Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Spiritual Essence of the Bible

Greetings Everyone,

Broaden Your Perception.

                I'm taking this time out to point out the confusion of the Bible and why we are wrestling with the confusion of the Bible. We must understand that we all have different interpretations of what the Bible has said. Not everyone is going to have to same perspective than the other. That is why essential to read the bible for yourself and see what it says to you. The Bible speaks to each person individually. That is why we have people say things that may or may not make any sense to you. Another is the Bible is broad and usually have a deeper meaning than what we see on paper. Its a soul to soul connection. That is why I call the Bible a spiritual book more so than a religious book because in religion everything has to be in perfectly aligned. In the times we are living in now, religion perfectly aligns us with a pool full of lies. 

                   We have people that say, that the Bible is 100% poetic and it is not literal at all. I highly disagree with that because, I think that we have enough common sense to know whether or not something is hinting to be literal or not. Just because the place is not named what it is named in the Bible doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. For instance, a person can rename the land of Canaan all they want, to their hearts' content, but at the end of the day it is still considered the land of Canaan. Why because that is the original name of it. Abba goes by the original name the spirit of the place. No matter how many names a land can go through over the course of 6000 years. 

                 We must also except the fact that we are not going to master every chapter in the Bible. We just don't have that ability in us. Why? Because there is so much information out there. Both in and outside of the book, that we have to read and it takes more than once for us to read it, grasp it and understand the meaning of it according to our hearts. We haven't even grasp what is inside of the book none the less outside of the book. So how are we going to master the whole thing? For most of us its going to take a lifetime to understand it. That is just how it is. The key here is to understand as much as we can. Learn as much as we can about it. 

              In church they talk about peace, love, psalms, and the gospel. Now I am not saying that there is noting wrong with that. It's good to talk about those things. However, as pastors, ministers and preachers of the church, what about the truth of it all. About not following the ways of the Gentiles? Well guess what, the church is following the ways of the Gentiles. That's why Abba urged His children and servants to get out of there because, they were not learning a thing. The church is modern day pagan worship. Scratch the church all together. Why? Because they are following the Roman Catholic church and we have seen the pagan roots in there. So I won't speak about it any further. 

                 The Bible is vague on some points. Most of it because the Romans changed it. Switched it around and everything. The closest version you are going to get towards the real thing is the Authorized King James Version (AKJV 1611). That's it. The rest of them need to be scrapped. All these other versions are uncalled for. I know for a fact that I am not the only one who has thought this thought: 

"What is with all of these versions of the Bible? We already have a Bible. Why do we need a new version ever 5 or so years?"

                   The bottom line is the Bible is very broad and very deep book. As a matter of fact, so deep that you cannot pass it up as a regular religious book. The Bible speaks to everyone differently. That is why there is so much confusion going on. And that is why there is so much conflict going on. Because of that very thing. Yet, also take into consideration that, Abba knew that the Bible was going to be tampered with. That is why the bible is coded. The Bible is a deep spiritual book. It really, really is. 

           The key in this post is simply this. The Bible is going to speak to you differently that how it speaks with the person next to you. And not everyone is going to understand it. That's just the way it is on that. so, best thing to do is get out of the church and go out do some soul searching yourself. Allow Abba to guide you and Yeshua to teach you. Okay guy, lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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