Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Magnetic Field

Hi Everyone,

          Our magnetic field is taking a serious beating right now and will continue to do so. It is already bad that Earth now has a weak magnetic field, so what is going to help us with the Solar winds that we are getting right now? Not only we have a weak magnetic field but we also have a damage ozone layer. Of course this is nothing new since the ozone layer has been damaged for years. The fact that we as a people didn't do anything about it to keep it nice and healthy, now this is full time effect of karma that is going to be put on us for neglecting to take care of the ozone layer. This sun is going to rise up a fire that is going to be hard to put out. Can we really fight against Earth facing CMEs when everything we have runs by satellites and electricity? Not a chance.

           This is why we are at the end times because we can't do right. They even said on the news that our ecosystem is at risk due to "climate change". I don't believe the climate change story, not one bit. The whole ecosystem (us) is at risk because we didn't take care of the planet. Now everything in plane physical existence is going to perish. All because we as people didn't do anything to keep the ecosystem (our extended family) healthy and happy. Everyone else was doing their part. All the plants and animals. They kept their covenants with the Heavenly Father. They kept all of their commandments. However, when it comes down to us? Nothing. The problem is we got so manipulated that we think that we are better than anything else that walks the Earth. We think that we better than animals, plants, marine life, even our next door neighbors. This is why there is only a few that's going to make it.

           There are reports of animals that die by the droves. Lots of fishes and marine life just everything dying out. I mean really??? How is this NOT going to effect us? There are lots of meat eaters than they are vegans out here and the minute the food supply goes out than there are going to be mayhem. Why? Because the domino effect came in and hit us with it. There is no such thing as separation. If the animals die, we die. That's it. That is why I keep saying that we are one. There is no "its me" and then "its you" attitude when we are talking about the ecosystem. The ecosystem motto is "its you and me too". If we do not start adapting this kind of attitude than we are going to perish with no second chances extended. Be safe and Spread the Love guys.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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