Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

We Can All Learn From Each Other

Greetings Everyone,

Really guys? If you don't use your knowledge correctly
then it will be a waste.

            Today, I wanted to talk about knowledge and how we can all learn from each other. Just like the old saying goes: "Knowledge is Power!" Well its a yes and a no. Knowledge is great to have when you want to be well knowledgeable. If you want to expand your brain capacity on a particular subject that interest you. But what if I where to tell you that there may be people that are younger than you that may have more knowledge that you do. It's true. We can all learn from each other, especially when its towards learning about God. We are so wrapped up in modern day society of this saying: "I am older than you therefore, I know more than you." Now lets stop and look at it for a second.

           What if a pastor studied the bible for like 30+ years and is ministering to the church. Then, a young man gets out of his seat and debates him about a certain verse that the pastor said and shares his view to the pastor. The pastor then thinks about what the young man just said and realized that the young man is right. Well, we are going to have some people leave the church because they feel like the pastor doesn't know what he is talking about. That is also why, in real life, the pastor does not want to admit if he made a mistake about it. Instead, he would condemn the young man because of his age. Even though the young man is right.

We are not perfectionist. We all make mistakes that's just how we learn.
When we admit that then we will be able to move on and
make better choices.

             The point is we all make mistakes or misinterpret something, and we can actually learn from each other. We are now living in a society that is too proud to admit that they are wrong about something. Too proud to admit that the need help from anyone, especially someone who is younger than they. We must understand and realize that Yeshua said, in order to enter into the kingdom of God, we must then have the innocence of a child. If if I interpret that correctly, then children are the experts when it comes down to knowing the key to get into the domain of the Father.

             They are born in pure innocence and not really paying attention to society as a whole. The are free to express themselves without even worrying about what others may think of them. Once the child reach adolescence then that is when the problem lies. That is when they start noticing people and are more in tune towards what other people say and what other people do. Then their personality is altered and then that particular thinking follows them for the rest of their days.

This is where the knowledge is... Using it to help others and
not belittling people who are "uneducated". Just because they
don't have a college degree doesn't mean that they
are not knowledgeable.

              The elderly can teach us about life lessons while a child can teach you how to stay in touch with your inner child. The true essence of your self. What do I mean by that? I mean the real you, the you before you entered into society's slave penitentiary. That one. The child you. Not the adult you. Now I'm even going to go even further and hit you with a right hook, we may look like adults but at the end of the day, spiritually, we are still children. We are Spiritual Children of God. Now, what do I mean by that? I mean do we really act differently than a child does? Have we really changed from our childhood? Not really. Have we all been scarred? Yes, we all have. However, we are still children from a spiritual essence. I will cover this in another blog entry.

            So is knowledge really power? No. It's not. Remember the first step of learning to grow spiritually is to admit that this very statement: YOU KNOW NOTHING! (not shouting just emphasizing this statement.) The only way we are going to know anything is only by the grace of God. That is it. There is no way around it. Now way to debate it. No way to minimize it. That is the only way. The second step is to abandon everything that you were ever taught in this world and start let Abba (God) teach you.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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