Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Evil Eye

Hi Everyone,

         As we walk through this dark world, we are covered with negativity everywhere we go. Whether, its from co-workers, friends or sometimes family. This negative energy just seems to follow us everywhere. That is due to negative entities that want to mess us up by diverting our attention towards something that went wrong in our lives. Now there are many negative entities that use other people or just attack directly. They don't care. Just know that they can only distract a person for a time and then the person goes back to what they were originally doing before the attack. So in short, this topic is about negative entities keeping our eyes away from the Heavenly Father. 

       These entities will try anything and everything to make sure that you are not focus on the Heavenly Father. Like for example, you are trying to give to a children shelter and you are working towards getting at least 40 teddy bears to kids who are in the age group of 4 to 7 years old but you are facing some heavy duty issues with your job and you will not be able to finish it on the time schedule you have set for yourself because of job difficulties. That kind of stuff. Yeah, it may sound little, but little things actually have the most effect on us. Another example, is saving a lot of money for mortgage and only to realize that the deadline for rent is here and you are 50 dollars short from making rent whole. That kind of stuff. These are the effects of the Evil Eye. The eye that sees the good in you and will try everything to pull out the bad in you just because you are doing the right thing. That kind of evil. In fact it's the same kind of evil that runs the world. Promotes everything bad and kills everything that is good. 

      However, do not be discourage when you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Just know that it's temporary and that the Heavenly Father is there to sustain you. No matter what. He makes a way out of no way. So let us be strong and face anything that comes in our way in confidence and with the guidance of the Heavenly Father, He will pull you out of it. It is His Grace and Mercy that we get to live another day, experience and grow. So what can negative entities do? Absolutely NOTHING! When you heart is set on the Heavenly Father, there is no way they can get you to turn against Him. Lest there is a detection of weak spirit. No need to worry about that because the spirit is made strong by the Heavenly Father, Himself. 

        The Evil Eye can try its best to put us all under its little spell but at the end of the day, the righteous is victorious over the evil ones who gravitate and entertain that type of thing. The righteous may be small and number but as they say, "Small things come in Big Packages." We have the Heavenly Father on our side so there is nothing they can do to stop our journey towards the Most High. That's for sure. So let's keep our eyes on the prize and let nothing distract us from returning Home to the Heavenly Father. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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