Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Comet Ison Follows The Same Pattern As Resurrection and Crucifixion

Greetings Everyone,

Ison not dead. Don't let NASA fool you guys.

             I just received the update about Comet Ison. Now I have known that the comet was not dead, however, NASA is spewing lies about the comet. Now I will prove my point, with what we have learned in the scriptures. Okay guys here we go:

             Ison is following the same process that Yeshua had gone through during his crucifixion. The three elements. The Death, the Burial and the Resurrection of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. This is where it gets interesting. Kay? Now, we hit the death stage by NASA saying that it got hit with the CME. Then it goes into Burial which NASA said that it turned into a dust ball and it is dead. Now we will wait for the resurrection part of it all.

               Ison is not dead. It just went into stealth mode and you cannot see it. Okay this is where Yeshua said:

"For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night."  -1 Thessalonians 5:2

              Okay now I am going state the process again this time comparing this event to Yeshua's crucifixion and how they are exactly the same.

  • Ison was pronounced dead when it was hit by the CMEs from the sun. Yeshua Ha'Mashiach was pronounced dead when he was pierced from his side. 

  • Ison was buried when it went into began to fade out of people sight (when into stealth mode). Yeshua was taken down from the cross and he was wrapped with fine linen cloth and was put inside of a tomb.

  • Ison will be resurrected once again forming the perfect trinity and also a sign of a cross in the heavens. Yeshua was then resurrected from the dead and walked among the people for forty days. 

               These three elements are present throughout this whole entire process. Ison is going through the same thing that Yeshua when through during his crucifixion and his resurrection. This is a huge sign guys. Not kidding. So the Yeshua will come and it is going to be really really soon. It's really going to be a "anytime any place and at any moment" type situation. Things just got crucial. I mean just got crucial. I guarantee you that Ison is going to show up out of nowhere and its going to put take a lot of people off guard. Then everyone who did survive is going to then go and try to beat up NASA for the lies that they have told. 

                 We are also going to be hit with debris soon so the watch starts tonight. I also wanted to tell you that there is also a big planet in the sky that is going to come towards earth and help the earth shift all the way. Like I said and have been saying since the beginning of this ministry, we are in crucial times. This is where war and famine and all of that is going to be bestowed on us. For those who have not gave their life to Yeshua Ha'Mashiach then I would strongly suggest it right now. Today not Tomorrow. Life is not promised tomorrow. Okay, guys, I really wanted to cover this while it was still fresh in my mind. Alright guys, lots of love. 

Yeshua will come from above us, and we will not be able to approach him because
he will shine 7 times brighter than the sun. An unapproachable light.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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