Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Wheat and Tares Separation: Past Regression

Hi Everyone,

           Today I am going to talk about the Wheat and Tare Parable. This process has been going on for quite sometime. In fact, the Wheat and Tare process happens before and after the rapture for those who are not quite ready. First there is a mass awakening. Protests against the governments are happening worldwide. There are many people who do not agree with what their governments are doing and they want change. Why is this happening all of a sudden? What is with such a huge mass of protests that is happening everywhere? This is due to the Heavenly Father putting within their spirits of His Coming. This era of darkness, confusion, and mass manipulation is over. So what does this have to do with the Wheat and the Tare Parable? Simple. 

           Then Wheat in this picture above is perfectly aligned and is extremely healthy. This is a perfect example of a person who has a strong relationship with the Heavenly Father. They give thanks to Him for everything He has done and they honor everything that He asks for. A wheat has no doubt that they are going within the right direction. So what does this have to do with people and protests? People with good hearts know that what the governments are doing is wrong and they can spot corruption. The awakening process within them is actually making them look at things in another light. They begin to understand that the Heavenly Father did not intend for them to live like slaves and that He made everything for us free of charge. They start giving and serving others and they start finding their way towards enlightenment (which is really short for pathway to the Heavenly Father.) Most importantly they begin to relate towards every living thing that is in the world. They view animals, trees, ponds, sea animals and every living aspect as a soul and not as some living thing that is beneath them. That is a Wheat. 

             A Tare in this picture above is growing all over the place. One minute its growing to the left then the right and then the left again. This is a perfect example of one without belief and one who pretty much wants to be their own boss and make up their own rules despite the moral code that is embedded in all of us. They love doing bad things and think that there is no consequence in their actions. This is one that is so in love with all the worldly things that they rather die than to give it up. They don't think that the world is going to end, and they have no regards to the natural laws that is set in the Universe. These are also the ones that don't take a moment to stop and think about things and rather follow whatever the government says because they know best. These are the ones that do not put their trust in the Heavenly Father and as a result of that... They perish. That is a Tare. 

       Okay Indo, where are you going with this and what does this have to due with past regression?

       I bring this up because we are now moving into mass separation of people. People that you have never expect to be a tare ends up being a tare. The Heavenly Father is now stripping the veil off of everything. Peoples true nature will be revealed. The cosmic energies of the Heavenly Father will no longer cover or turn a blind eye towards corruption ever again. Right now, we have 2 categories according to duality: Good and Evil. Since the magnetic sphere of Earth is weak and gives no more strong protection the radiation of the galaxy plays a huge part of peoples minds. This radiation is airborne. It creeps into the peoples minds and brings out everything that was hidden in the dark. If that makes sense. I hope it does. I'm trying no to lose anyone trying to explain this but it must be talked about. 

          The meteor storms and solar storms play a role in this. Have any of us ever wondered why people are becoming slower and slower to get things? Hard to finish a sentence? Forgetting things easily? Or all of a sudden doing something crazy that they have never done before? Now, I'm not at all blaming radiation from the Heavens at all for it is good radiation for we need radiation from the Sun to be energized. 

Who do I blame for this? 

          Chem-trails and man-made radiation. Because that stuff is made to kill not to preserve live whatsoever. The chem-trails are suppose to make the world cool due to the heat that the Earth is packing. However, doing this is actually becoming a hazard towards us who live on Earth because that crap sprinkles on our heads and can cause fungus and can also take out our hair. Not only does it hurt us by direct contact and its airborne chemicals, its also tearing up the Ozone Layer that protects from space radiation as well. Yes, solar radiation is good but have we ever heard of the saying "Too much of a good thing can be bad?" Well without the Magnetic Field and the Ozone Layer than we are in for a not so good treat. This is why people has been acting strangely and it is the grace of the Heavenly Father that we have not fully gone to the dogs. 

What are we in for if the masses of the people keep getting effected with radiation over time? Well guys, get ready for WWZ.

         Lets think about this. A radiated planet, with no food and no water. People will lose their humanity due to the radiation and will slowly turn to their animal like state. That is basically what a zombie is. A human animal that is malnutritioned. They are not going to know their names, how to drive, how to eat properly, how to work, how to take care of themselves, how to talk and nothing else dealing with civilization. The only thing that they will have on their minds is their savage nature of survival. This is all happening right now. This is the start of it, pretty soon we are going to be hearing at lot of cannibalistic attacks and cannibalism on the news, if we have media by that time. Come on guys, people are slowly forgetting and drifting away. Please build a titanium strong relationship with the Heavenly Father. Alright guys, be safe and spread the love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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