Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Eyes of a Child

Hi Everyone,

       Why did Christ say that we have to become children in order to see the Kingdom of the Father?

         Actually it's pretty simple of why. Children have a perspective how how things should be. In truth, they are the wise. They can see things that we cannot see. They can show us things that we have not even thought to pay attention to. They are excellent teachers when it comes down to sharing or expressing unconditional love. In their eyes there is no such thing as divisions. Whether it be gender, color, animals, plants. They treat everything the same way they would treat another person. Children know that there are other spirits that exist within the Earth. They see things with a Pure Heart. They really have came from Heaven themselves and have already shown us "adults" how to behave and how to express love without having any "expectations."

        Children have already seen the Father. They know Him from having direct contact with them and they know how to interact with Him directly. They do not need a book to tell them how to express love or become One with the Father for they have that instilled in them instinctively. In many ways, Children can show us how to connect with the Father. They express this and show this by strictly example. They do not really need words to show us the right way to treat people or the right way to treat Mother Earth. It is when we try to distort the minds of children with worldly ideas, this is when they fall into the path of forgetfulness and confusion. 

          It is through Children that we get to see the Universal Connection for the very first time within our lives. It is through Children that we get to learn what is right and what is wrong. It is through Children that we get to see everything with an Open Mind and a Pure Heart. 

      If we want to go back to the Pure State and few of us will get there, adopt a Child as a Teacher. Let the Children teach us how to see the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. Let them teach us how to treat Mother Earth. Let them express and show us how the Universal Connection flows through the elegant waters of Heaven all the way down to the Earth. Let them show us that everything has life. From the biggest animals, the elephant all the way down to the smallest of creatures, the ants! For the solid Earth to the settle calm waters. From the fire to the invisible winds. They will show us that everything has life. Everything is treated the same. There are no Divisions. They will show you the Ultimate Divine rule that we have been missing all this time because we where too busy playing "adults":

The Divine Rule of Oneness

    They do not need a Teacher at all. They do not need school or how to behave in society or how to conduct themselves. For their Teacher is the Father even though they may be too young to recognize it. Yes they need proper direction and discipline and maybe more understand of the Father. That is what we as parents need to do for our children. However, the Ultimate Teacher has already came. He came with them before they even got here on Earth. He is the First that they see and the Last that they see. Just like He is the First that we see and the Last that we see. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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