Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Soul Poverty: Looking For Identity

Greetings Everyone,

Soul Poverty is No. 1 in Soul Death.

          Today, I want to talk about Soul Poverty. This is the most fastest growing soul death in the world. Now, what do I mean by that? I mean that those who are looking for materialism to give them some sense of identity. I come to tell you that you will not find it in materials. What you will find is an empty soul. Many people are not aware of this but the more you invest in materials, the more people are starving their inner soul. You have to be able to get out of this crazy world and stop and think for a second. What are the qualities that make you... well... you. I mean think all the way back since childhood. What was the first thing that you wanted to be when you were little? What were you interested in when you were a kid? These are the things that make you your character. As we entered into society we have forgotten about all of that. Why? Because we would be considered "uncool". "Not fun to be around". "Just too weird". These are the sayings that we here all our lives and it leaves that eternal scar. We feel helpless and our spirits are broken and we want to do anything in order to just fit in.

Trying Hard to Fit In But Still Not Working?

           As I have gotten out of my teens and into adulthood, I realized that this: "Hey, I am the way I am because God created me to be this way. I may be weird, out of the box, or just plain crazy but I want to be able to work hard and be the very best that I can be and be pleasing to God. I will not impress anyone else but God, Himself." This was a revelation that took forever for me to realize because I was so busy worrying about what this he said or what that she said that I didn't have time to focus on what I said. *laughs* The main point that I am trying to make is that people constantly compromise their souls to be in someones great graces. However, the only grace that everyone needs to work on is the Grace of God through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. So if they mock you for just being you, or trying to warn them of something that came to pass then they will be at the brunt of the fire when blows are exchanged.

Everyone is striving for perfection, but the truth is
we will not achieve perfection by ourselves we have to by ourselves.
We need God for that.

            Even with these so-called "celebrities". They have low self-esteem. The big screens may pump up their heads but deep down the reality is they have low self-esteem. Any one who has high self-esteem is not going to go out there and change their face 1000 times per year or their bodies 50,000 times per year. People with high self-esteem would have their heads held high and will be comfortable in their own skin. However, people like Beyonce, Katy Perry, Oprah, Kim Kardashian and all those other celebs have some serious low self-esteem problems. Because of that, they have sold their souls to the devil and are soulless. They killed their own souls and now looking for materials to be a "somebody". Its very very sad. This is what society wants us to be like. These miserable people? The kind of person that commits suicide if they don't get enough attention: Not enough friends on Facebook, not enough tags on Tumblr, not enough followers on Twitter. This is ridiculous guys. We must understand that we are better than this.

You are important guys.  Keep that in mind. Stop looking at celebs because
they have low self-esteem too. How can they help anyone
if they cannot help themselves. 

          We are important enough because we are from God. If we were not important than we would have not been here in the first place. So in other words, to make a long story short. Be yourself. It can't be no other way but that way. Do the things that inspired you as a kid. Do the things that you love to do. It doesn't matter if its out of the box. What matters is what you think about it. If the rest of the world wants to be a zombie and not do anything then that is their problem. The huge problem is there is not enough leaders. Too many people following others and that is what is going to turn souls anorexic and eventually die out. Leaving an empty shell. This is Soul Poverty is Soul Suicide. Please guys, be comfortable with just being you. Do not let no one determine your future or pose restrictions on you. Because you will not be able to grow as a soul and you will not be able to learn from the best teachers on earth and that is Abba and Yeshua. Lots of Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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