Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Go Vegan!

Hi Everyone,

          I just wanted to give out a short advice about going vegan. The meat has all kinds of antibodies and it can definitely mess us up. See what happens is this meat that we are on can slowly pollute our minds and keep us in an animal like state. Most of the meat is cloned meat because all of the cattle and livestock have been wiped out for the past couple of years. It is just not good for us to eat meat at all. To contrary to what the world has taught us, we are only to eat fruits and veggies and nothing other than that. All this talk about the fruits and veggies do not fill us up is a big fat LIE! I really does fill us up if we give it a chance. 

       In truth, the Heavenly Father wants us to eat fruits and veggies because the animals in which we eat have lives of their own and have their own purposes. I can guarantee you guys that one of them is not to be served up at the dinner table for us to devour. This is why we as a people live in fear because the animals fear for their lives before getting killed and when we consume it, we consume their fear. If the animal is a girl or boy we are also consuming their hormones as well making us even more out of tune with our own bodies. This is not good for us and MOST definitely not good for the animals. So we must learn not to eat the animals and treat them with the most dignity and respect like we do our own "species". They are apart of our extended brotherhood. So what happens to them, happens to us. We are all one. We are NOT separate like the world wants us to think.

      All religions talk about being vegan or vegetarians and not to eat meat. The Heavenly Father created animals as well. I just don't think that it would please Him if we continue to eat the animals. When we go to Heaven, how are we going to get along with the animals up there? It's best to start going back to the beginning when Adam and Eve did not eat meat. (This is in the First Book of Adam and Eve.) Just a reminder. Okay guys, be safe and spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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