Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Cardinal Cross Awakening

Hi Everyone,


         I wanted to briefly talk about the cardinal cross and how it will help us in the near future. I would have talked about this earlier but I feel ill for a moment and got side-tracked with the things that's were going on in society. However, that is not all that important what is important is talking about this Cardinal Cross. Well just days before the True Hebrew Year, I noticed that this Cardinal Cross will help us even more with awakening and help us see the world in which we live in, in true HD living color. Society will be stripped as we know it so we're going to buckle up because its going to be a bumpy ride. 

        This cross is a true gift from the Heavenly Father and it is refreshing to know that this whole system is going to be exposed and going down all in one swoop. These demonic governments know this and they find it to be the perfect opportunity to set up their "NWO" on us which is really full prime time enslavement with no illusions attached. Why? Because at that time we will know everything and all of their cheap tricks. 

         This Cardinal Cross is important because this is the Heavenly Father bringing in this energy for us to be in tune towards what is going on and be able to ascend to heaven once we know the truth. However, because everyone is different due to what is in their natal chart and things, some will excel towards getting information from the Father than others. Some will awaken faster than others. It is really getting close towards rapture time. I know that there are some of you guys that are like, "Oh, yeah sure the rapture will happen soon. You have been saying that for like months and nothing has happened." I have a two words that will answer to that, "We'll See."  In the mean time, buckle up because I have much to tell after being away for so long. I kind of went into the shadows to book keep on a few things and meditate on other things. Speaking of meditation, now would be a perfect time to start doing that. Even though the Cardinal Cross happened like a few weeks ago, it is still relevant to do these things. Catch this energy that is flowing through the planet right now. 

           If you have not returned to the Heavenly Father, then I strongly suggest that you do so, because things are starting to get really crucial in the skies. There is a lot of distress in space happening right now as we speak and I going to tell you guys about it as the days go by. So buckle up guys, because its going to be a roller coaster. Be safe and I love you guys. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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