Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, June 15, 2014

True Meaning of Light

Hi Everyone,

        I wanted to talk about the true meaning of light. See we have a two different types of meaning of light. Light as in Divine Light and light as in the blinding light. Okay, what everyone who is on this spiritual journey is on the path of being Children of the Most High. Everyone is searching for Divine Light. When we are searching for it, we tend to go for it and sometimes the light changes into a blinding one. See there are many paths and there are also many that lead to the blinding light. There is only One Way, and One Path towards the Path of the Divine. So, all of this other stuff that people are talking about now with the manifesting stuff and all of this occult stuff are going towards the path of the blinding light. This light will blind the crap out of us. So it is imperative to stay away from it. 

       The true meaning of Light is Love. This has always been the Heart of Divine Consciousness and Being. If people don't express love, the end result is killing, stealing, raping, and everything else that is very savage by nature. Love is what every being needs on the planet and it continues on in the higher realms. Love is the Foundation of the Soul. The Heavenly Father has Pure Essence of Love. With that Love, He created all things. Think about it, if there was a lack of love present in the depths of the Unknown, we would not be here. So we know for a fact that the Heavenly Father is not at ALL egotistical. This means that we have to be the same. Express love everywhere you go. Even if that person is not as engaging towards the Love. Still express them. Remember when Yashayah said "Love Thy Enemies." Yeah, its gonna be hard to love your enemy, especially when they are always plotting against you. 

        This is the Foundation of it, Love. Love equals Light. Light is only a light if its not carried by the strong emotional forces of Love. The Heavenly Father shows love each and every day. It is because of Love, He has not destroyed the Earth yet. However, because no one is going to change, He cannot wait anymore. This has to come towards an end. I got off topic, but expressing Love is the Key to Ascension, Okay? Because Love is the Root of all Divinity, it expands towards all the realms. As we advance to higher realms, the Love gets stronger and stronger each time and each day. Yes, its going to require all of us to be open towards people and its going to make us vulnerable towards attacks. Keep in mind that this is a heartless world and this world hates all of those who are the Children of the Heavenly Father. Still express love even though, they are mean and are fighting you tooth and nail. No, I'm not telling you to put up with the crap that they give you but to let those sly comments roll off your back especially now. We are trying to get out of here, not fight. 

        Continue to do these and many things will start getting easier and change for the better. Start off by showing Love to Nature. Plant something, stop using harsh chemicals in the yard. Express love in your way towards Nature. Earth Loves Love. No one shows her any love but they show plenty of abuse. Most importantly show Love towards the Heavenly Father. Father and Child relationships work both ways right? Talk to Him, Meditate with Him, engage some type of spiritual activity that express your love to the Heavenly Father. You will be so shocked and amazed by the response that you get. Love also leads to Happiness, too. All of the Seven Virtues come straight out of Love. Love fuels everything good. Love is natural to everyone. Everyone needs love to carry on. Every being needs to express Love and be Loved. 

        Lack of Love causes exactly what we see on this planet. People going crazy. The demons are to blame for this and the lack of self-control in people. This is why we see what we see now. Love is what we need to show towards everyone. It takes Love to be humble, to have selflessness, to have a good work ethic, to be respectful, to not kill, to not steal, not cheat and any other virtue that comes from the Bible and all the other religions. Everything that is good, comes from Love. That is why we here about the Heavenly Father being all about Love. Not all of this craziness we see in the world today. This is ridiculous. 

         But yes, Love is what causes us to do good things and want to help others without wanting anything in return. This is what we need to keep in mind. Love your neighbors and your enemies. Love your family and your friends. Love everybody, regardless of color, gender, or species (whether they are an animal or a plant, Love Them!). Love Them. Love Them. And see how you are then transformed into a ray of light to shine on the world and share your love towards everyone so they can be encouraged to do the same. The Heavenly Father does this everyday, and Yashayah the Christ does this everyday. There is no reason that you should not do this everyday as well, alright? Okay guys, be safe and spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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