Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Open The Matrix: WW3 Final Showdown

Hi Everyone,

            I wanted to briefly talk about WW3 that's coming up very soon. Since the systematic governmental structures are breaking down all over the world and especially in America, a war must start. Wars are generally made to keep people in the matrix. Every time people start getting an awakening we notice that the powers that be have to create some kind of war to keep the matrix alive. Today, we see this already setting up. Notice on the so-called news we have the opening of the 9/11 memorial in addition to the missing Malaysian plane and also missing nuclear warheads of the coast of Texas, if memory serves me right. Do you guys see the connection that I am trying to make here? It seems to me that we are going to have something similar to the 9/11 event. That may be what FEMA Region III is all about. I don't know, but they are preparing for something over there. 

             And you can bet your socks off that its going to happen really soon. Also, because there is no chaos being done on earth and we as people are starting to live together in unison, they powers that be HATES it!! Oh man, they really REALLY hate it. So they have to start all kinds of stuff to have us divided. Why do you think there are so many racists comments towards African-Americans and other minorities. Tensions from all these world countries. Ashkenazi Jews against the Christian population. Come on people. It's happening right now all from up under our noses. They have to show their hand because they know that this is it for them. For these evil bastards, its a do or die situation. Also, Satan gets his energy from chaos and blood. There has to be killing going on towards some degree so he can get his energy. Fear is also a huge plus because he feeds off of it. 

"Okay Indo, I get the point. Why is this important?" 

             Well, I bring this up because he is trying to hurry up and set up his new Matrix. Remember Exodus 13:12, where it says: 

"That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix..."   -Exodus  13:12

             Notice that I have highlighted the Lord in red. In my previous post I said that there are two entities in the Bible. The Heavenly Father and Satan. Satan calls himself God too. That is why Yashayah said when saying the Lords prayer, "Our Father, which art in Heaven." Crazy but it is the truth. I wouldn't have said so if it wasn't.

              We are in the process now of a cover up. Another matrix to fall on the people. This one is a special one because this is the main even that Satan's been planning for 5,000+ years. This main event right here. That's why there is so much crazy demonic crap on TV and in entertainment because he is in the midst of trying to brainwash us to accept all his demented ways. That is why entertainment was created in the first place to brainwash. Well, technically everything society has to offer is made to brainwash but entertainment is No. 1 because it grabs peoples attention the most. People don't want to look at something too boring, they want to have fun. Entertainment is the best way to trap people. Okay back to the matrix, this has been planned since he got kicked out of Heaven. Once the war starts, the are going to kill as many as they can (helps with the Agenda 21 depopulation plan), scrap the old system (at least what's left of it), kill the "president" and put the whole entire country in chaos. Then BAM, just like that a new matrix is born. 

           Matrices are born from trauma, fear, chaos and confusion. When being hurled in a situation like that, people want the horror to stop. Not live festive in it and this is where the grand set up comes. The False peace. It is so cleverly planned that its going to literally deceive the whole world. So I tell you this to keep you guard up. Stay steadfast in prayer. Keep close relationship with the Heavenly Father at all times. Do not stop, we have too many demons up on the surface right now, lurking and watching. Be safe guys and spread the love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You Always. 

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