Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Way of the Lotus

Hi Everyone,

         I usually talk about the doom and gloom stuff with the world but today, I wanted to take a brake from it all and talk about the The Way of the Lotus. Now, out of all the pretty flowers that the Heavenly Father created, I really really love the Lotus flowers. They are just so beautiful when they blossom and they float on water. I love water and a any type of flower that floats on water makes it all the better. Yet it is a very powerful flower when it comes down to spirituality. Like any person who decides to choose their path, a lotus flower could represent what kind of shade color or blossoms. The lotus flower is tied into Buddhism, but the flowers elegance could represent a person on their way towards enlightenment creating a perfect blossom inside of them and the radiance of their beautiful spiritual transformation.

            The Way of the Lotus is really about shedding off the ego and undergoing a new transformation of becoming a better and more spiritual person. During time there was an age of forgetfulness. The forgetfulness that we as living beings do not reside in the flesh but in a spiritual state. Because of Dogma and the changing and edits of ancient texts most of this knowledge either forgotten or has been scattered all around the world. Now, it is essential that we go around the world and look at all religions to study the cores. There is always a piece of knowledge that one religion may carry and another one does not. It's important to look at them without any preconceive notions about them. This is how we are able to learn and to grow. Once we start looking at things in a more open light as we broaden our scales of open-mindedness we can surely find that these cores of each religion talks about one primary source into the way of the Heavenly Father. The Divine Light in which we call Love. 

            That is what we are all growing to learn about the Way of the Father. The Divine Path of Pure State and Unconditional Love. This is actually a tough task to do because of the world that we live in. However, nothing is new under the Sun and what we are facing now is the same thing that Yashayah the Christ was facing 2,000+ years ago. These are usually the obstacles that we have to deal with when finding our way back to the Pure State of Being. When shedding the ego, we have made a huge effort for spiritual transformation. Remember in Genesis, when Abraham paid a tithe to Melchizedek? In Today's churches,  we hear that a tithe is paying 10% of our money into their organization in order for them to give it to the needy. We will begin to see that this is not the case. Yes, charity is important and we should all give towards someone in need. However, I do not trust modern day churches to give to anyone who is in need because of the corruption skyrocket. However, I am talking about a tithe that is much deeper than that. A tithe that is more personal and its one that the majority people nowadays don't want to pay up. 

             This is a tithe that consist of all of us to give up our modern ways of thinking and undergo a new lifestyle which involves the Heavenly Father. To have the personal relationship with Him and knowing what He is all about without the involvement of Dogmatic teaching. Dogma is basically a person's view of the Heavenly Father but not necessarily the Heavenly Father. The problem in which we are all faced with is the fact that we as people tend to put the Heavenly Father in a box. I know that there are some of us that do not do that or not trying to do that but it just turns out that way. Then there are others who are into Dogma that just puts Him in the Box. It is true that the Heavenly Father is just in everything He does and that He does not deviate from the Laws in which He puts down for us to follow. The Laws in which we call the Natural Ways of Nature. Anything that is not Natural will be cast out. That is a proven fact. What I mean by putting Him in the box is, when some one teaches something and needs justification and it is not found in the True Living Word but is implanted in the Bible due to edits. 

             That is why it is so very important to know Him personally, instead of relying on what someone else say about Him. That is also why people have different opinions about something because there will always be someone who thinks one thing and some one else who thinks another thing about the Father. Sure, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but its when those opinions are forced is where the problem starts. 

            The Way of the Lotus is basically to find our own paths and form our own unique relationship with the Father. Grow from mistakes and share information in which will help others in their journeys without forced opinions. Flourishing into a unique flower of radiance and sharing Divine Love in its pure unique form. I will have a blog about the true meaning of Divine Light and Wisdom expressing what I mean about Divine Love in pure unique form because there is many forms of Divine Love but it all comes from the exact same Source of Soul. So we are going to be digging into that more as well. Alright guys until next time. Be Safe and Spread the Love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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