Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rapture Is Happening Now

Hi Everyone,

           Well, I hope that I can get as much information as I can out. I want to be able to wrap all of this up before the magnetic sphere goes completely out and we have no internet. Today's focus is the Rapture again. If we look around each other, you will start to notice that we have animals dying by the masses. Water is super scarce and vegetation is not producing like it use too. That can only mean one thing: Rapture. I have read that some people say that animals are not even going to be raptured. Well, I come to tell you that that is not even true. Animals are dying by the masses and that means that they are getting raptured and it will not be long for we get raptured as well. Then of course all Hell is going to break loose. We must be ready as far as going vegan. I know that some of you guys are like "Why is it so important to go vegan?"  Well, because the meat is coloned, and humans are being killed during satanic sacrifices and they give their flesh for us to eat posing as animal meat. That is why it is so important to turn towards veggies. Fruits and Veggies and nothing but Fruits and Veggies. I don't want you guys catching all kinds of crazy hormones and have your DNA modified because that can so happen. 

            To be honest, I really wish that I could tell you the date of the rapture but it is not definite at all. Okay? I can't say anything about it but it is imminent, fore rapture is Death of the Flesh, not the Spirit. Staying here on this World of Sin is Death of the Spirit. I'm not trying to fear monger anybody just stating pure fact. That is what Rapture means. Rapture means an Earthly Death. When we pass away in our earthly bodies we then are transformed into our spiritual bodies. In other words, we will live again. Flesh doesn't mean anything, its the Spirit...The Soul... That means so much more than any Fleshy body. I mean can any of you imagine a body that doesn't get old and lives forever along with the Heavenly Father. That sounds a heck of a lot better than just sitting here in this world, getting operated on and sticking microchips in my body and turning me into some cyborg with no brain. If they microchip any of us, there is no such thing as freedom. We do not have any control of our bodies, THEY DO. THEY MEANING THE DEMONS RUNNING THIS WORLD!! They can program anyone to come in and destroy and kill children, women, men and do anything else and we will not have no control of our bodies, and our minds. That's why the call it the Mark of the Beast. 

           I say forget that. I'm trying to get out of here and I know that you are too. We know that all of this is not right. All of this crazy stuff happening. We know that this is not right. So we have to get right with the Heavenly Father so we can ascend out of this world. Rapture is happening right now. It's a process but we will be getting out of here. So hold on guys we are so close. I cannot stress how close rapture time is because its imminent but I can tell you that its close and lets keep our eyes on the prize. 

Remember to:

  • Eat Fruits and Veggies
  • Fast
  • Practice all Virtues
  • Have Respect for the Earthly Mother

Building Relationship with Heavenly Father

  • Go Out in Nature
  • Meditation
  • Be Simple 
  • Be Thankful for Everything

Basically do the right thing. We all know right from wrong so I don't really need to say anything about it. Okay guys, be safe and spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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