Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, May 26, 2014

Heaven Passing Away

Hi Everyone,

"Heaven and Earth shall pass away."  -Matthew 24:35

             I wanted to talk about Heaven passing away. This part of scripture is coming into fluorescent. As we look into space right now we see that there are stars colliding with each other and causing massive cosmic explosions. We see a whole in the Sun, we seen asteroids attack the moon, we seen baby planets die right after they were born, we've seen Jupiter's big red spot shrink and we have seen auroras on Saturn. This is war and mourning through out the entire universe. These are things that we are not really use to seeing. We have also seen multiple black holes come and swallow up stars. We have also seen cosmic bloodbaths take place in space. There is so much that is out there. 

             Right now, Heaven is being judged just like the Earth is being judged. The final resort is either we ascend or we fall into the gigantic gate of destruction. So what is the gigantic gate of destruction? It is what we call today as the Black Hole. There have been multiple cases of black holes already appearing in space and have already gotten rid of some of the stars out there. There will be even more black holes as we get further and further out off the solar system. This is how we can see the Heavens in the process of passing away. 

             Each planet has a job to do, each star, each, meteor, each dwarf planet, and each asteroid. They all have a job to do and they are all being called by the Heavenly Father to carry out those plans. We have been brainwashed to think that only we are the only important thing in the universe and everything else comes first. We have been sucked into the Egotistical Movement, but if we all sit down and view the world and actually see the movements of the Earth and to see how everyone and everything works together, we can see the Path of Unity. If one dies then it can effect the whole entire universe. Why? Because we all are extended family. One Love, One Brotherhood and One Sisterhood. This is the way the Heavenly Father has made it to be. Yet now, we see nothing but wars on top of wars. Both above and below. Fights everywhere. There is no more unison and I'm afraid that we have passed that point now because this way of thinking and the systematic brainwashing as either programmed or tried to program us into thinking that we can survive in this world by ourselves, well if that was the case than i guess it would be just one person per planet.

             We have stopped caring for one another and thanks to the beast system that we have we will always struggle to see the fact that Unity is the key towards making things better out here in the world. The Heavenly Father has grown tired of waiting for us to realize that fact and make the change. So that is why He is breaking all of this down towards the last compound. There is so much corruption here on Earth and there is much war going on in Heaven right now as we speak. So it is time for us to start getting our minds towards the right path of spirituality and get raptured up. I will say it again. There is a rapture. There are too many ancient text that describes this event for it not to be taken seriously. Trust me guys, you do not want to see a huge catastrophic galactic war coming here. We as mortals have no chance in surviving this. At all. So please guys, lets start getting right with the Heavenly Father why there is still time left. Okay Guys? Alright, be safe and spread the love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 
May Peace Be With You.

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