Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, June 12, 2014

High Vibrations Lead to Universal Love

Hi Everyone,

             Sorry for not posting in a while, I've been mostly in thinking mode, but today's topic is high vibrations. Okay, when we vibrate on a high vibration than we are happy, generally happy. However, that is not really the main reason why I'm blogging about this. If we are going to leave this world we have to be vibrating on a high vibration. We must be in tuned with the Heavenly Father. This requires us to think positively and keep the Heavenly Father on our minds all the time, and of course through our Savior Yashayah. This is highly important and in this task it is really hard to even think in a positive state because of how the world is. I mean its a total mess and its only going to get worse. So how in the world are we going to get through all of this with thinking positively? The best thing to do when doing self work is to spend a lot of time with the Heavenly Father. 

             This can be accomplished, because there are heavy sets of low vibrations going on right now. People are just mad for no reason. Mad because there is no money, no employment, and just mad because this false world is crumpling like rocks on a cliff. So to begin vibrating at a higher vibration, one must detach from this world all together. It's going to leave anyway, so its best to not interact with it as much as we can. That way when stuff starts hitting the fan, we will not be so heavily hit with it. That is the first thing, we do. Detach from all of it. 

            Next, is to eat high vibrating foods. This is mostly fruits and vegetables because it comes from the earth. If you can do organic that's great, but regular fruits and veggies are good too. Just stay clear away from the meat. The meat is not good at all and it's pumped with all kinds of animal hormones and antibiotics. So when the body gets sick with super bug, there will be a hard time fighting it because all the doctor does is give out antibiotics. So that's like heavy doses of antibiotics from the meat and from the doctor his/herself. That is why the body can hardly fight these illnesses off because of all the antibiotics its consuming. Also, when eating meat, we are consuming fear lots of the times. That is why people live scary lives because of that. Lastly, because there is shortage of livestock, cloned meat has been a highly popular around world governments. So overall, meat is bad. These business pump the meat with all kinds of chemicals, GMOs, cloning meat and everything else they can think off. They don't care how they treat the public as long as they get the proper nourishment. It's time to start taking care of ourselves and not rely on governments so much. They are trying to kill us not help us. 

             Another good habit to pick up is meditation. This can help build relationship with the Heavenly Father. When clearing the mind, this gives us the perfect opportunity to reach out the the Heavenly Father and to hear his voice when meditating. This is the ultimate quiet time when carrying an extensive conversation with Him. Give it a try. 

              Next is prayer. Prayer definitely helps. I view this as a conversation also. That is usually how I pray. You can choose to pray with your eyes closed or with the eyes open. Just reach out and talk to Him about whatever you want to. Whether its good or its bad, the main focus is building up a relationship or a stronger bond if one has already been build. 

              Go out in Nature. Please do that. For the body vibrations to get higher, we are going to need rhythm. This rhythm will be coming from the Earth. The Earth is a direct linkage from the Heavenly Father and us. It's best to get into Nature. Whether taking a nature trail or doing either yoga or Taiji. These activities will help a lot because rhythm is being developed. Give it a try guys. 

             This is the most important one and its the most challenging one. Fasting. To develop good vibrations with the Father, fasting is required. When fasting, this is when we of course deprive ourselves from physical food in turn for spiritual development. Our spiritual bodies will then get the proper nourishment it needs for its own development. Because we have a physical body and a spiritual body, it is important to keep track of them both and see where we are at on those levels. That way Physical and Spiritual can vibe in unison instead of having an imbalance. One can be to spiritual and become totally detach from physical self and then denies the physical self. One can be too physical and denies anything spiritual because one is happy with the physical. So be sure to be balance. The Fast will definitely help you with it, Okay. Also, focus on the Heavenly Father when fasting, it really does help. 

            These are the main pointers towards having the Body, Mind and the Spirit balanced and vibrating on higher vibrations. When vibrating on higher vibrations, we can be more in tuned with the Heavenly Father and we will start wanting to do more as far as caring more about our ecosystem. We will also be able to feel the same sufferings and relate to the same pain that everyone is feeling all around the world. We would then want to be able to spread Love world wide and be more passionate about everything that flows around us within the Universe. Because we are in rhythm with the Heavenly Father, and once we know the Heavenly Father than we will change like never before. So please do these steps to better one's self and be able to be in Wholeness with the Heavenly Father. Alright guys, be safe and spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 
May Peace Be With You. 

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