Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Yashayah: The Way Shower and Bread of Life

Hi Everyone,

I put up this particular image because I want to go in depth of what this means.

          Okay, we see that in John 14:6 about what Yashayah said about being "the Way, the Truth and the Life", right? Yet we still have people partaking in flesh and blood of him. This to me makes no sense. Why would anyone want to do a symbolic ritual of eating the flesh and drinking the blood in order to get the eternal life? Or to think that eternal life is granted to them by doing this thing? Flesh and Blood cannot go into the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. This has been established by the Father over and over again just as Yashayah stated over and over and over again. That is the No. 1 basic fundamentals of teaching about the Heavenly Father. So why do this ritual? Why do this thing? This is also why I have stated that there are two entities in the Bible. Yashayah always talked about the Spirit. He did say that the Heavenly Father is a Spirit there for we should worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. What does bread and wine got to do with the Bread of Life.

         When he said these things he was talking about the Word of the Living Father, fore he is the Living Word manifested in the flesh. When you believe in the Son (Living Word of the Heavenly Father) you will taste the Bread of Eternal Life. This is what he is really saying. It has nothing to do with tasting the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. NOTHING! That's like telling someone to be a cannibal and a vampire all at the same swoop. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all. We must be careful. This is something that was implanted in the Bible. Not of the true original texts. Remember, I said there are edits in the Bible. Some very bad ones at that. So we have to understand that we should not always take what we see in the Bible or even in the lost books to heart because they have some corruption in it. 

This is the True Meaning of the Bread of Life (Living Word of the Heavenly Father):

  • Keep the Commandments. All of them. Not just the ones that are in the New Testament but the Commandments also taught in the Old Testament. Okay? The Commandments in the New Testament are not a substitute for the ones in the Old Testament. Do all of them.
  • Keep up with the Teachings of Yashayah, alright. What did he teach? I see that everyone is more focused on other things and fighting about the details in the New Testament but no one focuses on what he taught. That doesn't make sense. How are we to progress if we do cannot even continue the Teachings that He has for us? That makes no sense. 
  • Believe that the Father and the Son are one. I will make a blog about this later on but this is vital key information. Come On Guys!

         So stop with these silly rituals. That has nothing to do with the Heavenly Father or the Living Word. It's just something that has been implemented in by the Vatican to mess us all up. Remember what I told you, that this is Satan's world and he will do anything and everything to make sure that you do not get any close attachments to the Father nonetheless get into Heaven. So Be Very Very Very Careful, Guys. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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