Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Neptune: Reflection and Deception

Hi Everyone,


        I wanted to talk about Neptune. Neptune is retrograding this month and the following months to come. This is also a perfect time for us to reflect and get our souls right for the end of this world. This is indeed the calm before the storm and we must be able to put in some self work that is good, like fasting, meditation, prayer, going out in Nature, and also getting into charity work. All good self work. This is the perfect time to go inside yourself and see if there is anything that needs to be worked on for a better and stronger relationship with the Heavenly Father. This is why I said in previous blogs to take advantage of this calmness in the air. Get yourself prepared for ascension, okay? It is very important to do this. Reflect on the things that need to be worked on and do this work. I cannot stress this enough. We have to get ourselves prepared before the storm hits and it will be a TERRIBLE ONE!! No one wants to be here when this happens. NO ONE!

          Since it is a perfect time to think and reflect on things, this is also an opportunity for the Dark Ones to plot whatever they have going. This is where the deception comes in. Remember when I said that they like to manipulate planetary spirits in order to get whatever they want done? This is one of those opportunities. So please be aware of what is going on around you. Be on Alert always. Never let your guard down. 

        There are too many people running around with their spirit fire in their lamps blown out. This is when it needs to be lit and blazing with fire right about now. Instead, we have so much partying and too many people focusing on the wrong thing. Some have even started going back into the world now. This is starting to make me sad and frustrated because this is when stuff starts hitting the fan. When everyone is off guard and going around like everything is so awesome, then that's when the full veil drops and things get ugly. We are not in the Book of Revelations for nothing guys. Please get prepared for whatever comes the best way you know how. 

         Deception is heavy right about now. So be careful. Remember also that the most important message in this blog is to reflect and start preparing for the New Earth that is coming down. This Earth is NOT going to MANIFEST ANEW! Like they claim in the Lightworker books. Stay clear away from the Lightworker books because its really a gateway to commune with demons and not Heavenly Spirits. Alright guys, be safe and get right with the Heavenly Father. The timing is close. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.  

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