Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, June 20, 2014


Hi Everyone,

          Today, we live in a society where its every man for themselves. Everyone wanting to be the top dog or be the boss of others. Its a real dog-eat-dog world where people actually kill others to make sure that they are on top. Why do they do that? I never quite understood it. When the Earth was created and everything that was in it. There was no such thing as division. Guys above Girls, and People above the Earth. We have gotten so distracted from all the things that surround us every day that we forget how to live. We forget that we are One with our ecosystem. If we tear down a tree we end up cutting our oxygen supply. I mean look at Nature. Earth isn't living for her own benefit, neither the animals, nor the plants. We all have to work together. This is how the Heavenly Father set everything up. Even in Heaven. All of the Angels work together under the Will of the Heavenly Father to get things done. Okay. 

         We as a people carry so much hate in our hearts. In turn we express that hatred towards other people, rather than taking time to heal and to turn a bad situation into a positive one. We have to work on that. Society is no better. It is the biggest deception that is on the face of the planet right now. I can literally go on and on and on about the deceit and all the wrong doings of society. However, I rather give things out bit by bit so that you will be aware of it and break away from this Beast system of a society and live simple and build your Personal Relationship with the Heavenly Father. This is the Ultimate Truth. Don't you see? The churches just doesn't cut it anymore because it has been warped into something else. Today's churches are now under the worship of Satan. 

            We have to get out of this bondage and be completely free from it all. We have too. Yes it's going to be a long and hard road, but that is OKAY! You already have the Heavenly Father in your corner so you are not alone. Remember what I have told you before. The road is meant to be hard. That is because this world is basically Satan's kingdom and the True Children of the Heavenly Father will not stand a chance here. Not with a kingdom that is so corrupted and just want to kill innocent people for the hell of it. That is not right. We all know that this is not right guys. SO why in the world will are we so "comfortable" watching people die and be okay with it!?

I know why. Because we are "not the SAME! But that is when SOCIETY IS WRONG!! No one is better than the other. The Heavenly Father did not make it that way. He created us the exact same. There are no Kings and Queens in Heaven. That's a major lie. It is pure equality. Just like it is in Heaven. Everyone is equal. No one is BETTER than the other. So if there are people out there that think that they are going to be top dog in Heaven than they better think again. There is no such thing as DIVISION! 


May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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