Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Pure State

Hi Everyone,

"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure."  -Isaiah 46:10

        When there is a beginning, there is an end. This rule always apply to all walks of life. The Pure State is the beginning and the end of people. Whether it is one who is purely good or purely evil. There is a Pure State in everything. However, I want to focus on the Pure State of Goodness. The State in which Adam and Eve were before the transgression. In the Bible, there was a Pure State of Innocence and Good Will so it only makes since that once it's all said and done those chosen to go to Heaven will return to their Purity.

       What will be, will be again. That is why we have history repeat itself and also having repeats in our lives as well. As the rapture and the Great Tribulation nears, we will see how our own behavior and our own beliefs will continue to change over. We start picking up favorite past times that were enjoyable when we were kids. We will start having a different outlook in a sense of innocence. Re-discovering connections with nature like you did when you where a child. Everything will literally go back to the beginning. This is the Pure Essence of the Heavenly Father, calling back His Children. This is an exciting process yet a confusing one because of how society has trained us over the years. 

        This is the Pure State. The more we engage in it the better and easier the process will be. When confusion gets into the mix, it is very hard to understand what is going on. Also as we return to the State of Innocence, the outlook of things will start to be identical to the Eyes of a Child. In constant pursuit of learning. Remember that the Heavenly Father is endless and infinite. That means there is infinite knowledge, and with infinite knowledge there is constant room to grow and learn from different tasks and assignments. 

         In this State of Purity, you will notice a great urge to be humble. Each and everyday, there is an urgency to learn, not from the books of the world but the books of Heaven. Because this is a basic realm and we must practice the teachings given to us by Yashayah the Christ. Once we have mastered the teachings that have been bestowed on us, we go through a test. If we pass it, then we are ready to move on towards our new lessons that have been placed right in front of us. On Earth, we are here to learn more about the Heavenly Father and learn how to serve Him. This is what we must learn to do. 

        The society in which we live in is nothing but a huge distraction to keep us in recess mode so we will not get the lessons we need in order to advance to the next realm. The learning process continues on and on and on and on. We are just spiritual toddlers just now learning how to walk and talk, and that is why its so hard for many of us to even believe in the Heavenly Father. Just like toddlers. Once they think their parents are gone, they either (1) get lost and immediately start crying again or (2) get into more trouble. Same goes for us. Trust me, we may look like stern and responsible "adults" but once you shed all the flesh off to the bare bones, all you get is a spiritual toddler. 

          Just think about it... why is it that we have a Divine Being come down to teach us how to conduct ourselves and everything goes smoothly. When its time for the Divine Being to go away after the teachings is done, we are bombarded with chaos and we are back to square one... AGAIN! Instead of continuing the teachings, we get all bent out of shape and lost and end up getting into more chaos. See how that works? Another example is riding a bike, our parents teach us how to ride a bike. We know what the tell us but when it comes down to doing it, it's another story. We slip and fall but it is the dedication and determination that motivates us to ride that bike. Some of us may need some convincing because at that time learning how to ride is tough. Now here is the point where everyone will be faced with during riding a bike: 

Taking away the training wheels.

         This can either make or break someone. That is why we have some that can ride a bike and can't ride a bike. Understand? Same goes for us on our spiritual journey. We study the lessons that are given to us by the Heavenly Father and we have a set of training wheels. Once we master those teachings and apply it in the corrupted world that we live in to make a difference, the training wheels come off. When those training wheels come off, we then struggle to stay aligned with the bike. Yes, we can slip and fall. The falls represent our set backs but the most important question out of this whole thing is:

Are you going to get up and get back on the bike and try it again?

           Some of us get sick of it and say "You know what, forget it. I'm not going back on that bike again." That you have others that will say "Okay, that was rough, but let me try it again. I want to learn." See what I'm saying here? Same goes for our spiritual journey. It's going to be a hard and rough journey. There are going to be struggles and setbacks. Trust and believe, if it was going to be easy, everyone would be doing it okay. That's just apart of our growing. Once we get there to the end we get to be with the Father forever.

           So don't walk but run towards the Pure State of Spirituality. Go in thinking nothing but positive thoughts and with a kind heart. No prejudice towards others, but help others. That is apart of our service to the Father. No need to expect something in return because the gift was already given the moment you helped someone else. Continue the teachings that the Father has given us. That is what we must have our eyes set on. For all things come from Him and all things shall return. 

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."  - Revelation 22:13

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