going to do him much good though, his fate is written right there in the Bible. We all know what happens to him in the end. Hmm.. No wonder why he's telling his whole life story on TV. Can't wait til he is gone for good. At any rate, this is just the beginning the tribulation or as some like to call it the transitional period. Where the Heavenly Father tears down all of the evil systems of the worldly governments, kick all of the bad guys out and we live in peace and harmony forever and don't have to worry about anymore evil ever. No more suffering and no more 9 to 5 jobs. No more enslavement of people. That sounds sweet doesn't it? Be safe guys and continue to share the love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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