Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Asteroid Is About To Hit The Atlantic

Greetings Everyone,

Asteroid is about to hit the Atlantic Ocean.

            I just want to ask everyone for a few minutes of their time just to tell you that the Russian Federation has just alerted their citizens about an asteroid that is about to hit the Atlantic Ocean. So for those who live in the U.S. like me, this is probably what FEMA was preparing for in Region III, so be on the look of for that. I do not know how big it is going to be just know that it is coming and yes, this is a prophecy fulfillment that is in Revelation of the Bible. It says:

"And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more."  -Revelation 18:21

              This is serious business. This is also what the secret message hidden on the new american 100 dollar bill shows with the destruction of New York City. It will be destroyed by a tsunami. So please do not fall for that "In case of a natural disaster bull crap."

However, I do think that that is going to be another story. I think the destruction of NYC may be
a nuclear event since its on the bill. But since I'm putting this out there, expect it soon.

         Remember, my dear brothers and sisters, when I say to you, that America is Babylon. And New York is the harlot that rides the beast. 

The New York City Harlot

           Also, why would Wall Street, all of a sudden, want to equip themselves with ammunition just in case of a collapse. What do they know that we don't? Well, that simple. Its going to collapse to the point of now return. The Bible tells us this. Once people know that their money is gone then what are they going to do?

Come on guys. 

          The Woman that rides the Beast is going to get her just due. Because Abba says that it will happen. He will bring Babylon down to the ground because of her ungodly acts. She committed fornication with all the nations and made all the nations drunk of her iniquities. So my brothers and sisters from all over the world, get out of her. That is what Abba tells us to do. 

"And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."  -Revelation 18:4

            Now is the time. So it is definitely time to get out of her. Especially those who are living in Babylon. It is time to get out because she is about to fall. Judgement upon the nations are happening right now. There is no time to deny or debunk it. Judgement is happening right now. Okay guys, be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.  

Unmasking the "Adult": Spiritual Children

Greetings Everyone,

We say that we are adults but we are still just kids in the end.


            In my previous blog entry, I talked about us being spiritual children. In Abba's eyes that is what we are. We still make the same kind of mistakes all the way to adulthood. There is really no such thing as an adult. You have grown older and you have to pay bills and have more "responsibility". Yes. But, I am looking at the world for what it is. Beyond society. Beyond, the regular so-called modern world. Beyond it I see an earth with gorgeous landscapes and people who are enslaved in this artificial world that was built on a make believe utopia. I want you to take a moment with me for a second and think beyond all of this stuff, pass the electronics, pass the bills, pass society, pass the so-called responsibilities as an adult. What do you see? 

        As we live in this world we have not outgrown anything. We move on from school to work to death. That is no way to live. Work is another way of saying school. You will always have someone who loves to joke around, someone who is a loner, someone who is the most liked and someone who is most likely to get bullied. You still have "school work" to do but this time you are getting payed for it. But are you really getting paid for your labor? Really think with me for a second. Do not go for the automatic "yes" or "of course I get paid, what are you talking about" because I assure you that it is the other way 'round. 

       What I am trying to say is simply this. Nothing has changed. We still want to compare our lives to someone else's like a child would compare there toys to someone else. We go to "school" and get "paid" for our services so we can by "toys". Then when it's time for us to go back home to our Beloved Father, our "toys" get donated to another "adult" like kid. So what do I mean by "toys".

Our "Doll" House

Our "Cars"

Our "Toy" Phones

See where I'm going with this?

        And our fascination with money:

How much is in your bank?

          Again, how is an adult different from a child? I mean is life really that different from:

Make your dreams come true!! Come to the land of Monopoly, I mean Opportunity.

         Life is not what its all about. We do not need this artificial stuff to be someone. Like I said we are someone without this stuff. Materialism is a drug. And its the strongest drug of all. 

"For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out."  -1 Timothy 6:7

          We are spiritual children that snatch from our Father when we can't get the flashy things that we want. We throw temper tantrums at our Father because we must have what we want and we cant get it no other way. We have to get all the flashy and shiny things right in front of our eyes. And believe everything that is being told to us. Every advertisement with colorful colors of the phones and everything else. Spiritually we are children and we are easily fooled. That is how the powers that be is playing us with a fiddle. 

         Just like when a kid sees a new toy on TV, and he's like 'Awesome, I got to get that!' Then he ask his dad about it and his dad looks at it and is like 'Um, I don't see how that benefits him. There is no need to pursue it.' And then when his dad is like no. Then what does the kid do? Throws a fit. Kicking and scream and telling his dad that he 'hates' him because he cant get what he wants and storms off. The dad is firm with his decision but is still worried about his son and the temper tantrum. 

           The "kid" represents "us" as a generation and the "dad" is our "Beloved Father God". If God sees that the things that we want doesn't benefit us then its a 'no', so we throw a temper tantrum and get mad and then storm off. That is what we do. We have to start looking at things in His perspective. Then that will be a better understanding of things. 

For us women out there is vice versa:

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."   -Matthew 11:15

          Okay guys, really think about life for what it is, beyond the "ordinary" things, past our modern society and view it like a person from the outside looking in. Alright, be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

We Can All Learn From Each Other

Greetings Everyone,

Really guys? If you don't use your knowledge correctly
then it will be a waste.

            Today, I wanted to talk about knowledge and how we can all learn from each other. Just like the old saying goes: "Knowledge is Power!" Well its a yes and a no. Knowledge is great to have when you want to be well knowledgeable. If you want to expand your brain capacity on a particular subject that interest you. But what if I where to tell you that there may be people that are younger than you that may have more knowledge that you do. It's true. We can all learn from each other, especially when its towards learning about God. We are so wrapped up in modern day society of this saying: "I am older than you therefore, I know more than you." Now lets stop and look at it for a second.

           What if a pastor studied the bible for like 30+ years and is ministering to the church. Then, a young man gets out of his seat and debates him about a certain verse that the pastor said and shares his view to the pastor. The pastor then thinks about what the young man just said and realized that the young man is right. Well, we are going to have some people leave the church because they feel like the pastor doesn't know what he is talking about. That is also why, in real life, the pastor does not want to admit if he made a mistake about it. Instead, he would condemn the young man because of his age. Even though the young man is right.

We are not perfectionist. We all make mistakes that's just how we learn.
When we admit that then we will be able to move on and
make better choices.

             The point is we all make mistakes or misinterpret something, and we can actually learn from each other. We are now living in a society that is too proud to admit that they are wrong about something. Too proud to admit that the need help from anyone, especially someone who is younger than they. We must understand and realize that Yeshua said, in order to enter into the kingdom of God, we must then have the innocence of a child. If if I interpret that correctly, then children are the experts when it comes down to knowing the key to get into the domain of the Father.

             They are born in pure innocence and not really paying attention to society as a whole. The are free to express themselves without even worrying about what others may think of them. Once the child reach adolescence then that is when the problem lies. That is when they start noticing people and are more in tune towards what other people say and what other people do. Then their personality is altered and then that particular thinking follows them for the rest of their days.

This is where the knowledge is... Using it to help others and
not belittling people who are "uneducated". Just because they
don't have a college degree doesn't mean that they
are not knowledgeable.

              The elderly can teach us about life lessons while a child can teach you how to stay in touch with your inner child. The true essence of your self. What do I mean by that? I mean the real you, the you before you entered into society's slave penitentiary. That one. The child you. Not the adult you. Now I'm even going to go even further and hit you with a right hook, we may look like adults but at the end of the day, spiritually, we are still children. We are Spiritual Children of God. Now, what do I mean by that? I mean do we really act differently than a child does? Have we really changed from our childhood? Not really. Have we all been scarred? Yes, we all have. However, we are still children from a spiritual essence. I will cover this in another blog entry.

            So is knowledge really power? No. It's not. Remember the first step of learning to grow spiritually is to admit that this very statement: YOU KNOW NOTHING! (not shouting just emphasizing this statement.) The only way we are going to know anything is only by the grace of God. That is it. There is no way around it. Now way to debate it. No way to minimize it. That is the only way. The second step is to abandon everything that you were ever taught in this world and start let Abba (God) teach you.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Please Donate To Save The Lions

Greetings Everyone,

Lions Are Beautiful. Why would anyone want to kill them?

              I wanted to take some time and tell you that there are many lions that are getting killed in Kenya, due to the lions looking for food. The lions have no where else to go and eat so when they are hungry they are going to find a place to eat. People are complaining about their livestock getting killed because of the lions eating them. Well, once I read this story I have became highly passionate about this issue and donated to the cause. Not only that I have started a fundraiser called "Save The Lions" in partnership of National Geographic to help save the lions as well as other big cats that need our help. 

            Lions are also mentioned in the bible. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. So lets show these beautiful lions that we care and we want to save them from getting killed. You don't have to donate a lot just donate what you can to help National Geographic save them. Thanks for tuning in and lets make a difference. Lots of Love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.

Worldwide Die Off Of Trees

Greetings Everyone,

Unhealthy Tree = Unhealthy Ecosystem

           There is a world wide die off of trees that is trending all over. We must be concerned about this. These trees are what is holding the ecosystem down. I mean if we allow these beautiful trees to go down and die and not be saved then how are we going to survive? This is showing how we are not caring for the environment and now we are not going to get hardly any oxygen because of what is going on. This is what I mean about the mainstream media not talking about any of these ailments. Without trees, we cannot fight off infections, sustain a healthy way of living because all of the fruits and vegetables are dying right along with it. We will not be able to see any birds or any other animals that live in the wild. They rely on trees as well to survive. The bottom line is if all the trees die off then there will be no life. Come on guys. Lets save the trees. Lots of Love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

Prophecy Fulfilled: Damascus Turning To Rubble

Greetings Everyone,

           Today, I wanted to talk about the Damascus Prophecy being fulfilled over there in Syria. In Isaiah, it says that the rebels will turn against each other and they would fight each other. It also said that many civilians will leave Damascus and search for another place to live. It says that it the whole city will be turned to rubble and there will be no inhabitant left in it. Damascus will be desolate. Okay, this is a huge prophecy that is being taken place right now. There is so much unrest in Syria and in Egypt right now. Pretty soon they will be setting up for the Gog and the Magog war. These prophecies are getting fulfilled everyday. Most of us are still focusing only the prophecies in Revelations to be fulfilled but we tend not to focus on the prophecies in the Old Testament that have not yet been fulfilled.

            So please guys when reading your bible do look into Isaiah because Syria is getting judged. Judgement is upon all of us. So we have to walk a fine line and change. Because, the worse is here to come. World leaders will turn on one another and fight one another. I mean can you see the build up of tensions that seem to be going on with them. I have never heard of so many tensions going on between world leaders like this since birth. This is the huge set up. See, as things get worse and worse, the more close we are to the Judgement Day accord. Right now, I think that the nations are being judged accordingly for all of the dirt that the have done.

            I personally believe that Abba is sending warning of judgement to people all over the world. Of course not many people are going to take heed to it but I hope for those that are reading this and are searching for answers. If you don't take anything else I have been saying seriously or even first timers, please take this very seriously as I tell you. Judgement is closer than many people think. Do NOT go with the excuse that everyone is putting up about "Everything is Normal" That is a whole bunch of crap. With all the events that are going on... It is nothing "Normal" about it.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Soul Poverty: Looking For Identity

Greetings Everyone,

Soul Poverty is No. 1 in Soul Death.

          Today, I want to talk about Soul Poverty. This is the most fastest growing soul death in the world. Now, what do I mean by that? I mean that those who are looking for materialism to give them some sense of identity. I come to tell you that you will not find it in materials. What you will find is an empty soul. Many people are not aware of this but the more you invest in materials, the more people are starving their inner soul. You have to be able to get out of this crazy world and stop and think for a second. What are the qualities that make you... well... you. I mean think all the way back since childhood. What was the first thing that you wanted to be when you were little? What were you interested in when you were a kid? These are the things that make you your character. As we entered into society we have forgotten about all of that. Why? Because we would be considered "uncool". "Not fun to be around". "Just too weird". These are the sayings that we here all our lives and it leaves that eternal scar. We feel helpless and our spirits are broken and we want to do anything in order to just fit in.

Trying Hard to Fit In But Still Not Working?

           As I have gotten out of my teens and into adulthood, I realized that this: "Hey, I am the way I am because God created me to be this way. I may be weird, out of the box, or just plain crazy but I want to be able to work hard and be the very best that I can be and be pleasing to God. I will not impress anyone else but God, Himself." This was a revelation that took forever for me to realize because I was so busy worrying about what this he said or what that she said that I didn't have time to focus on what I said. *laughs* The main point that I am trying to make is that people constantly compromise their souls to be in someones great graces. However, the only grace that everyone needs to work on is the Grace of God through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. So if they mock you for just being you, or trying to warn them of something that came to pass then they will be at the brunt of the fire when blows are exchanged.

Everyone is striving for perfection, but the truth is
we will not achieve perfection by ourselves we have to by ourselves.
We need God for that.

            Even with these so-called "celebrities". They have low self-esteem. The big screens may pump up their heads but deep down the reality is they have low self-esteem. Any one who has high self-esteem is not going to go out there and change their face 1000 times per year or their bodies 50,000 times per year. People with high self-esteem would have their heads held high and will be comfortable in their own skin. However, people like Beyonce, Katy Perry, Oprah, Kim Kardashian and all those other celebs have some serious low self-esteem problems. Because of that, they have sold their souls to the devil and are soulless. They killed their own souls and now looking for materials to be a "somebody". Its very very sad. This is what society wants us to be like. These miserable people? The kind of person that commits suicide if they don't get enough attention: Not enough friends on Facebook, not enough tags on Tumblr, not enough followers on Twitter. This is ridiculous guys. We must understand that we are better than this.

You are important guys.  Keep that in mind. Stop looking at celebs because
they have low self-esteem too. How can they help anyone
if they cannot help themselves. 

          We are important enough because we are from God. If we were not important than we would have not been here in the first place. So in other words, to make a long story short. Be yourself. It can't be no other way but that way. Do the things that inspired you as a kid. Do the things that you love to do. It doesn't matter if its out of the box. What matters is what you think about it. If the rest of the world wants to be a zombie and not do anything then that is their problem. The huge problem is there is not enough leaders. Too many people following others and that is what is going to turn souls anorexic and eventually die out. Leaving an empty shell. This is Soul Poverty is Soul Suicide. Please guys, be comfortable with just being you. Do not let no one determine your future or pose restrictions on you. Because you will not be able to grow as a soul and you will not be able to learn from the best teachers on earth and that is Abba and Yeshua. Lots of Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Abba Is Here...

Greetings Everyone,

           Sorry for my dormant state as of lately. I have been having some technical issues that I needed to address. As for the topic today, I wanted to tell you that Abba is here. He is paying a visit to all of us. Why do I say this? Because there has been many signs and wonders. As for where I live, I have never seen so many active storms form back to back to back in the country that I live in. These storms have been very dangerous and spontaneous. I hope that you guys have been taking the tip about going outside and experiencing nature and you will see for yourself the dramatic changes that are been put into place. It is an exciting feeling and a very scary one. As we get in tune to what is going on we are starting to feel Abba's presence and everyday it is becoming more and more dominant than what we are use to feeling from the earth. Remember the earth comes from Abba. I also say that Abba is here because I have noticed that people in society are waking up to the things that are happening right now.

           And you have probably woken up as well. If you have not then you would have not visited this blog or may have not taken any word that I have said seriously.

It's time to wake up....!!!

                Have you asked yourself that you are tired of the same routine over and over again? Have you noticed that you are getting way less than you deserve? Have you noticed that everything is 100% repetitious no matter how you slice it? Have you ever came across violence being accepted against little children such as being shot and killed, ran over, or sold into slavery? Has the justice system already turned their backs on the innocent and start to lock them up for nothing and the ones in the wrong get away with everything? Have you ever felt like you are living someone else's life and not yours? Do you feel like you have lost yourself some kind of way and you are trying to figure out how in God's name you got this way? Have you ever felt like you were in a never-ending nightmare and you want to wake up so badly?

          If you have noticed these things then "Yes". Abba has awaken you from your slumber and is showing you what the world really looks like. Yes, it is the most unattractive world you can ever live in. Waking up to the truth that this world is nothing but a slave society built to keep you working and serving until you die. This is the hardcore truth of it all. Now some of you may argue and say that this is everyday life. Well, there are more slaves today then they are "free" men and women and children put together. Slavery was never abolished. It was nothing but a huge lie. However, I will speak on this later. As of now, I want to focus on Abba. I just know that He is here. I sensed it a few months back. I remember telling my mom about it. Its just an overwhelming dominant presence that you cannot shake. Dominant but very gentle.

         Things are going to start getting even more bizarre as the things in this world are coming to a close and the new Heaven and Earth are coming together. Remember brothers and sisters not to be afraid, even though these things go far from comprehension. Yeshua said not to be afraid and to trust in him and believe and him, in which we can be saved. My brothers and sisters we have been fighting this war ever since we were in the world. It sounds daunting but remember, not to give up, not to lose faith, and keep on waling the path of righteousness.

Abba is waking up our souls!!!

           Our souls are waking up and seeing the madness of what the world truly looks like. Once you have awakened from this fantasy land you cannot go back to sleep. You will become very conscious about what is happening in the world and things will begin to look different in its entirety. Your family and friends may even look at you different and see you as a different person. The world will look "funny" to you and the world will find you "out of place" with society. So in a nutshell it is you against the world literally. This feeling is not a curse but a huge blessing because your relationship with Abba is strong and He has chosen you to share this information with. 


            Now with all of this said, not everyone is going to wake from this fantasy land dream because they seem to be comfortable of where they are now. They will start doing the following:

  • Deny everything that you just said about the end of days. No one once to hear that because they don't want the end of days to happen in their lifetime. But who does. If Abba allowed all of us to live our lives out then it will keep on turning. 
  • Continue with life and even buy cars and houses even though this part is going to end. They continue to live under the slave mentality. What ever you say makes no sense to them. 
  • Everything mainstream is golden. They will follow mainstream media and believe everything that they say. They will not understand that media is being controlled and that they often spew lies. 
  • Cannot face reality. When you do manage to tell them about the world and how it is really. They cannot stomach the fact that they are not living in a free society. They will think that this is free will because this is the only thing that they know. They will fight you up and down over it. 

         Does that mean that the will not wake up forever? Well, there will be a great multitude that will not be able to shake off the sleep. Since Abba is here and is paying everyone from around the world a visit and those who are deemed worthy will wake from their slumber and start walking the path of righteousness. Remember brothers and sisters, this is a blessing to know the Truth rather than curse the Truth. The Truth must be known by everyone so everyone can still have a shot to get into Heaven. So I encourage you brothers and sisters to tell your family and friends. Spread the word of the gospel, okay? Alright guys, be safe and lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Leave Christmas Alone!! PAGAN Worship!!!

Greetings Everyone,

             Today I wanted to talk briefly about the Christmas thing that is going on. I know that I have covered this in my earlier blogs. However, I wanted to talk about it again to jog some memories. So Christmas is basically all about shopping and greed. It has nothing to do with Yeshua. The whole Biblical Christmas story is a fake. And yet people are still following it. This is due to the conditioned brainwashing in this society has put a number on people. Preacher is suppose to be right about everything. Yet, they will not do any research on their own. It's important to know the true origins of Christmas and I guarantee you that it has nothing to do with Yeshua Ha'Mashiach at all. It's more about the tree and the gifts and Satan *cough* Santa Claus. It is best to leave this holiday alone. It's all nonsense.


                 Abba hates the tree. In the Bible, He talks about the tree and how it is nothing but an idol. He talks about the whole process of the tree and how the worker man cuts it down with an ax and decorates it and nails it to the ground so it can stand upright. So He definitely talks about Christmas. And its just ridiculous how the Christmas tree and Satan Santa Claus has tooken over what it was suppose to be about. It's very misleading to Christians and all who celebrate it. Because when from celebrating Yeshua "Jesus" to Satan "Santa" Claus. 

Does this look like a birthday cake to Yeshua?

              It's crazy how it goes, not only that we have to listen to Satan Santa music everywhere we go. All the way down to the darn red nose reindeer. And that's everywhere. The stores, the radio, t.v. just every public place you can think off. THERE IT IS!! This is nothing but a huge distraction. 

Also the greeting of "Merry Christmas" is really "Merry Death of Christ". So in actuality this holiday is very demonic where we celebrate the Death of Christ. The Death of the Messiah, in Hebrew context. So is the Roman Catholic people really our friends? I don't think so. And everyone follows how they do things and don't stop to think for themselves. It's an art of control guys. Leave this holiday ALONE!!! Okay guys, Be safe, lots of love and let the Truth come out. 

May Abba Bless You Always.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mandela's Fake Funeral

Greetings Everyone,

             This is going to be a relatively short post. I just wanted to talk about Nelson Mandela's funeral. It is the most fake thing ever! This guy has been dead for months. Since June 26, he has been dead. So here are some questions that does peak my interest... Why wait this long for a funeral? What is the real reason for the 91 world leaders there? Why are they going to wait to bury this man three days after this fake funeral? Why would the news station all of a sudden cover this? I have a degree in Journalism, as a reporter, I would have known to post this type of thing up. So why wouldn't they? I smell a fishy set up. Is Mandela the leopard beast mentioned in the bible? We will see. One thing that I do know that this funeral is some type of evil ritual.

             So keep watch on this. This is some fishy stuff that need to be looked into, guys. Things are getting more and more bizarre by the moment. Okay guys. Be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Our Father Knew Everything From The Beginning

Greetings Everyone,

             I want to take this time out to say that Our Beloved Abba knew everything since the beginning. He knew all the details of everyone's life before we were even born. I find so amazing, and extremely powerful. I knew that He would know about our actions before we had done them. What I didn't know that our lives were already played out before we were even born!! Isn't that some powerful insight. I mean WOW!!! When I read this my Holy Spirit was all over the place. So not only the 144,000 saints were preordained but the way we were going to live our lives were preordained as well. I just feel so happy to know this information. (I am always happy to know something new about Abba. He is AMAZING!! :))


           I just wanted to put up a quick post about this. This information is found in the Apocrypha under "2 Esdras", chapters 8, 9, and 10. This is a really great part of the Bible that will answer a lot of unanswered questions. I know that it answered a lot for me. So I highly recommend it guys. It will blow your mind. Okay guys, lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Spiritual Essence of the Bible

Greetings Everyone,

Broaden Your Perception.

                I'm taking this time out to point out the confusion of the Bible and why we are wrestling with the confusion of the Bible. We must understand that we all have different interpretations of what the Bible has said. Not everyone is going to have to same perspective than the other. That is why essential to read the bible for yourself and see what it says to you. The Bible speaks to each person individually. That is why we have people say things that may or may not make any sense to you. Another is the Bible is broad and usually have a deeper meaning than what we see on paper. Its a soul to soul connection. That is why I call the Bible a spiritual book more so than a religious book because in religion everything has to be in perfectly aligned. In the times we are living in now, religion perfectly aligns us with a pool full of lies. 

                   We have people that say, that the Bible is 100% poetic and it is not literal at all. I highly disagree with that because, I think that we have enough common sense to know whether or not something is hinting to be literal or not. Just because the place is not named what it is named in the Bible doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. For instance, a person can rename the land of Canaan all they want, to their hearts' content, but at the end of the day it is still considered the land of Canaan. Why because that is the original name of it. Abba goes by the original name the spirit of the place. No matter how many names a land can go through over the course of 6000 years. 

                 We must also except the fact that we are not going to master every chapter in the Bible. We just don't have that ability in us. Why? Because there is so much information out there. Both in and outside of the book, that we have to read and it takes more than once for us to read it, grasp it and understand the meaning of it according to our hearts. We haven't even grasp what is inside of the book none the less outside of the book. So how are we going to master the whole thing? For most of us its going to take a lifetime to understand it. That is just how it is. The key here is to understand as much as we can. Learn as much as we can about it. 

              In church they talk about peace, love, psalms, and the gospel. Now I am not saying that there is noting wrong with that. It's good to talk about those things. However, as pastors, ministers and preachers of the church, what about the truth of it all. About not following the ways of the Gentiles? Well guess what, the church is following the ways of the Gentiles. That's why Abba urged His children and servants to get out of there because, they were not learning a thing. The church is modern day pagan worship. Scratch the church all together. Why? Because they are following the Roman Catholic church and we have seen the pagan roots in there. So I won't speak about it any further. 

                 The Bible is vague on some points. Most of it because the Romans changed it. Switched it around and everything. The closest version you are going to get towards the real thing is the Authorized King James Version (AKJV 1611). That's it. The rest of them need to be scrapped. All these other versions are uncalled for. I know for a fact that I am not the only one who has thought this thought: 

"What is with all of these versions of the Bible? We already have a Bible. Why do we need a new version ever 5 or so years?"

                   The bottom line is the Bible is very broad and very deep book. As a matter of fact, so deep that you cannot pass it up as a regular religious book. The Bible speaks to everyone differently. That is why there is so much confusion going on. And that is why there is so much conflict going on. Because of that very thing. Yet, also take into consideration that, Abba knew that the Bible was going to be tampered with. That is why the bible is coded. The Bible is a deep spiritual book. It really, really is. 

           The key in this post is simply this. The Bible is going to speak to you differently that how it speaks with the person next to you. And not everyone is going to understand it. That's just the way it is on that. so, best thing to do is get out of the church and go out do some soul searching yourself. Allow Abba to guide you and Yeshua to teach you. Okay guy, lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

The Truth About Incorruptible Bodies

Greetings Everyone,

Celestial Essence is inside Physical Existence.

                I decided to redo this post with more clearer points. This time with just my interpretation of what I think is considered a corruptible body. I think that an incorruptible body is the celestial body. The celestial body is ruled by the heart. The physical existence is ruled by the mind. The mind can be tricked by at any time by anything or anyone. So it is important to allow your hearts to guide you on whether or not a certain thing speaks to you or not. Now, the point that I make in my previous post before I took it down was this, we cannot change our state of being ourselves. Abba is the only one who can change us in an instant. 

"The first man is from the earth, earthly; the second man is from heaven."   - 1 Corinthians 15:47

              The first body is terrestrial, of flesh. The second body is from heaven, this is the body that is locked inside of us. 

"Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."    -1 Corinthians 15:50-52

           It is very clear that the only way we are going to go from physical to celestial is when Abba unlocks that part of us. There is not a way where we can somehow transform ourselves into celestial beings. We are not going to be able to do that. I know that it may be hard for some of those to accept this point because they have already believed upon another point. However, this is what I think. I think that the only way we are going to be able to go back to our true nature is when Abba (God) Himself unlocks that part of us. That's the only way we are going to get there. On top of all of that, we have to be accounted worthy in order to obtain celestial existence. 

"For He has put all things in subjection under His feet. But when He says, "All things are put in subjection," it is evident that He is expected who put all things in subjection to Him."   -1 Corinthians 15:27

                 Okay, so there is my interpretation about the incorruptible bodies. I hope this helps some. Lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

There Is Only ONE Alpha and Omega

Greetings Everyone,

            I wanted to talk about a major problem that is like sweeping through the whole entire world. Too many people on this earth wants to be God. However, there is only one God and there is none other. That is what people need to come to grips with. God is the only authority in the whole entire universe. He judges everyone accordingly and fairly. So I don't know what makes people think on the "my way or the highway" tip. That's just not the case. Now people think just because someone says that they are better than a particular group or people doesn't make it so. I will get into that later. As of right now, those who are trying to control everything and try to make their way the absolute truth, then there is a problem.

              My thing is this. We are so conditioned to think that just because there is a particular group of people that are, or what it seems to be, ruling the world then we should follow them. My thing is this, you are you for a reason. Even those who belong to this certain group of people. Let me ask you these simple questions:

Are you up there? Are you the one getting the attention? Are you the one being broadcast on t.v.?

               Because the people on TV, think that they are better than you. It is just a vicious cycle of pure ignorance that will tumble down. Another form of idolatry. Another false belief. Just like it is a false belief to think just because your ancestors got it good then, you will too. Like I said this world is going to get what is coming to them. And as for the ancestors who have done wrong to other people and oppressed them, when Abba raises them up from the dead, they will get a full compensation of what is going to happen. Full compensation of it all.

                  All of this sayings of what a certain person is worth, what a certain person should get what, what house they should live in, what car they should drive, what land they should have, what clothes they should wear... The list just goes on and on and on and on. So if someone is making these assumptions then what does that sound like to you guys? Who are they trying to be? Because when I think about that, they are trying to be God. There is only ONE TRUE ALPHA AND OMEGA. And it is no other way. It is what it is. There is no changing it. So lets all stop this madness of ignorance because its highly overrated. 'Kay guys, lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Comet Ison Follows The Same Pattern As Resurrection and Crucifixion

Greetings Everyone,

Ison not dead. Don't let NASA fool you guys.

             I just received the update about Comet Ison. Now I have known that the comet was not dead, however, NASA is spewing lies about the comet. Now I will prove my point, with what we have learned in the scriptures. Okay guys here we go:

             Ison is following the same process that Yeshua had gone through during his crucifixion. The three elements. The Death, the Burial and the Resurrection of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. This is where it gets interesting. Kay? Now, we hit the death stage by NASA saying that it got hit with the CME. Then it goes into Burial which NASA said that it turned into a dust ball and it is dead. Now we will wait for the resurrection part of it all.

               Ison is not dead. It just went into stealth mode and you cannot see it. Okay this is where Yeshua said:

"For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night."  -1 Thessalonians 5:2

              Okay now I am going state the process again this time comparing this event to Yeshua's crucifixion and how they are exactly the same.

  • Ison was pronounced dead when it was hit by the CMEs from the sun. Yeshua Ha'Mashiach was pronounced dead when he was pierced from his side. 

  • Ison was buried when it went into began to fade out of people sight (when into stealth mode). Yeshua was taken down from the cross and he was wrapped with fine linen cloth and was put inside of a tomb.

  • Ison will be resurrected once again forming the perfect trinity and also a sign of a cross in the heavens. Yeshua was then resurrected from the dead and walked among the people for forty days. 

               These three elements are present throughout this whole entire process. Ison is going through the same thing that Yeshua when through during his crucifixion and his resurrection. This is a huge sign guys. Not kidding. So the Yeshua will come and it is going to be really really soon. It's really going to be a "anytime any place and at any moment" type situation. Things just got crucial. I mean just got crucial. I guarantee you that Ison is going to show up out of nowhere and its going to put take a lot of people off guard. Then everyone who did survive is going to then go and try to beat up NASA for the lies that they have told. 

                 We are also going to be hit with debris soon so the watch starts tonight. I also wanted to tell you that there is also a big planet in the sky that is going to come towards earth and help the earth shift all the way. Like I said and have been saying since the beginning of this ministry, we are in crucial times. This is where war and famine and all of that is going to be bestowed on us. For those who have not gave their life to Yeshua Ha'Mashiach then I would strongly suggest it right now. Today not Tomorrow. Life is not promised tomorrow. Okay, guys, I really wanted to cover this while it was still fresh in my mind. Alright guys, lots of love. 

Yeshua will come from above us, and we will not be able to approach him because
he will shine 7 times brighter than the sun. An unapproachable light.

May Abba Bless You Always.

In Memory of...

Greetings Everyone,

"When you put good out there it's amazing what can be accomplished"  -Paul Walker
Reach Out WorldWide Founder

             I just wanted to take time out to remember our dear brother, Paul Walker. He will be missed. I really loved his acting and he made such a huge impression on everyone. He had founded an organization called Reach Out WorldWide a.k.a ROWW. He was always giving to anyone who was in need. He never let the fame get to his head. Just and overall stand up guy. We will always keep him in our hearts and help carry out his intent to put a smile on everyone's face. We love you, Paul.

May Abba Be With Him Always.

The Process of Release

Greetings Everyone,

           Today I wanted to talk about the process of release. What I mean by that is the process of release of materialistic stuff. If you do not start the process of release, there are going to be complications when the grid falls. People are under a false interpretation that they are nothing without the things that they have. That is not the case. None of these things can talk, walk, or care for any of us on this planet. It is an inanimate object. So it is best to let them go. Yes, I understand that we may need an outlet, or whatever the case may be. Remember to get the things that you need and not the things that you want. It's going to be a process though. If you are like me, a young adult that lives in America then its going to be a challenge because there are going to be things that you want. But remember that we must ask "Do I really want it? Or better yet, do I really need it?

Are we are own people or are the things we own define the meaning of people?
Let's not have materials run our lives. 

             We all have fallen into this trap many times before. This comes from a system that breaks our self-esteem because we don't look a certain way or do a certain thing. So what do we do? Shop until we drop. LITERALLY! We will shop ourselves in to slavery and then shop ourselves dead. It's just very agitating. So, don't let things run our lives. Yeshua said if we are going to get into Heaven then we must fast from this world. Go on a worldly and earthly detox and then digest something spiritual. Something that is with substance. This stuff doesn't have substance. It has spells. And we have all fallen into this spell. The rules have changed on us so dramatically and swiftly. Instead of loving one another, we love ourselves. I mean how many kids have died for the sake of our greed.

In Africa

In Asia

and in general:


            Our greed has overcome our rationalized thinking. Materialism is a system designed to keep us distracted and keep our eyes off the prize. So we have to sit back and analyze in ourselves and our situations. Then, we will find the key to breaking free out of this backward system and walk with Yeshua. Be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Entrance In God's Domain

Greetings Everyone,

              It seems that there are people who are not quite understanding what Yeshua meant when he said, "The kingdom of God resides within you." I stated earlier that we hold the key to the kingdom of God. Now what I meant by that is we can have the peace and we can grasp the essence of Heaven, when we do the Ten Commandments and follow his statues. In other words, have the essence of a child. I'm sure that we all remember our childhood days. What we enjoyed doing and what we loved back then as a child. We were all in our purest form. We did what our hearts desired and played and we're carefree. The essence of a child before we were altered by this broken systematic plague of a society.

A child's heart has a direct line of communication to God, Himself.

                 A kids need to explore things in nature and learning how things necessarily work is like taking a personal school lesson from God, Himself. Once we get into the society we are altered because we are told that we shouldn't do this or shouldn't do that. You should act like so and so. That is how we get detached from our own personal soul connection. It was labeled "eccentric, weird, or odd" to act like a child at the age of 20s and up. We were taught to let our spiritual selves go for the sake of the world. 

                 So what I am stating is seek God like a child. Have the mentality of a child. Do not worry about anything that has been giving you the blues for a long time. Shut all of it out and focus on what you for just a moment. Get in touch with your kid self. Remember a child, can easily get into Heaven because they possess a quality that we, adults, lack today. And that is that they are in their purest form. Abba (God) wants a pure heart. And a child has that. In order to get to your pure heart is to go back in time. Get in touch with yourself as a kid. That is your key. 

"Be innocent as doves."

                Being innocent like a dove is also like being a child. As long as you can keep in touch with your child self and have that mindset when you seek him, then you will have the key. In short, be like a kid. Remember what you love to do and do them. This world was not designed to be ran like a world dictatorship. If you want to do something, do it. Do it just because you enjoy it, not because you need to make a living. Be safe guys and lots of love to you.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Arrival of the Son of Man is IMMINENT!!!

Greetings Everyone,

                I wanted to say that the Coming of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach is IMMINENT!! Its going to happen any day now. Can you guys feel it in your bones? I know for a fact that I feel it. Everyday, I can sense his spirit around be every second of the day. I want to also stress how important this is because it will be the start of the great war. The battle of Armageddon is just around to corner. I know it. So you guys keep your guard and be more alert because Yeshua is coming any minute now. Yes, I know that some of you are skeptic, but if you do not take in what I'm saying to you then you are going to be in for a rude awakening. Everything in this "Modern Day Society" is going to crumble. And its all going to be within an hour's time frame.

Second Coming of Yeshua: Coming Sooner Than We Think

                 Those of you that have not repented, please do so now. For those who have the Armour of God, put them on and keep them on at all times. Do not take them off. You guys are going to need them. Sleeping with them on is a necessity because we are vulnerable. How? Because our spirit is more open to things. So its easy to get psychic attacks when you are off guard. So please keep them on at all times. Shield yourselves because its about to get really rough for all of us. 

Be sure to shield yourselves with the Armour that God has given us.

                   What is happening now is the beginning of the Spiritual war. The war that will lead to the greatest battles of all battles. The battle of Armageddon.  What is happening now is that Satan is putting his plans into full effect. So we have to be ready because this is going to be a war that we cannot afford to sleep on. Let us continue to fight on. Okay? Be sure to watch for Yeshua Coming because it is going to happen really soon guys. Be safe and lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.

The Golden Gates of Heaven

Greetings Everyone,

             I just wanted to say that on Dec. 16, this year, their is going to be a sign in the Heavens. The Sign is the Golden Gates of Heaven opening up. This is simply stated in "Didache". In Didache, it talks about the Ten Commandments in full detail. Not only that but it talks about the signs of Truth. The first sign happens to be the heavens opening up. That is none other than the Golden Gates of Heaven. Remember what Yeshua said. Those who enter in the Silver Gate is considered a thief because no one has invited them in. But those who enter in the Golden Gate is invited in and Yeshua holds the key to it. The second sign is the sounding of the trumpet and the last sign is the resurrection of the dead. What's going to happen on this day? I don't have the slightest ordeal. I just wanted to put that out there for you guys. Golden Gates of Heaven are going to open soon. Yeshua Ha'Mashiach is coming guys. Keep watching and keep up the Faith. Be safe and lots of Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The True Birth Place of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach

Greetings Everyone,

               I hope that everyone had a great Sabbath Day. Today, I wanted to talk about the actual birth of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Many of us grew up to believe that Yeshua was born in a manger or Yeshua was born under a palm tree in the middle of nowhere. I come to tell you that this is not the case. According to the lost book called "The Infancy Gospel of James". Yeshua was born in a cave. Joseph was there unlike what Islam has spoke of. However, Joseph is not Mary's husband as Christianity had us to believe.

              This infancy gospel also talked about Mary's birth as well and she also came from the Lord God (Abba). Because her mother Anna was barren. I just wanted to point that out also. Now proceeding to Yeshua's birth. Herod wanted to kill him and had appointed three astrologers to go out and tell him about Yeshua's whereabouts but they did not tell them. They gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Now notices that these are the same things that were mentioned in  "The First Book of Adam and Eve" that Abba has given Adam golden rods, frankincense and myrrh as a token of the garden for consolation. Then Abba continues to tell them that these things will be presented to Him when he becomes flesh to save Adam and his descendants.

               This gospel also tells how Mary hid baby Yeshua in the stall with cows once she heard that Herod was going to kill all the babies that were two and under. That is how the lie of Mary having a child in the manger came about. But that is a huge lie. Yeshua was born in a cave and it was the Hebrew midwife Salome that had delivered Yeshua.

                So that is the real birth place of Yeshua. Not a manger, and not under a palm tree but in a cave. I have left references in this entry that will point you to where you need to go to find the truth. I hope that this clears up some things for you guys. Be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Significance of September 11

Greetings Everyone,

           I want to go over something with you guys in reference to September 11. Some of you may know this and some of you may not. Either way I wanted to get this out there and tell you about September 11 and the significance of it. Okay, September 11 is the true birthday of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Now I will give you references to why that is and will give you a video that is about 10 minutes long telling you this. Okay, here we go.

            Lets start by saying that we all know that December 25 is not his true birthday but the Vatican has tacked that day to be his birthday and has also tacked in that same day for other false religious figures as well. So lets shed all the lies and get to the truth shall we. Scripture says:

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."  -Luke 1:35

"But the Spirit of him raised up Yeshua from the dead dwell in you, that he raised up the Messiah from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you."  -Romans 8:11

"And from Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the princes of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed from our sins in his won blood."  Revelation 1:5

"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature."  -Colossians 1:15

"And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that all things he might have the preeminence."   -Colossians 1:18

         These scriptures are all there to define his divinity and his mission. Ever since an infant. Now how is September 11 tie into it? Well this is what Scripture says about that:

"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon, under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And she bright forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne."   -Revelation 12: 1 and 5

                 So we know that the woman is Israel, the twelve stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel and we know that the man child is Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Alright, If you take this to the stars of heaven, we find that the woman also represents Virgo. The zodiac sign of Virgo is late August and early September. Now how do we know for sure that September 11 is in fact his birthday? This is where the video comes in because its better at explaining than I am:

        Alright guys enjoy this insightful video. That's it for now until next time. Be safe and lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always. 

moon cycle