Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Unmasking the "Adult": Spiritual Children

Greetings Everyone,

We say that we are adults but we are still just kids in the end.


            In my previous blog entry, I talked about us being spiritual children. In Abba's eyes that is what we are. We still make the same kind of mistakes all the way to adulthood. There is really no such thing as an adult. You have grown older and you have to pay bills and have more "responsibility". Yes. But, I am looking at the world for what it is. Beyond society. Beyond, the regular so-called modern world. Beyond it I see an earth with gorgeous landscapes and people who are enslaved in this artificial world that was built on a make believe utopia. I want you to take a moment with me for a second and think beyond all of this stuff, pass the electronics, pass the bills, pass society, pass the so-called responsibilities as an adult. What do you see? 

        As we live in this world we have not outgrown anything. We move on from school to work to death. That is no way to live. Work is another way of saying school. You will always have someone who loves to joke around, someone who is a loner, someone who is the most liked and someone who is most likely to get bullied. You still have "school work" to do but this time you are getting payed for it. But are you really getting paid for your labor? Really think with me for a second. Do not go for the automatic "yes" or "of course I get paid, what are you talking about" because I assure you that it is the other way 'round. 

       What I am trying to say is simply this. Nothing has changed. We still want to compare our lives to someone else's like a child would compare there toys to someone else. We go to "school" and get "paid" for our services so we can by "toys". Then when it's time for us to go back home to our Beloved Father, our "toys" get donated to another "adult" like kid. So what do I mean by "toys".

Our "Doll" House

Our "Cars"

Our "Toy" Phones

See where I'm going with this?

        And our fascination with money:

How much is in your bank?

          Again, how is an adult different from a child? I mean is life really that different from:

Make your dreams come true!! Come to the land of Monopoly, I mean Opportunity.

         Life is not what its all about. We do not need this artificial stuff to be someone. Like I said we are someone without this stuff. Materialism is a drug. And its the strongest drug of all. 

"For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out."  -1 Timothy 6:7

          We are spiritual children that snatch from our Father when we can't get the flashy things that we want. We throw temper tantrums at our Father because we must have what we want and we cant get it no other way. We have to get all the flashy and shiny things right in front of our eyes. And believe everything that is being told to us. Every advertisement with colorful colors of the phones and everything else. Spiritually we are children and we are easily fooled. That is how the powers that be is playing us with a fiddle. 

         Just like when a kid sees a new toy on TV, and he's like 'Awesome, I got to get that!' Then he ask his dad about it and his dad looks at it and is like 'Um, I don't see how that benefits him. There is no need to pursue it.' And then when his dad is like no. Then what does the kid do? Throws a fit. Kicking and scream and telling his dad that he 'hates' him because he cant get what he wants and storms off. The dad is firm with his decision but is still worried about his son and the temper tantrum. 

           The "kid" represents "us" as a generation and the "dad" is our "Beloved Father God". If God sees that the things that we want doesn't benefit us then its a 'no', so we throw a temper tantrum and get mad and then storm off. That is what we do. We have to start looking at things in His perspective. Then that will be a better understanding of things. 

For us women out there is vice versa:

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."   -Matthew 11:15

          Okay guys, really think about life for what it is, beyond the "ordinary" things, past our modern society and view it like a person from the outside looking in. Alright, be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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