Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Entrance In God's Domain

Greetings Everyone,

              It seems that there are people who are not quite understanding what Yeshua meant when he said, "The kingdom of God resides within you." I stated earlier that we hold the key to the kingdom of God. Now what I meant by that is we can have the peace and we can grasp the essence of Heaven, when we do the Ten Commandments and follow his statues. In other words, have the essence of a child. I'm sure that we all remember our childhood days. What we enjoyed doing and what we loved back then as a child. We were all in our purest form. We did what our hearts desired and played and we're carefree. The essence of a child before we were altered by this broken systematic plague of a society.

A child's heart has a direct line of communication to God, Himself.

                 A kids need to explore things in nature and learning how things necessarily work is like taking a personal school lesson from God, Himself. Once we get into the society we are altered because we are told that we shouldn't do this or shouldn't do that. You should act like so and so. That is how we get detached from our own personal soul connection. It was labeled "eccentric, weird, or odd" to act like a child at the age of 20s and up. We were taught to let our spiritual selves go for the sake of the world. 

                 So what I am stating is seek God like a child. Have the mentality of a child. Do not worry about anything that has been giving you the blues for a long time. Shut all of it out and focus on what you for just a moment. Get in touch with your kid self. Remember a child, can easily get into Heaven because they possess a quality that we, adults, lack today. And that is that they are in their purest form. Abba (God) wants a pure heart. And a child has that. In order to get to your pure heart is to go back in time. Get in touch with yourself as a kid. That is your key. 

"Be innocent as doves."

                Being innocent like a dove is also like being a child. As long as you can keep in touch with your child self and have that mindset when you seek him, then you will have the key. In short, be like a kid. Remember what you love to do and do them. This world was not designed to be ran like a world dictatorship. If you want to do something, do it. Do it just because you enjoy it, not because you need to make a living. Be safe guys and lots of love to you.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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