Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Worship of False Images

"Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image."  Exodus 20:4

Hi Everyone,

         So if the Heavenly Father said do not make any graven images. Do Not Bow down and worship them than who the HECK is THIS GUY!!!???

       This is what I mean. We have no clue who the heck he is or where in the world he came from. Where are the origins of this man? Why do we worship this thing? We have NO IDEA WHAT THE MESSIAH LOOKS LIKE!! So why do we have this man as the icon of the Messiah. No one knows what he looks like or anything yet we bow down and worship this image like we know for a fact that he is the Messiah? See what I mean? WE HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THE REAL MESSIAH LOOKS LIKE! How can we say this is the Messiah if we have NEVER LAID EYES ON HIM! This is why the majority of people are going to be deceived. We should know better than this. We all know the 10 Commandments. And worshiping False Idols is DEFINITELY ON THE LIST! Why do we bow down this this him.

Or her?

Or even her?

       How do we know who these religious figures look like? How can any one say, 'this is the Messiah, Virgin Mary, or Mary Magdalene'. Here's the thing:


It just doesn't make any sense to take something that has no significance to the Heavenly Father at all. What does these images have to offer? What does these images do for us. They can't do anything for themselves so why are we worshiping so crap that doesn't have anything to do with the Heavenly Father in the first place. These images can't even direct us to the Heavenly Father. This is BLASPHEMOUS!!! It doesn't stop there! This false image worship has gotten so bad that it has became a DEADLY DISEASE! 

Lets not forget that this is a WORLDWIDE DISEASE!!





         You see? This is ridiculous. We got to stop this. We don't know what these religious figures look like. AT ALL!! Plus it's so obvious that they are false because they all carry the same look. This is nothing but a tool or method used by the fallen ones to make sure that we don't have a chance to get into Heaven. I keep trying to tell you guys that this is Satan's world so everything goes in his book. There is no morals here. Evil is good here in this world. Whatever is top dog in his book, we should look the opposite way. So I highly doubt the Messiah looks anything like the "Jesus" image that has been pumped in our heads for like centuries to come. 

        It is not even relevant for us to entertain this kind of images in which we see. It makes no sense at all. We have to become way more smarter than this. I mean WAAAYYYYY MORE SMARTER!! Come on guys. Lets think about this! 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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