Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hell and the Underworld

Hi Everyone,

       I pretty sure that everyone has an idea of what Hell is. So I don't have to say too much about it. However, sadly to say this but we are in what we call Hell. Earth turned in to Hell since Satan got here. This beast is an illusionist so it makes it seem like we are not in Hell but in actuality we are. World Wide Enslavement and repetitious work and working for free is all signs of Hell. I mean lets sit back and think for a moment. I know that I have to work my regular 9 to 5 job to stay in a decent home, eat, enjoy some worldly entertainment like going to the movies or go to an amusement park with my friends. Sounds like a great deal, but when I actually thought about a little deeper and I was like "wait, why am I paying Uncle Sam to stay at a spot that he doesn't even own? That doesn't make any sense. The land was already there before any nation was thought about. Since when did he have to make up the rules of where I stay and how I should stay there. I mean is that even logical? The Heavenly Father laid down this land for everyone to live on not a government. If that is the case, go in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and make some land appear off the shores of Honolulu, so the Hawaiians can have some more land besides what they have now. Make yourself useful. Oh wait, I forgot, you can't, because you are not a god... bummer isn't it? Well, since Uncle Sam is not the boss of the land, I think we should be able to live like we choose anyway. Just my opinion and that goes for all around the world not just Bossy America. 

         Anyways back to what I was saying, we are working and dying over some fake money that has no value what so ever. I mean whats the difference between the US dollar that some money architect made against a piece of construction paper that a kindergartner made that just say 1 dollar. What is the difference? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! It's the truth guys. So when the news talk about oh... we are in so much debt... oh the troubles of this country.... oh... I mean really? In actuality there is NO SUCH THING AS DEBT!! Why? Because the money at even real enough to go in debt WITH! This frustrates me because they put a mental enslavement bondage on everyone all around the frigging world. I mean the whole entire world is doing it. Everyone on this Earth has to go by it or starve to death. Why? When the food was made to be free in the first place. See the game that they play, people? This is ridiculous. This is why I say, this is Hell. Spiritual and Mental Hell!! 

But this is not the be all, say all and end all right here, guys. This is going to turn physically into Hell. 

       That's why we keep hearing climate change. They know what's coming. Talks about wars and microchips and bio-metrics and all this crazy stuff. Having us walk around like Cyborg, Bionic Woman, and Iron man. I mean who in their right state of mind is going to have some electric piece go inside of them and jack up their frequencies and have us even more messed up than the chem-trails they dump on us now. That's why there is so much problems going on with the brain. This stuff is deep, but I'm going to get even deeper than this. Meanwhile while the governments are plotting to kick off WW3 like they do every war, Some of you may want to disagree with me about what I say but they say it themselves in Captain America: Winter Solder. There whole life story is broken down to us in a quick minute. The Earth is going further and further out... IN THE HOLE!! That is the underworld. 

         The truth. The Heavenly Father revealed it to my dad and he told me about it. The Underworld is literally the Black Hole in space. NASA periodically talks about this but with no further detail. They even try to lie to us about the Milky Way is shown every year. Really How come only one part of the frigging world can see it? I haven't had the pleasure of seeing the Milky Way and apparently no one would take pictures of it if it was seen "every year". Then there is a Black Hole like right there in the rift of the Milky Way and Saturn traveled around the Milky Way just a few days ago. Come on. If that was the case guys, NASA wouldn't be trying to planet hop and have us like that Elysium movie. (Don't worry though guys, its not going to happen. It was predicted by the Muslims that they would try to planet hop but the Heavenly Father would stop it.)

        Whew... that was a load of info... but that is the truth. The Body of Earth is going into the black hole just like our solar system. This is why the Bible says:

"Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth', for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away."  -Revelation 21:1

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