Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, June 9, 2014

Leaving this World

Hi Everyone,

             I thought I put a soft touch to the blog today by adding an anime picture. Well, at any rate, we should all be preparing to get ready to leave this world and prepare for the New Earth. This is to be Spiritually ready for it. Have all of your frequencies vibrating together in unison. This will also include the Mind, the Body and the Soul. Focus only on the Heavenly Father and on your next step towards ascension. Going out into Nature will help you with this. Continue to think positively and make sure your faith is rock solid. Do not have anyone tell you different or stray you away from your path. Remember there is One Way, One Truth. Not multiple truths. This is something that I occasionally run into when observing people to see if they have made any progress with their spirituality. 

        There is so much energy that is effecting everyone worldwide and lots of it is good energy. However, depending on the type of spirit we carry will be the ending result because this energy that we are given is going to have us evaluate things that we have never evaluated before and will encourage us to look at ourselves and see if we have done anything to expand on our growth. How is the relationship with the Father and yourself? Have you taken an extra mile to help your fellow brother and sister? Have you helped spread the Truth in some way shape or form? (Please note that I refer to Gospel as Truth. :) ) These are the things that we have to evaluate and see what needs to be done to help expand growth to our Heavenly Virtues that was bestowed upon us by the Father. 

          Have you ever tried to fast? Fasting also expands on growth as well. Not only does this help us become humble but to also develop empathy and to want to help those who are in need, whether its hunger, thirst, or any other essentials. Fasting actually fuels the spirit. I promise you this. Yes, it does not help the body feel good because of the sluggishness and constant arguments that the stomach will give to us every time it thinks about food. Yet, it will still benefit the body because it will cleanse the body from all of those toxins that is being consumed but everyday processed foods. Fasting is not easy but with practice it will become more tolerant and then it will become more easier. 

        These are the things that we must do. Continue practicing our moral codes and the teachings that was given to us by the Father. That is really all that we have to do. It is a simple lifestyle that is usually looked down upon because it is not attractive to society. Yet the simple paths are always the hardest ones. 

Just remember, if the path is easy, then it is not the right path. 

         Keep up the moral codes and serve the Father with all of your heart and soul. You will be amazed by the response you get. I really mean it. When all of this is over we can all celebrate on the other side.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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