Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Process of Release

Greetings Everyone,

           Today I wanted to talk about the process of release. What I mean by that is the process of release of materialistic stuff. If you do not start the process of release, there are going to be complications when the grid falls. People are under a false interpretation that they are nothing without the things that they have. That is not the case. None of these things can talk, walk, or care for any of us on this planet. It is an inanimate object. So it is best to let them go. Yes, I understand that we may need an outlet, or whatever the case may be. Remember to get the things that you need and not the things that you want. It's going to be a process though. If you are like me, a young adult that lives in America then its going to be a challenge because there are going to be things that you want. But remember that we must ask "Do I really want it? Or better yet, do I really need it?

Are we are own people or are the things we own define the meaning of people?
Let's not have materials run our lives. 

             We all have fallen into this trap many times before. This comes from a system that breaks our self-esteem because we don't look a certain way or do a certain thing. So what do we do? Shop until we drop. LITERALLY! We will shop ourselves in to slavery and then shop ourselves dead. It's just very agitating. So, don't let things run our lives. Yeshua said if we are going to get into Heaven then we must fast from this world. Go on a worldly and earthly detox and then digest something spiritual. Something that is with substance. This stuff doesn't have substance. It has spells. And we have all fallen into this spell. The rules have changed on us so dramatically and swiftly. Instead of loving one another, we love ourselves. I mean how many kids have died for the sake of our greed.

In Africa

In Asia

and in general:


            Our greed has overcome our rationalized thinking. Materialism is a system designed to keep us distracted and keep our eyes off the prize. So we have to sit back and analyze in ourselves and our situations. Then, we will find the key to breaking free out of this backward system and walk with Yeshua. Be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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