Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Your Mind is the Gateway Between Body and Soul

Hi Everyone,

            As promised, I am going to talk about the Mind being the gateway between the Body and the Soul. Everything basically flows through the mind, right? On the physical plane, we have our minds tell us to move our body ligaments and everything else. Mind stimulates our emotions and our physical body respond to these emotions that are released from the brain. We do alot of stuff with our minds. That is why the government is passing medical bills to implant chips in our minds. They say that its to study how the mind works inside of each individual because no one is the same. However, its much deeper than what they say. That is why its important to make it our priority to NOT trust the governments. 

          At any rate, the mind may tell us what do do with our body but it also gets messages from the Heavenly Father. These messages go from Him to the crown charkra into our brain's subconscious and is downloaded and interpreted within dreams:

"In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction."  Job 33:15-16

         Not only our minds do this it acts as a gateway from spiritual to physical. It downloads and gather information from the Heavenly Father, in the spiritual realms and then goes to mental perception. So when we wake up we remember our dreams and we either write them down or we keep them stored in our memory bank. 

          Because the mind is a gateway, many things that are in the physical are created to keep us in physical bondage. For example, if we see a new car or new house or something that seems to have meaning in the physical realm, it will be projected within our dreams. Same thing goes for mind manipulation and control. If we are to watch something, our minds not only pick up what the story is about in a movie or tv series, it can also pick the subliminal messages that are hidden in the movies or tv series. This is why the majority of the population is still dead asleep because of the subliminal messages that are behind not only movies and tv series but billboards, restaurants and everything else in the world that carries a logo. Thus putting people in a state of Mental Bondage. When one is in Mental bondage it is hard for messages from the Spiritual Realms to go to the Mental State because there is a road blockage. Not only through eyes but also through ears. 

        The music we have today is to put us in mental bondage also. Yes our minds know what the lyrics are saying forwards but it is also picking up what the lyrics are saying backwards. So we have to be very careful when dealing with media. It is all apart of mass manipulation. This is not something new that they have done overnight, yet in many years ago. In the Lost Book of Adam and Eve, it talks about the Children of Cain tricking the Children of Seth to come down from the holy mountain with instruments of music and colorful apparel. Same tricks, different time frame. Like the Heavenly Father has stated, "There is nothing new under the Sun." This is the same identical stuff that they are doing. The same things. Over and over and over again. 

        It is time for us to start getting more educated about what they are doing instead of going with the flow all the time. Its like the iPhone example that I talked about in my earlier blogs. All the versions from 1 to 5 do the exact same thing. All they do is re-adjust the size and give it a new color and then repackage it back to us for twice as much as the old one, because its "new, fun. and trendy." Its the same thing. Same thing with these tricks. They have been doing this since the beginning. All they do is re-adjust and repackage, re-adjust and repackage the same spell over and over again. Humans fall for it all the time. Same stuff guys...same stuff. 

         These demons know that the mind is the gateway for the spiritual and the physical. That is why they have the mind going every which way but loose. So please get away from these so called new gadgets and get right with the Heavenly Father. I can't stress this enough, Okay? We have to get ready for Ascension. 

        We manifest NOTHING in the PHYSICAL!! WE MANIFEST NOTHING AT ALL!! We are just here living on Planet Earth to learn the Basic lessons of this plane. Not all this extra stuff. All of this "manifest, manifest B.S." We can't even bypass the fact that the government is a snake in the grass. We can't even see that the Earth is messed up with all the animals dying by the droves. All these people who talk about they are some god or goddess and they can "manifest". Why don't they manifest some fresh clean water for everyone to drink? Huh? Manifest the ocean blue again.... Please.... These people can't manifest anything. They telling all of these lost people some stuff that is 100% raw uncut pointless B.S. that is not going to benefit them at all in spiritual development. It just makes me so mad to hear that. We are mortals. We all were born the same and all gonna die the same way. No one is better than the other and no one here is not a "god or a goddess". We are MORTALS!! Need to get over it. 

        Don't you see. Once the mind is in bondage, it can be hell to get out of it. There is a state of confusion and its hard to get clarity. The best way to get clarity is to get out of this crazy world. Don't travel at all just sit in a quite place and do not engage in anything that is social related, media related. Just don't do anything. Just chill out for a week or two. Reflect on just being on Earth and not the "world". You will see what I have been trying to tell you as well as many others from around the world trying to tell their neighbors. Please listen guys if you do not want to stay here. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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