Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, December 13, 2013

Leave Christmas Alone!! PAGAN Worship!!!

Greetings Everyone,

             Today I wanted to talk briefly about the Christmas thing that is going on. I know that I have covered this in my earlier blogs. However, I wanted to talk about it again to jog some memories. So Christmas is basically all about shopping and greed. It has nothing to do with Yeshua. The whole Biblical Christmas story is a fake. And yet people are still following it. This is due to the conditioned brainwashing in this society has put a number on people. Preacher is suppose to be right about everything. Yet, they will not do any research on their own. It's important to know the true origins of Christmas and I guarantee you that it has nothing to do with Yeshua Ha'Mashiach at all. It's more about the tree and the gifts and Satan *cough* Santa Claus. It is best to leave this holiday alone. It's all nonsense.


                 Abba hates the tree. In the Bible, He talks about the tree and how it is nothing but an idol. He talks about the whole process of the tree and how the worker man cuts it down with an ax and decorates it and nails it to the ground so it can stand upright. So He definitely talks about Christmas. And its just ridiculous how the Christmas tree and Satan Santa Claus has tooken over what it was suppose to be about. It's very misleading to Christians and all who celebrate it. Because when from celebrating Yeshua "Jesus" to Satan "Santa" Claus. 

Does this look like a birthday cake to Yeshua?

              It's crazy how it goes, not only that we have to listen to Satan Santa music everywhere we go. All the way down to the darn red nose reindeer. And that's everywhere. The stores, the radio, t.v. just every public place you can think off. THERE IT IS!! This is nothing but a huge distraction. 

Also the greeting of "Merry Christmas" is really "Merry Death of Christ". So in actuality this holiday is very demonic where we celebrate the Death of Christ. The Death of the Messiah, in Hebrew context. So is the Roman Catholic people really our friends? I don't think so. And everyone follows how they do things and don't stop to think for themselves. It's an art of control guys. Leave this holiday ALONE!!! Okay guys, Be safe, lots of love and let the Truth come out. 

May Abba Bless You Always.

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