Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Divine Love and Wisdom

Hi Everyone,

            Divine Love is again the true source of the Soul of the Heavenly Father. He is full of Love and His actions definitely proves it. One thing that we all must learn to focus on is Love itself. We have all kinds of Love that motivates us. However, we usually overlook the kind of love that hits us hard in the face. We have gentle love, intimate love, sincere love, love of friendship, family love, and we also have tough love. These are usually types of love that we experience every single day. The love of the Father and Child. Now, because we are His Children and we are usually spoiled. We usually have what we need in order to have the proper care and nourishment. However, we are sometimes get into sticky situations that we usually are not suppose to be in and then we get hit with the tough love. The disciplinary love that is needed to shape our souls into being the best that we can be. Everything happens for a reason in help of shaping our souls into being a better person and when it is time to unite with the Heavenly Father we would have completely master our lessons in which we were suppose to learn. This is the Divine Action at work. 

           All aspects of Love is empowered by action for a better transformation of the soul. Like for instance, a parent would generally want the best for their child. They will make sure that their kid would have what they need for a better future or help invest in their child so they can prosper and be the best that they can be. Same thing is happening here, just on a spiritual level. Yes, we are going to have obstacles and yes, we are going to be tested to see if we are ready for our next lesson. Earth is like school, we come here to learn how to best serve the Heavenly Father and build up our relationships with Him as well as our fellow brothers and sister. All of this is done through the motivation of Love in our hearts. If we do not have Love, than we are instantly unbalanced. Chaos is likely to form. Remember that our ecosystem is really our extended brotherhood. If we do not treat our Earthly Mother and our brothers and sisters with love, than we do not have any respect for the Heavenly Father. That is fact. In Truth, our purpose is to really learn how to serve the Heavenly Father and conduct ourselves and our actions through the Divine Love that beats a rhythm in the Universe. Its either we unite and spread the love through out the fields of the Earth or we fall into chaos and spinning wheels to get out. That is really what this realm is about. 

           Divine Wisdom comes right along with Love and is given throughout the journey frequently. This is when the knowledge will increase tenfold. Things that we haven't noticed or even thought about will start to pop up like wallflowers. As our minds broaden, more and more information will be given to us. Thus causing a DNA upgrade. Since birth, there has been many things written on our DNA strands but has not been unlocked until now. That is because you are ready for this information to be given to you. This is where Wisdom flourished and she teaches us everything we need to know and learn at the proper time. Now, knowing this... We are usually hit with a question of "Do we really want to know?" As in, do we really want to know how to world works or why things are happening like they are and why society is so shady? Well, Divine Wisdom is will rock our worlds and turn them inside out and things upside down and we are often elevated to the point where we don't even want to know anything else but then we are compelled to know. That is how Wisdom works. Its not about studying books or seeing who has got the most credit with a college degree. That is worldly knowledge on how to function in society.

          What I'm talking about is Pure Uncut knowledge that will not keep any of us in the shadows of this world. That is why Wisdom is shunned out because she challenges everything that we every learned and everything that we were ever told. She challenges us to look at things at another angle on another level. That is why She is hated here in this world. In the western world, Wisdom is not welcomed here. Yet Wisdom is not welcomed anywhere because of the rawness of her words. Not saying that Wisdom is edgy. For Wisdom comes in a very gently way. I'm talking about the Edginess of Truth that is damaging to one's ears if not fully awake. When its time to know the Truth, be ready to really know the Truth. No matter how raw it may seem. Even the prophets ate a book that was sweet at first but very bitter in their stomach. This is Divine Wisdom. Everyone can obtain it but few honestly look for it. Yet and still, Divine Wisdom is empowered by Divine Love. 

          Remember that Divine Love says, "I love you there for I want the very best for you." Divine Wisdom says, "I love you therefore I want you to know." All aspects of Divine Will is motivated and empowered by Divine Love. Sometimes its not always going to come at us in a gentle loving way but at the end of the day, it is still Love. So we have to keep that in mind.

          The next blog I will do is called the Reversal World. I put a lot of emphasis on this because I want you guys to know how to read the world through parallel eyes. This world is dual. Therefore, I will try my best to teach you how to work with a world with double meanings. Alright guys, that's all I have for now. See you next time. Be safe and Spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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