Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Feeling Different

Hi Everyone,

"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world."  -John 17:16

        I'm sure that everyone has felt different in some point of their lives. Trying to fit in somewhere but the world just won't take you. No matter how many parties we attend or how many times we change our personalities to make it seem like we are just like them and to make us seem like we are cool or "good" people to hang with. Yet and still, the world will not take us. There is a reason for it. A reason that we are different. We are suppose to be different from one another we are not suppose to follow the in crowd at all. We are suppose to be true to ourselves. Even Yashayah, himself, was different and not many people could really understand where he was coming from. He told them that he was not of this world. What did he mean by that? Being not of this world?

      The world that we live in is the kind that rejects the just and accepts the unjust. Slander the righteous by calling them a square, uncool, or even worse. By calling someone out of their names. However, they love the wicked people. The wicked always gets a free pass where ever they go. They get all the fame and the fortune. Yet have we really sat down and observed how miserable they really are? They sold themselves for the sake of a tree. A false image of prosperity. Of glamour and gold that is only made to distract. That is it. So I rather be different than to be of the world. In a lost book, Yashayah said, that if a man where to search for the truth and find it than the world is not worthy of him. What does he mean by that? Why would the world be unworthy of anyone who searches for the truth and finds it?

      Have you ever heard of the this saying, "Same crap. Different Day." The world will keep singing the same song over and over and over again. Get up, get dress, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, eat dinner, get ready for bed, and go to sleep. Next day, get up, get dress, eat breakfast, go to work... 

See how repetitious that is? Where is the joy in that? 

       To work for a smoothed out piece of paper with no value and "buy" food with it when in actuality the food is suppose to be for free? Even the materialistic world is made from the very essentials that are found on Earth. So why should we be enslaved to a system that has been playing us since the beginning of time. This is Mind, Body, and Soul bondage. Someone who is not of this world will see it early and begin to question it. Yet, they are silenced by the world because the world want to isolate them. Make them feel low. Make them feel like they don't have any significance in the world. They reject a Child of the Heavenly Father. The reject the Power of Truth. Yet, the world fails the understand that they will get slapped with the Truth eventually. It will be a powerful slap because they do not expect the so-called "Train of Possibilities"  to end. 

     Don't be ashamed to feel exceptionally different because the essence of your being is of light and that light is illuminated by unconditional love and that unconditional love is the Heartbeat of the Heavenly Father. It all links together. Pretty soon you will get along better with animals than you do other human beings. That is the Truth. So being different to the point where the world will criticize you for everything you do, that is because in actuality they hate you and they hate all of your fellow brothers and sisters that feel the exact same way. It is true what I tell you. There is nothing wrong with keeping the ancient moral codes. The "traditional" values as the world likes to put it to make it seem old-fashioned and not so "trendy" anymore. I say let them call us what ever they want. I have seen Modern or New ways battle many times with the Ancient or Old ways. In Truth, the Ancient Ways always win because the Ancient ways have always been there even before there was a Modern. That is fact. Never seen Traditional Values lose. Not even once. 

       Modern society can try to replace it but in the end, it always trail back to what is Natural by Nature. The Will of the Heavenly Father will always prevail. Modern society is like and iPhone. It needs a tune up every year. Something has to be tweaked every year to keep the person interested. That's why it doesn't pay to keep up with the new tech anyway because they got to come out with a new version every single year. It's a waste of space. Same with TVs, computers, tablets and whatever else they got. That's why they merging with each other now to stay in business. Yet, with the Ancient Ways. Its consistent. It never changes. 

     So it may not be as distracting or it may not have the best apps or features of modern tech but its something way deeper than that. It's a way of life. People can change the way they do things but at the end the day, they can never change the way of life. A person who is different knows this. They know that this will end soon. They know that the world is backwards, they know that they are dwelling in a place that is foreign to them and they know that there has to be something better on the other side of this realm. This is something that they already know. Why? Because Someone had to have told them so. Someone who has been by their side since the beginning. That Inner Voice that motivates them to keep searching for something more something better than the life that they have been living in since the beginning of their time on Earth. That Someone is the Heavenly Father. Best to Believe It. There is really something far more greater, far more better and far more perplexed than what is given to us. 

      So being different is the best thing really. So no need to fit in modern society. It's going to collapse. Modern never wins. New ways that oppose the Ancient Morale never wins. 

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."  - Romans 12:2

Be safe and Spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.


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