Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pagan Holiday: Easter

Greetings Everyone,

              I have skipped Valentine's day because I wanted to talk about Easter first. Easter is like Christmas because it is the second most widely spread holiday in the Christian religion and I think that those who are Christian need to know this. Just like all the corruption that has been brought to light about Christmas. I just think that we all need to know the truth of this world and try their best to ascend to the 5th dimension and not look back to this world (Modern Society) and all its corruption. Now lets begin:

             Easter, of course, is the celebration of the resurrection of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. However, the same thing happened to this holiday just like the Christmas holiday. This time it's involving a bunny. Aww, how "sweet". Now, I ask out of pure curiosity and honesty. What does the bunny have to do with the resurrection of Yeshua.? It doesn't carry any relevancy to Yeshua in anyway. So why humor me with the bunny and the eggs it brings? I never understood that even as a child. Back then, I didn't understand how the bunny got into the mix. Why did I go to sunday church and then afterwards color eggs. Never really made any sense. I asked this and then I was suppressed to not say anything else about the holiday. "Just roll with it." So to speak. As a child, my mind then wondered off to the bunny. I couldn't wait to go the bunny and sit on its lap just like I sat on Santa's lap and telling the bunny what I wanted. Just like Santa. 

                As I got older, I became annoyed with the bunny and everything that went with it. So I was kinda like the Mr. Scrooge of Easter. Now as I was becoming more spiritually aware and continuing to have more intimate relationship with Abba. I begin to look at different paths and ways to get to Him but they always seem to lead me to a dead end. However, in my discovery, I realized that Easter isn't all what it cracks up to be. Now, we have a bunny just came out of nowhere, busting into the scenes and handing out eggs. 

"What the..."

                  Well the lets look over this fable. We have a bunny going around with a basket full of eggs.  This reminds me of the story of the pelican going around carrying a baby in its lower beak making deliveries. The paganism is this. The eggs represent fertility, the shape of the eggs represents the testicles. Easter is really named after the goddess Ishtar. So Easter is really a day of worshiping Ishtar, the goddess of fertility. A celebration of adulteries and sexual immorality. That is where the roots of Easter comes from. Highly disgusting.

The Deadly Sin Most Represented In Easter:

                   That is all that I wanted to cover for that particular holiday. See the hypocrisy in these holidays. Christmas and Easter especially. Those days are suppose to be designed to appreciate all of what Yeshua has done but instead these holidays are being turned into a late night after show costume party. I mean really? I will cover a few more holidays and that should do it as far as exploiting the hypocrisy of these holidays. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

Pagan Holiday: Christmas

Greetings Everyone,

                Christmas is categorized as the "most wonderful time of the year, and the most happiest season of all." With all these advertisements the dashing green and devilish "sweet" candy red wrappings, for all of these stores begging customers to by from them for the holidays season. Preparing a feast, and singing carols to the Lord Jesus Christ. I mean who wouldn't think that it would be a labeled as the most wonderful time.

                Christmas is a widely celebrated by people all around the world of exchangement of gifts in honor of celebrating Yeshua's birthday because the wise men have brought gifts to Yeshua as a small infant. Now here is the HUGE problem I have with Christmas. If it is suppose to be about Yeshua's birthday, then how did the old man in a red suit got into the mix? Well I will tell you why.

               The most popular Santa fable is believed to be a great story for kids in order to understand why presents are so important. So, does that mean Santa rode on his sleigh and delivered gifts to Yeshua on his birthday? I don't think so. Its a fable that St. Nick went around giving presents to people out of the kindness of his heart, only if the children have been good little boys and girls. However, if they misbehaved then Santa turns into his altar ego to scare them straight.

                 We have gradually seen society over the years embrace this old man more than Yeshua. Songs turning from "Oh Holy Night" to "Santa Baby". Everyone is engulfed in the gifts and then forget what it is suppose to be about. The attention shines away from Yeshua and then all the attention goes to Santa and then when people get to old for Santa then they are programmed in their psyche to get them something for themselves.

          Even though, it is the world's most popular fable, it has taken over what "Christmas" is suppose to be about. Now that we have talked about the present time of Christmas, now I will reveal to you the truth. There may be some of you guys that already know. If you do please help someone and tell them the truth.

                 Besides the fable, I will start with the birth of Yeshua. It is said that his birthday is in spring time. However, in research of the scriptures, there seems to be another story. In actuality, Yeshua's birthday is actually in the fall. Furthermore, he was not born in a manger, nor was he born under a palm tree. He was actually born in a cave. There were three kings that gave him gifts and not the wise men. The wise men wanted to lead Herod and his crew else where because Herod wanted to do harm to Yeshua.

                So the whole thing about Baby Yeshua being born in a manger with the three wise men are nothing but lies. Now how did the tree get in the mix? Well they tree is actually a pagan ritual done on this day. The tree represent the rise of Nimrod as a god. Who is Nimrod? Nimrod is the first anti-christ in history. He talked badly about God because things weren't really flowing his way like he wanted it too. But he was killed and his body was not found. However, there was one part of his remains that was recovered and they happen to be his genitals. So his mother than established this day in his honor and of course Nimrod's son, Tammuz gets to enjoy the fruits of this worship. So here is the whole story of the tree.

                 Knocking down the tree, represents Nimrod being killed. Putting up the tree represents the resurrection of Nimrod as a god. Decorating the tree representing Nimrod getting adorned with all the fine clothes and jewels and the star at the top of the tree represents Nimrod getting crowned the crown of divintiy. Setting gifts up under the tree represents and offering or sacrifice for Nimrod to accept. Singing carols around the tree represents singing praises to Nimrod.  So the tree is all about Nimrod.

The Deadly Sin Most Represented In Christmas:

                  These events that make this holiday the "most wonderful time of the year" is also one of the most greatest lies ever told by the Roman Church. This holiday is the most corrupted one out of all the Christian  religious holidays and it is the most egotistical holiday I ever crossed paths with. Some of you may argue with me on the egotistical part because we are giving to the other and not to the self. However, ego may be self-centered but it also clings to materialistic things no matter what it is and who gave it to you and vice versa goes to the person whom you are giving your gift to. The gift turns out turning into a "mine" gift for anyone. Then ego takes clams on it and it doesn't want anyone to touch it.

                  I not saying don't give to the other person. what I'm saying is this. If you want to give a person something than let it be something that they need not what they want. We talked about wanting things at the beginning of this ministry and how it eventually turns into misery. So if you are naturally a giver, than give to those in need or to a relative that is in need of something. The basic essentials. I just wanted to point out the evils in Christmas and any other holiday that is widely celebrated. It is nothing but a distraction tool. To keep you in the 3D state of mind. You guy are so much more than materials. Do not let materials define your state of being because it doesn't. At the end of the day its just matter. That's it. So let it go guys. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thankful For Murder?

Greetings Everyone,

                     What are you thankful for? This is the most commonly asked question that is said on the Thanksgiving holiday. This post will cover the origins of Thanksgiving and how its not as thankful as we thought it was for. So Thanksgiving is like one of the most earliest holidays celebrated by the Puritans. How they are thankful for learning the basic essentials of survival. So I wonder why the Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday now? Is it in memory that they have learned survival skills of how to grow corn and crops from the Native Americans?

                       That is the story that we have been told. However during their conquest from Europe to The New World: America, they have gradually left out the part of how they have killed the Natives of this land and begin to turn it over into their own land. They have used many torturing devices, using bacterial infested blankets and administered them as gifts to the Natives and they have died over it. Killing the Natives and using their flesh as food for dogs. Their whole agenda is to oppress and kill the Natives of this land all the way down to the lands of South America to rid the Natives to almost the point of extinction.

                    Which leads me to ask this question: What were they really thankful for? Where they thankful because they have learned how to grow crops and survive on the land? Are they thankful because they have killed many Natives so they do not have to worry about "competition of the land" or "sharing the land with the Natives" even though the Natives have been there in the first place? Or maybe perhaps they are thankful because they have conquered the land from the Natives and fashioned the land as their own?

                  Either way it is very cruel to treat the Native people in this manner. They show hospitality and they have been killed for doing so and their fleshly remains were used as dog food for their dogs. How low can a person be for doing this. This is a disgrace to the fundamental foundations of human civilization. This is savage brutality...

The Deadly Sin Most Represented In Thanksgiving:

                    Yes, I know for a fact that it is no longer apart of the religious movement but instead treated likewise to the holidays of Independence day and Labor day. Why am I talking about it? Because back then it was counted as a holiday when the Puritans were "fresh off the boat." As America matured then it was treated as just a holiday without deep religious roots towards it. 

                   Many of these holidays have deep double meanings and it is hard to decipher them all. However, each holiday have hidden evil messages, so you have to be careful. We are trying to maintain spiritual awareness and development. And we all start by uncovering the lies.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Pagan Holiday: Halloween

Greetings Everyone,

                  Today I am going to cover the pagan holidays that should not be celebrated. I will go over each holiday post by post. Since Halloween is tomorrow I will go over that and then I will go from there. For one thing, these holidays have nothing to do with God at all. Period. Instead, these false holidays are there for those who are lazy and want an excuse to party away. Either way the origins of these holidays are just not good at all. So I will briefly explain the general origins of these holidays.

                    These origins are simply this. Since Early Christianity has been on a rocky road since development, they have pagan roots in them. Many people who like the words that Yeshua's teachings during the time of his ministry they decided to go to the Romans and talked about it. However the Romans did not understand what they were saying. The early Christian church did not have many followers of the Romans so they decided, in order to get more followers than they will have to incorporate pagan roots and then convert them out of it to full Christianity. In those times they were at war with the Roman Empire, for they did not want change. So the Roman Empire went and persecuted the early Christian church. However, their pagan roots are still there and alive today. They have been incorporated as holidays for the regular christian life.

                      Halloween is a ritual were pagans would make jack-o-lanterns, and anything scary to try to scare away evil spirits because they believe that the evil spirits are going to be after them so in order to keep them at bay then they will do that. Some pagans have even sacrifice human bodies to their god. Having children dress up every Halloween and going out door to door signifies sacrifice of innocent souls to Satan.

                      You may think that I am crazy to even think that but it is the truth. Halloween or any other holiday for that matter has a double meaning. Meaning that you will find bitter candy in sweet wrapping. This is like an illusion to make children think that witches, zombies, mummies, and vampires are actually their best friends because they give them candy, just because they say Trick-or-Treat. As they become a teen, they become familiar with these Gothic characters and then they themselves turn dark. This is leads to the tainting of a young soul and self soul affliction. They become lost and do not really understand their purpose.

                    Yes, I am fully aware that when they hit puberty they struggle with trying to find themselves. Yes it is apart of hormones. However, they will, in the their subconsciousness, gravitate with what they have connection to as a little kid and if their interest goes into Halloween and recognize them as their "happier days" as a child. They will go back to them and eventually go towards the dark things that surrounds them. It always starts with an interest.

The Deadly Sin Most Represented In Halloween:

                    I am not telling anyone how to live their lives but I am simply pointing out the Paganism that is found in religion and how the corruption has now gone out of control and as they turn it up a notch it. Then it becomes more accepted in society as a whole. This is a form of sorcery. It is a false holiday just like all the other holidays. I would suggest people to take their children out to the movies or do something else other than celebrate Halloween, besides there are other things that are better than doing that.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Religion: The Greatest Tide To Division

Greetings Everyone,

              Today, I will be taking about religion and biggest flaw that they all share. The major thing about religion that I learned about is that they all have flaws. None of these religions honor anything that is mentioned in the book. I can talk about all the flaws that each and everyone of them have but this post will be pages and pages long. So I will keep it short.

               One part of this flaw is what the mainstream media has proclaimed on TV. These images will either appeal people to join or will appeal people to rebel against it. Whether media is broadcasting people honoring a certain holiday or showing terrorism clips. These images all have huge effects on people. Most media servers will work hard to put fear into peoples hearts about other people following another religion.

            Another part, is racism. One thing that I have realized that every religion has racism towards it. Each religion has some type of stereotype applied towards a certain group of people. This type of flaw prevents unity. We are all human beings and we all have emotions. Treating another group of people differently because of skin color or heritage is completely against what the religious text talk about. No one in this entire planet is subhuman or some alien from outer space. We all have a purpose here, if not, we would have not been created in the first place.

            Another is containing half-truths. In order to get a full spiritual development of the big picture you must be able to expand the mind. Have an open mind towards other religions. What is the core teachings of this religion or that religion? Please do not close the mind towards any type of religious teachings. I promise that the core teachings of all religions go towards Abba. The rest of it (particularly mainstream) is all fashioned out of a lie. In other words, all religions have a piece of the truth that is surrounded by lies.

            Another is idolatry. Symbols, images, and everything else they have shown in mainstream media is not what Abba is about. In actually, in all accordance to the ten commandments, idolatry is labeled as the most despicable sin that can ever be done. We are suppose to worship the true essence of God. Not suns, moons, wood, and stone. Just symbols that have nothing to do with God. All of that is just excess stuff.

             In addition towards the idolatry flaw, they all have references of paganism in all religions. This is what the religious text said not to do. However, this is something that we are commonly hit with on a regular day to day basis. Its really deeply rooted in mainstream religion.

             Another is religious text that is being misinterpreted as a tool for warfare. We have seen these things that happened already throughout the course of world history. There is constant fighting that is happening all over the world 99,9% all deals with religious reasons. The constant fighting between Israel and Iran, or the U.S. and Syria. All of these wars that will eventually grow into a massive World War.

             Overall, all of the religious text that teaches us and guide us into spiritual development is no longer being followed. No longer being taken seriously. Instead, it is being used as a factor to kill innocent lives from all over the world. It saddens me to see innocent people getting hurt for evil reasons that creep deeper than just the label of religion that is being stamped on every conflict that happens on earth. Now all I see is that religion is causing massive divisions from around the world and is spreading hate. This is not what the sacred text tell us to do.

               Yeshua taught us (and will continue to teach us) within his ministry to love one another. Not to be judgmental towards anyone. Abraham was very hospitable towards strangers and entertained everyone that crossed paths with his dwelling place. We often hear the Word of God and most of us do not even attempt to do them like our forefathers have done. If we go back into the Word of God, and do the Word of God, than we will see our lives gradually get better. We then develop a wonderful relationship with God.

                So what I am trying to say in short is this... there are pieces of the truth that have been scattered from all over. There is a code in the Bible that says:

"seek Me with all of your heart." 

                    This verse is inquiring that there is more out there and you must search for it. You will find it. I promise. There is really one path that has been divided among the people for many centuries. Pieces of the truth that have been scattered and it's like a treasure hunt to find all the clues in order get the BIG picture. I will also help you find the pieces, meeting you half way and allowing you to complete your journey into knowing yourself as well as knowing Abba on a personal scale.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Comet Ison: The Prophetic Comet

Greetings Everyone,

              In this blog, I will talk about Comet Ison and how much of a big deal Comet Ison really is and why it is not getting much air play and also why everyone needs to be worried about it. Comet Ison is a prophetic comet. It has been mentioned in the book of revelations as will as a HUGE signs of the Second Coming of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. I honestly believe that Comet Ison is indeed the Son of Man. It will be considered the brightest comet in all of human history and it will be seen by the naked eye really really soon.

                 This comet is like a combo deal because a lot of events are going to happen that are associated with this comet, such as the great earthquake, the fire and brimstone, rapture, the complete shift of earth's magnetic poles and many more things that will be associated with the comet. This is important to keep a watch on Ison and not be in a slumber because after the comet has shown itself than it will be pandemonium for the rest of the 3.5 year tribulations.

                  We are already at the mid-point of the tribulation. Now this latter part of it, is were the Wrath of God is going to be poured on the rest of the world and judgement is going to be extremely strong in all cases of the world. Now lets look into this comet deeper and see what the scriptures say about it:

         "For as the lightening cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." -Matthew 24: 27

                      Okay, so in my interpretation of this scripture verse in Matthew, I believe that it talks about the Comet Ison. According to NASA's very much earlier excited post about Comet Ison being the brightest comet in the whole human history and everyone will be able to see it from across the globe.  Now this was said earlier in the year, then NASA turns around and say that Ison will be a dud. Now there was an update just 5 days ago from the Hubble telescope that Comet Ison is still in one piece and it won't be such a huge disappointment. Ison has aready made itself known in the eastern skies with a telescope and binoculars. So it definitely validates the scripture above. 

"And thus I saw horses in the vision: those who sat them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone."   -Revelation 9:17

                        My interpretation of this verse is also relating to the Comet Ison. If you look at the infrared pictures of the Comet Ison than you will see the colors red, blue, and yellow. This is very interesting. The comet has a natural green tint to it but if you look at the infrared pictures this will validate this description of the horses. 

"They heads were like the  heads of lions" 

                There are some clips and pictures of Comet Ison that does bear an image like the image of a lion. 

"and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone." 

                 Also, in this infrared images of Comet Ison, there is images that looks like fire that is coming out of the coma of the comet as well as a smoky haze that surrounds the fire. As for brimstone, that's basically the objects that are inside of the comet. 

"For their power is in their mouth and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and having heads: and with them they do harm."  -Revelation 9:19

                 When I read this verse, I think about how all the astronomers reports how Comet Ison is carrying a lot of "trash" in the tail area. So that validates this verse as well. Overall, there are a lot of things that are going to happen with this comet. 

"By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed-- by the fire, and the smoke, and the brimstone which came out of their mouths."  -Revelation 9:18

                    I also believe that with this comet's debris it will be send meteorites (brimstone) and it's going to fall down like rain. With the speed of the meteorites that are going to rip through the atmosphere of the earth and appear like fire balls in the sky, they are going to fall upon men and they will die from it. That is going to very dramatic and will change the human life and earth life forever. 

                         I do believe that this comet is indeed the comet that is mentioned in the Bible. I have also did some studies about what the ancient Maya has said about the comet and they have also said about a comet in their ancient records as well. So there is a lot of prophetic messages that are linked to this comet and as it gets closer more and more is being learned about it. I also believe as it gets closer it will be known to the world that this comet is actually the Second Coming of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. May Abba Be With You.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Sign of Jonah Revealed

Greetings Everyone,

                   The Sign of Jonah has been revealed this month on October 16 through October 19. This was a celestial sign that has happened in the heavens where the moon entered in the sign of Pieces and traveled through the belly of the fish and went into the goat. This is a huge sign because it is the only sign that we will receive from Abba because our generation is full of wickedness. I'm sure that everyone is familiar with the Sign of Jonah.

                   For those who are not. The Sign of Jonah is about the prophet Jonah who was trapped inside of the belly of the fish for three days and three nights for disobedience. After the three days and three nights are fulfilled than he begins to warn the people about their sins and the people took him seriously and repented for their sins as they were instructed.

                      Now with that said, the Sign of Jonah was the only sign given in that pertains to the Son of Man. Now that this sign has happened in the heavens than there is a total of forty days to repent or perish in the sins that were created. So this is a huge deal. This sign definitely tells us that the Son of Man will definitely appearing soon. So please be on the look out.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sixth Seal: Coming of the Great Earthquake

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood."  -Revelation 6:12

Greetings Everyone,

                   Today I want to explain the coming of the great earthquake that is accompanied by the sixth seal in Revelation 6:12 here. Well, I feel that this prophecy is about to come true any moment guys. This post is going to be a short one because I am going to give out facts as plainly as I can about this particular earthquake that is going to happen. So here I go:

"The Moon became as blood..."

                       Okay guys, on October 18 there was a prenumberal lunar eclipse. This eclipse I think is symbolical towards the scripture pertaining the sixth seal because that moon appeared as a blood red moon. Hence the partial quote "the moon became as blood"

"The sun became black as sackcloth of hair..."

                         Now following this lunar eclipse that happened on October 18, here follows a solar eclipse on November 3. This was to be described as a hybrid solar eclipse but it can be a total eclipse. I don't know but only Abba knows what kind of solar eclipse its going to be. I find it very interesting that the solar eclipse is going to happen like right after the lunar eclipse. As the day becomes dark for a period of time thus fulfilling this part of the scripture prophecy: "the sun became black as sackcloth of hair"

                          Okay, now check this out. This is another reason why I think that the Revelation 6:12 earthquake is going to happen because the lunar eclipse happened BEFORE the Feast of Tabernacles and the solar eclipse is going to happen AFTER the Feast of Tabernacles. An appointed time, that Abba has given to the Israelites. Now COME ON, THIS IS REALLY, REALLY HUGE!!! 

So there is only one part left waiting to happen "lo, there was a great earthquake." Guys there are mini earthquakes happening everyday and that is usually a sign. If there are baby earthquakes happening that means that the mama earthquake is not to far behind. Its going to be like really something. I don't know exactly where the earthquake will hit, but I have a strong feeling that its going to be either on the east or west coast of America.  So keep a watchful eye because its coming. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

No Swine: Eating The Right Way

Greetings Everyone,

                 I was out driving the other day to run my daily errands and I seen this Christian church that was hosting a Pork BBQ outing. I, of course, seen it as being hypocritical because pig is considered to be swine and should not be eaten. I sure that some people think that it doesn't apply to them and that is true also. However for those out there who are the True Jews of Israel, they are still eating swine and gaining lots of health problems because of it. God said, "eat the animals with parted hooves and that are chewing the cud." Pigs do NOT have parted hooves.

                   Okay, now for business, pigs eat any and everything that they come to contact with. So when the pig is slaughtered, those components as well as the hormones stimulated at the time of death is still in the meat. So when eating pork products, there are a range of particles of really bad eating habits shown by the pig that has not even been digested yet and some that can never be fully digested. Its best to avoid that as possible. Its just not good to eat.

                   Shrimp is another one. They are basically the cleaners of the sea. So they just eat anything and everything that they come to contact too. If there is a chance that you have eaten shrimp and gotten sick afterwards than that is why. I mean they eat anything good or bad, just like the pigs on land. Remember God said eat of the animals of the sea if they have scales and fins. That does NOT include crustaceans (Shrimp, Crayfish, Lobster, and etc).

                   I recommend a more vegan approach, but if meat is not an option to give up, it is okay to eat beef, chicken, and turkey. As far as other meat, a no go. We are not suppose to eat that. Now that I have used a few examples of what swine is. I will now tell you about the cautionary hazards involving meat today. As we get closer and closer towards the ending chapters of the Bible within itself, the powers that be decided that they want to depopulate the nation.

                   One way that they do this is to "poison" the food." Yep, they do. Here is the thing, the meat companies have scraps of meat leftover and instead of disposing it like they should they try to mend it whole like the meats that they have prepared before. How do they do this? Through, this chemical product called Meat Glue. This "Meat Glue" has so much strong chemical components in it that they have to wear a medical mask just to mix it in the meat. After they mend it back together, they package it and then ship it off to the stores for you to eat. Isn't that awful?

                     Not only that but now we have scientist that are taking cattle and other animals that we eat and cloning them in order to make more food. REALLY? Scientist, who are suppose to be SO smart are now cloning cattle and farm animals in order to make more food. So that's basically eating an animal with the same genetic code over and over and over again. That is extremely disgusting... Point. Blank. No wonder why I see people om the news slowly losing their minds.  But if scientist are claiming they can bring back animals from the dead since the times of the Ice Age, than cloning animals should have not have been as far fetched as I thought it would be.


                    Not only we have to worry about fluoride that is in our tap water supply, but we have to worry about the chemicals that are in the meats now, along with the hormones and undigested food that the animals have eaten. Its just too much stuff that's going on.

                 The only suggestion that I have for you guys is to limit yourselves on the meat as much as you can. Try to buy something health at least once a week to try to get your body use to the healthier things on earth than the processed foods that keep hitting the shelves. I know that it is not completely avoidable but I'm sure that we will all try our best to limit the intake of processed foods as a whole.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Using Herbs As Medicine

Greetings Everyone,

              I would like to take the time out and talk about using herbs has an alternative medicine. There is going to be a time where you will not be able to use commercial medicine for regular treatment. Instead, you will find yourself having to rely on the herbs of the earth to help you in any medical situation. Healing with herbs are very safe, eco-friendly, and reliable towards the human body. There may be some people out there in the world that disagree with what I just said by saying that it is witchcraft and are quick to decline hearing about the benefits that come from herbs.

             I come to tell you simply this, "No, using herbs as a healing component is not a form of witchcraft."

             Instead, it is a natural healing factor if you ever have a sinus problem or something and don't want to take Robitussin, than you may prefer a herbal tea that would help with the cold naturally. I like using herbs as a healing component because its natural and I don't have to worry about the side effects from prescribed medicine. It can be really harmful for the body if there is allergic reaction from prescribed medicine. I mean there is a possibility that an addiction can occur from it. Who wants to go through with all of that? Its best to minimize the prescribed pills as much as possible.

               Another thing, because we are living in the end times, its best to start doing research on what herb helps with what condition. Once the economy collapses and people start getting sick from environmental factors, it can be a major problem. Without the help of healthcare (because its too expensive to keep at that time), those commercial drugs are going to be sky high. So the best bet is alternative medicine. It'll come out way cheaper than the commercial.

               I may also add that herbs come from the earth, and the earth comes from God Almighty. So what can be "witchcraft" about herbs? It is what a person decides to do with the herbs that makes it one way or the other, not the herb itself. I'm suggesting using the herb as medicine, because there are lower chances from developing any allergic reactions and there will be no side effects like those that's on the pharmaceutical counters.

              I recommend that you guys do some research on the benefits of the herbs, what the herbs help with what condition and start stocking up on them.  It will help a lot if someone gets sick and there is no way to pay for those commercial pills. It's a way more healthier choice and no worries about seeing to doctor about anything.

              The earth is changing as we speak and there is going to be a time where the commercial drugs used to help the public will no longer be the case. It will be useless because of the ever changing seasons and environmental factors that come with it. The air is very different than what it was from just 2 years from now. There were lots of outbreaks just last year of illnesses and the CDC were talking about how they did not have enough vaccinations for this and for that. Medical facilities were packed with people from General Practice to Pediatrics.

              So please guys I recommend you get right on this while there is still time because once the economy collapses, there will hardly be any money to afford a loaf of bread. Remember the scripture where it said, "A weeks worth of labor equals one loaf of bread." It's getting to that point. It is definitely time to start shopping smart and getting prepared. May Abba be with you.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Profiting on the Most High: The Consequences

Greetings Everyone,

                 As I was sitting down wondering what my next post would be about, I instantly remember the letters that my mom receives in the mail. These letters have a false image of Jesus and it talks about helping out a ministry and in return "God, in the name of Jesus, will bless you abundantly." I looked at it and I was angry, then I laughed followed by a sigh and a shaking of my head. I was angry because I was tired of seeing the false image of Jesus matched with a "if you donate money to me, God will bless you." That is just a whole bunch of baloney. People will do anything in the name of the Most High. They will try there best to profit off of Him in any possible way that they can.

                   I'm sure that there are many of you that have received something in the mail with this kind of slogan. Do not fall for that, they are just trying to make a quick buck for their own personal gain. The Word of God is suppose to be free to everyone who wants to receive it not made into some type of money profiting event by many pastors, preachers, or clergies. THE WORD OF GOD IS FREE!!!

               Lets revisit the post that I have made about the tithes. About what the churches really do with the tithe money rather than give it to charities. The money that is given to them as apart of their tithes really go to other things not charities. They go on their personal stuff. Whether it be used as some saved up revenue for their car note, house note, or other bills that they may have. It doesn't go on the charities and it barely makes the ticket to keep the church going. That is how selfish these pastors and preachers really are. That is not appart of the works. Out of all the churches that I have seen, I haven't seen one get physically active in hunger drives, walking for Alzheimer's Disease or any other charity. Instead they take the change out of the wallets of "devoted" Christians and go off and buy something fancy.

               Now that is an all time low. Now we have reached the peak where they are benefiting from profiting off of the Most High so much that you can physically see it. This doesn't make any sense. I've been in churches were you don't even have a chance to rest your legs for the duration of five minutes before they are pleading for an offering. In some churches the tithe offerings are more than once. I have already established that tithes are not really based on money instead, tithes are works that you have done in your life and it will be recorded into the book of life afterwards.

                 However at the end of the day, every church will fall. It is already starting to happen right now. All the churches that you see that are being destroyed either by missile fire or by natural disasters. I believe that it is part of their judgments for scheming. Even on the local news you can see where there are many pastors or preachers that have been involved in some type of affair, or in some kind of sticky situation. All of these false prophets out there. There are so many these days and they will swear that it is right knowing that deep down inside of their hearts they are wrong for doing it.

                I have had a dream about churches that have been set of fire by Christians because of the lies that they have told and deceived them with false promises. Now I am starting to see churches overseas getting blown into pieces and set on fire. They have even set the preachers and pastors on fire as well. As a result of that, many people will feel that they have been lied to the whole entire time and begin to lose their faith. Some will turn atheist and renounce everything that they were taught because of the everlasting unfolding lies being told through out the world.

                 There are just so many churches that are scheming nowadays that they don't really care if you show up or not. Especially if you are not a huge contributor into the church. On that note, it should not really be much of a surprise, I mean, they are all under the Vatican control. Its been that way for years. That is why it is important to seek the truth for yourselves and not rely on the church services anymore. They are nothing but a bunch of phonies that are after what is in your wallet rather than teaching you guys the Word of God.

                   If this has happened to you. I just want to tell you that God does exist, its just that you have the wrong people preaching about God and what He is about. If they told the truth in the beginning than none of this would have been an issue. That is why in the Bible, He tells you to seek Him with all of your hearts and you will find Him. So in code, that means that the clergy are a bunch of liars and you have to seek the Truth for yourselves because all they are doing is profiting on Ahayah, The Most High. That is it.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Getting To Know God

Greetings Everyone,

               I wanted to elaborate on getting to know God, whom I call Abba. There are so many pastors who minister at churches who do not really get into detail about Abba and what His personality is like because they are too busy preaching psalms and the gospel. There is nothing wrong with talking about the psalms and the gospel but we are in the end times and its best to prepare and talk more about the Book of Revelation, in which we are in right now. However, back to the main point of this topic, they do not really give out concrete information about God like they should do. So I will talk about a few points that are not really mentioned by preachers that I have learned on my own concerning God's personality.

                 First point, Abba is straightforward. He tells you exactly what is going to happen before it happens. He does not cut any corners about any events that are going to be life changing. He tells you exactly what is on His mind and will not deviate otherwise.

                 Second point, Abba is all about Truth. You don't really need me to tell you that He is about the truth and nothing but the truth.

                  Third point, Abba is quick to take everything into account. What decisions that you do, it will be written in your book of life. So people who are known for doing stuff and getting away with it in this world does not necessarily mean that they are getting away with it when it comes to Abba. I guarantee that it will be recorded in the Book of Life.

                   Fourth point, Abba can feel frustration. I know when I use to go to church and they would never really talk about God's emotions towards everything. They made it seem like He had only one emotion and that emotion was happy. Abba is happy all the time no matter what you do. Bad decisions and all. That, however, is not the case. Yes, it is true that Abba is very forgiving but if someone keeps doing the same bad stuff over and over and over and over again. There is going to be a hint of frustration.

                   Fifth point, Abba is well organized. He works on the Hebrew calender which happens to be the lunar calendar. He has an appointed time for every event that will happen, all major events that is. Minor events can be spontaneous but MAJOR events have appointed times. This definitely tells us how well organized God really is.

                  Sixth point, Abba is about justice. That is the reasons why we have judgement that take place in the world. Abba judges everyone that has done others wrong. This is also called the law of karma. What you put out, is what you receive back. That is why it is important to have positive energy and spread love towards everyone not negativity. Remember, Abba is watching.

                 Seventh point, Abba is compassionate and merciful. If you sit back and think about life within itself, there could be millions of possibilities that can go wrong. For instance, getting into a car accident on your way home or on your way to work, getting robbed at gunpoint, facing foreclosure, not able to pay bills, getting into sticky situations that you know for a fact that you are not apart of, kind of like being an innocent bystander who got caught up in a very bad situation. Not saying that these events don't happen, but they are not continuous. In other words, there could be lots of things that can go wrong but by the Grace of God, you do not have to face those problems.

                 Eighth point, Abba is humorous. Have you ever had someone who just being mean to you for no reason and then when karma begins to work its magic than they get it back. The thing about it is that it actually can turn out very humorous. Abba has a great sense of humor, bet they won't teach this in churches.

                 Ninth point, Abba is always giving out messages. I have talked about this point very often but it is very true. Not only does He hear your questions but He will respond to you. Whether, it be a unexpected message in a letter, unexpected advice from someone, or even a song that just suddenly pops up. He gives out messages in many from of communication. Please know this because it is very important.

                 Last Point, Abba always sticks by His word. Once He promises something, it is going to be fulfilled. He will never go back on His word. Just like when Adam had to wait in for the great five and a half days were finished to be rescued. The five and a half days were in God's time and that added up to be 5,500 years. Once He gives you an appointed time it is going to be at that appointed time. There is no way to expedite it. It will get fulfilled at that particular time.

                Well those are some of the points to help you get started with getting to know God. Points that are not usually covered in churches. Some of you already know this points already. But for those who do not, these just are a few points in knowing God. I hope this helps.

May Ahayah Bless You.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Patience Is The Key

Greetings Everyone,

               I wanted to let you guys know that our Saviour is coming. I know that some of you are going to respond to my statement with either "Yeah, right" or "When? The demons here are running a muck". Well, for those who know Abba (Father), or the Most High, knows that He works on His own time. I come to remind you that continue to have faith and walk the path of righteousness. Patience is the most key to everything. "Those who wait patiently for the Lord", will be rewarded with eternal life. We cannot rush Abba (Father) to do anything. We are His creation so we must wait for Him.

                  I know some of you are like "yeah, I know that already", However, you may seem irritated when you respond with this phrase. Some of you may feel like you are losing hope or faith because the things that you have prophesied have not come true yet, but that does not mean that it will not come true. I have prophesied the downfall of America for the first time in 2009 when I was in my British Literature class when I was a senior in high school. Now that I fast forward to the present, I am starting to see it setup for that very event.

               So do not lose hope. Just know that He is coming and He will come like "a thief". So we will not really know the exact hour of when He will come. Just continue to pray and meditate and have open conversations with Him. He will hear you even if you don't think that He does and He will answer you. Which will lead me to say that you have to be open to His messages when He does answer. He hears all of your cries and agonies. He knows everything that we do.

              Just know that these demons will not prevail. They will go down. It is written and it will come to pass. Just have patience. Everyday, you wake up and know that He is on His way to rescue His people from all of this mess. So all the evil that you see it will pass away and Ahayah's kingdom will be established.

               So be patient guys and do not give up. Just know that the Spirit that Abba (Father) has given you will continue to keep you informed with what is going on in the world. He did pour His spirit to all flesh and we will prophesy. Dreams and Visions about certain events will come to pass. So continue to wait guys and be watchful. He will come when you will least expect it. Be on watch guys.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Free Yourself From Wants

Greetings Everyone,

              Today, I wanted to talk about having yourself broke free from wants. Wanting something every now and then is okay, but when it starts going into a list of unnecessary stuff than there lies the problem. For instance, if you were to go to a store because you are in need of a new shirt or pants or something of that nature and you see even more things that are appealing to the eye. The next thing you know the wants, instantly overshadows your needs for things. As a result, you leave the store unsatisfied and overspent. Sometimes its best to get something that you need in most cases.

               Wanting something can easily turn into lust and lust has everything to do with desire. The more you want the more you end up miserable because you do not have it. Its best to focus on things that you have than the things that you don't have. Lots of magazines talk about the latest fashion and models rocking out the latest designer clothes. Please before going to the store to buy it. You need to ask yourself, why must you buy these things? What is so appealing about this particular item that makes you say, "I got the have it! No matter what!" Is it because your favorite model is wearing it? Is it because of the color? Is it because of the design? What is it?

               Wanting can also become your worst nightmare because everyday there is something that you may want and is upset because there seems to be mo way in obtaining it. In the process, the feeling of misery can overcome your emotions. Wanting can really mess with the psyche. It is best to leave it alone. It is not worth you breaking your back over it. Trust me when I tell you.

                Wanting is like an event similar to pressing the rewind button and play all over again. There is going to be something flashy that will catch your eye, You want it and then you try to pursue in getting the item. Once you have it, you use the item, then it gets old and you see something else that you want and then its back to square one yet again. It is a continuous vicious cycle. The only way to break it is to simply shy away from it.

                  To look more into the wanting situation a little deeper. I'll choose the topic fashion, the clothes that you see may look nice and stylish but the following year it is considered old and then you want to move on to the next thing. Some of the people who buy these things will instantly get upset because after a certain season is up, they tend to find the same coat that they bought for, let's say, $50 or $60, and now it ends up on the 75% or 85% clearance rack because the season is over. That would consider to be a waste of money.

                  Another topic is the flashy fad trend, the iPhone phenomena. Once you by those new colorful iPhones, here comes Apple yet again with another iPhone that happens to debut two or three months later than the one before it. It is nothing but a huge game. Its best to buy something that does what you want it to do and call it a day. Do not go for the latest stuff. Oh, and those iPhones are actually in code for iWatch, so please save yourself the trouble and avoid it.

                   So the huge lesson in this matter is wanting something is going to lead you into a huge plateful of misery. You see things that are out of your price range and you are commence to max out your credit cards just to have the latest gadget on the lot. Flashy is and will always be the trend and the push them out so fast that you really don't get a chance to process what just happened a few days before then. That goes for anything.

               So my dear brothers and sisters, if you want to have a happy carefree life and not worry so much about bills or whatever seems to bother you at that point materialistically, please do not go for the latest invention out there. Free yourself from the wants of this life because it is not going to be here long. The materialistic world is coming to an end. There will be some of you who will disagree with me because you personally like this form or way of life. However, if you look at the world from the outside, from a stranger's point of view you will notice that there is a change that is taking place right now. My brothers and sisters, who are happy with your simplistic life, rejoice because you have riches in spirit and not with materials and that's what really counts right now. Not materials. Okay.

                 Can you totally be free of wants? Not really. However, I will encourage you to minimize the wants of everything. Be cautious of what you are buying. Really ask yourself, do I really need this? Why ask this question? Because your mind is conditioned to think that a want is a need and a need is a want. You need to take time before buy something to make sure that you really need it. Also, for electronic sake, is it easy to work? Why am I asking this question? Because there are so many people out there that buy things and do not now how it works. For instance, you buy, yourself, a smartphone with all the neat gadgets but you really use it for talking and texting and not really using it for its full functionality than there is no need to have it. Same for a car, and everything else that goes down the pipeline.

                You must look at it from that perspective. Again, there is nothing wrong with wanting a little something here and there but if it turns into a full all out monster than there must be a few things that you must evaluate. Try to detach from materialistic things as much as you can because in the next life you will not be needing those. Those who are just and walk in the path of righteousness will be with the Most High. Okay?

May Ahayah Bless You.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Animals are going to heaven too

Greetings Everyone,

            My mom ran across a blog from someone claiming that animals do no have a chance to go to heaven. Once they are gone, they are gone. In heaven, you will not find any animals there. My mom told me about his logic and wanted my opinion on it. I decided to make a blog about it just in case there are some who are thinking this way.

               For those who do. I want to tell you that I disagree with this logic. If that was the case, would there not be any animals here? Animals have souls just like humans do. Therefore, they have an equal chance to get to heaven just like we, humans, do. Just like I observe human interactions with other humans, the same goes for when I observe animal interactions with other animals. They have the same equal amount of emotions just like humans do. They can be happy, sad, mad, jealous, excited, playful, hold grudges and other emotions that are known to man. There is more than meets the eyes about the animals other than what we see on Animal Planet.

                They do have souls. Plants have souls everything that is created on earth has a purpose and a soul. There will be some of you that will disagree with me on that but that is really my personal opinion. Every living thing has a soul and they undergo the same process as we do. We are born into the world, live and grow, and die in the end. That is one point that I have regarding to the "there is no animals in heaven" theory.

                 Another point that I may add is... according to the First book of Adam and Eve. Adam himself claims the bodily flesh as an animal body. He does not think that this body has any physical dominion over the animals in any way. The dominion over the trees and animals were when they were in their celestial bodies. Yes it is true that flesh cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. So that means that we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven either considering our state. So does that mean that the animals somehow have a celestial state as well? I think so because souls are not of flesh. Souls are celestial that rest in the body until their earthly life has finished. That is another point that I have in regards to that theory.

                  Another thing is Ahayah has many mansions, as stated by Yeshua. "In my father's house, there are many mansions, if it was not so, I would have told you." Yes, Ahayah has many mansions. So out of all of those mansions, not one single animal can reside in at least one mansion? That does not make any sense to me. Maybe in this guy's heaven he may not want to be bothered with heaven but it is wrong to flat out say that animals do not have a place in heaven... PERIOD. If that was the case, Ahayah would have not created them here.

                 I believe that there are going to be animals, plants, trees, waters, ponds, lakes, waterfalls, and beautiful skies. Just nature in general. Nature here in the 3D earth is really the closest thing to Ahayah. If you get into nature you are also building a personal relationship with Ahayah, the Most High. For He sends messages through nature and through the animals. However, according to this particular minister, there will not be any animals residing in heaven. I just find that very hard to believe. I believe that animals have a covenant with Ahayah just like we have a covenant with Ahayah and those who follow their commandments will go to heaven just like those of us who follow our commandments will go to heaven too. It may be different than our covenant but I believe that they have one.

              Life is a major test to see if we are able to follow the instructions given to us by our Father Ahayah. If we pass we will go to the next level which is called the 5D earth or new earth. If we fail than we will stay here in hell. Which I have established in my latest blog about this earth being "Hell on Earth" because the Devil himself has been on earth the whole entire time.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Little Flock

Greetings Everyone,

                  I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the little flock. Well, I am here to give you my interpretation of the lost sheep. For those who feel different in the world and not really sure why. You just know that you feel different, can not seem to relate to anything of this world no matter how hard you try you just can't.

               It is to my understanding that you are apart of Yeshua's little flock. Yeshua is not of this world and neither are you. For instance, you just are born different from any other person. Your taste may be absolutely eccentric compared to someone of "the norm". Some of you are not even afraid to speak your mind about what is wrong with today's society unlike others who will just go with the flow.

                Some of you are even as we speak trying to find ways to change the society standards. In this day in age, our society looks at the virtuous acts to be a sin and sinning acts to be a virtue. Society today is very backwards. Not everyone thinks this way because its hard to separate reality from fantasy. There are even some of you just feels like suicide is the only way out because you feel so different. Hearing people say to you that "you are weird", "crazy", or just plain "odd" and therefore you feel like the world is against you. That is because you have something that many on this earth don't have. You are apart of the little flock. You were personally chosen by Yeshua.

               If you feel that ever since you were little you did not have any personal attachments to the materialistic life. In fact you are so detach, that you don't really care about the "what's new". But rather, the "what's practical". As you go into the world, you may have notice how everyone is so into the latest and greatest fashion and you probably sigh silently to yourself wondering "Why even bother paying for those designer clothes, or even the new iPhone, when all the companies are going to do is make another one before the years out?

                 You may be like me, a born observer. You may, for as long as you can remember, have observed the surroundings around you. How people interact with other people. How people gossip behind other people's back and you often wonder. "Why?" Though you are an observer, you may not fit in well with conversation with other people because of this very trait. Do not worry its actually a great trait.

                For all of you who feel this way, do not fear. The world views you like this because the world can only recognize their own. You are not of this world and my dear brothers and sisters, it's a good thing that you are not. I encourage you to beat towards your own drum and find out the truth that is buried within this world. When I mean buried, I mean buried. You will find more about yourself as well as finding out more about Ahayah, the Most High.

                 We all have our own personalities that is a fact, but it is very rare to find people who are born with "eccentric" traits. That is just the truth within it. Remember, Yeshua, many of the officials found him very "eccentric". It was something about Yeshua, that the people just gravitated to him. As people got close to him, as a result, the officials found him to be a threat and crucified him.

                  This still goes on today, with "eccentric" people getting the brunt of everything. Just because they do not like materialistic stuff. Just because they don't do what people call "normal" things. That doesn't make the person born of taboo. They are apart of the little flock. Those who are just and kind that is and just have a unique style of doing things to help people are the little flock.

                  So little flock, do not fear. As Yeshua says before, "The servant is not better than their master. If they hate you know that they have hated me before they have hated you...You are not of this world, because I am not of this world. I have chosen you." The world can hate you no matter, how hard you try to fit in or try to be nice. There is something deep inside that they recognize and as a result, they hate you. So in other words, you can just breathe and they will hate you for that. You have a beautiful light that grows within you and this world hates you for it because they have been conditioned and under severe mind control from Satan.

                   So know that it is not you. You are not crazy. You just need to be yourself and stop trying to fit in. It will not work, no matter how hard you try. Just focus on being the best that you can be. Continue to preform righteous acts. Continue to let your beautiful light shine forth. If the world wants to go against you, than so be it. Why? Because you are not of this world. You are apart of the little flock.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Righteous Gains Eternal Life

Greetings Everyone,

            I know that the last post may seem daunting as I, myself, felt sheer agony when I found out the truth about it all. However, even through this difficult time, please know that the righteous will prevail against all evils of the world and gain eternal life with Ahayah, the Most High. He will shield us from the evil and destroy those who rise against His servants.

           I know that for sure because many times in both the Biblical Text and the text of the Lost Books, Ahayah, promised His servants that He will give them eternal life forever and ever. I know Abba and He does not fail on any of His promises. He always deliver His judgements, swiftly, just and rules with great power. So do not fear, for Ahayah, the Most High is always with you. No matter the circumstances.

          So continue my brothers and sisters continue to do righteous acts even though it seems like the world is shattering apart all around you. Do not fear any of it for it is written and whatever is written has to come to pass. That I do know for sure. The righteous will get eternal life with Ahayah for all eternity.

          As for the Children of Israel, you will get your inheritance like Ahayah, the Most High has promised because you are His firstborn. Remember that the Most High brought His firstborn Israel out of the land of Egypt and the House of Bondage. He has not forgotten about any of you. So do not give up hope. You will be reinstated as a nation again by the Father, Himself, unlike the "fulfilled" prophecy of the State of Israel in 1948. Please my dear brothers and sister do not believe this lie for they are not the True Children of Israel. For those who do not know who the Real Children of Israel are I have written a blog entry about "The Return of Israel."

Satan's World: We, the just, are Prisoners until the Most High comes and saves us

Greetings Everyone,

           I'm sure that everyone is familiar with the phrase "Hell on Earth", but what if I told you that Hell on Earth has been established since the beginning of time. I'm sure that you may respond with "You must be kidding right?", "How can that be?" "Prove it" "You are crazy" or "Yeah, I know." However, there are only a few that would actually agree with me on that point but Hell on Earth has been established since the days of Adam and Eve. Yes, that is how far this phrase dates back too.

           I have read the first and second book of Adam and Eve and it has clearly stated more that once that Earth is Satan's prison along with his host and he cannot escape out of it. I know that seems like a great claim as some of you would say but the facts are in the book were Ahayah, Himself, has said this. In this world, Satan is king and he is making all of our lives a living hell. When I mean lives, I mean those who are kind-natured and walks in the footsteps of Ahayah (God).

           Everything that is on the earth, from the modern technology to music, all have been stamped approved. Everything has his signature stamp on it. These stamps have various symbols on it, even the food. The Devil has his hand on everything except for the earth itself.

His goal is simply this:

                 To make war with all descendants of Adam and Eve, not to allow the descendants to rest until he has beaten all of us into submission and if not murder all of the descendants who rebel against him. 

         That my dear brothers and sisters, is his ultimate goal until his is cast into the lake of hell fire. Until, then we have to be strong and not let him get the best of us. Again, that is why it is important to build a relationship with The Most High. There is no other Saviour besides Him. There will be no deliverance until Ahayah comes back and straighten out all the corruptness in the whole world. 

          This news may be alarming to most and most of you may disagree with me and not believe a word that I say about this world being a prison for Satan and his gang. However, what I tell you is the truth. The world has been scarred with corruption ever since the times of Adam and Eve. The time of the original transgression which led us all the way up to this point. I ask you all to take the First and Second book of Adam and Eve as well as the other Lost Books of the Bible into consideration and read it. It will tell you all about this. 

            With that said, I want to remind you that we have our own goals here. Our goal is to get closer to Ahayah, build a closer relationship with Him, keep His Commandments, His Laws, and His Statues. We must become wise during this difficult time and try your best not to fall into temptation. That is our main goal as well as our top priority. We cannot allow these distractions to no longer withhold us from our bonding with Ahayah, The Most High.

May Ahayah Bless You.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Origins of Yahweh

Greetings Everyone,

       I have recently made another miraculous discovery about the origins of this Yahweh character. Yahweh is the Jewish name for God, right? However, I am going to expose why this name is not the right name. I have said this name many times in my blog out of sure ignorance of the truth until today. So here I go:

        Okay, as I have stated that the Jewish people have named God, Yahweh because of the Hebrew origins but a matter of fact. This name was actually was given to the molded golden calf that Aaron fashioned the long time ago. Hence, this name Yahweh is given to a fake god or an idol. So that alone makes it NOT Our Elohim's name.

          Aaron called the golden calf, Yahweh, which ended up being a witches god. This is basically another trick from our enemy Satan. When I was reading the lost text of the First Book of Adam and Eve, I realized that Ahayah told Adam, "Satan is lord and master of everything that you have." So everything in this world is owned by Satan. All the money, modern technology, religion, philosophy, and everything else on the face of the earth except for the earth itself is owned by Satan.

         So Yahweh is another false deity that is in reference to the golden calf that was fashioned by Aaron in ancient Israel. Yashayah is the true name of the Creator. Again it can be pronounced has "e-shy-ah" or "a-high-yah". Okay?

May Ahayah Bless you.

I've made a mistake

Greetings everyone,

         It seems that I have made an error on my posts. I have been calling the name of the Jewish origins for our Creator. That is not the appropriate name for Him and I will distribute out the correct name for Him in regards to this matter. First, I would like to acknowledge that I have made a mistake and I am deeply sorry for going on with it without further research. So I wanted to take the time out to apologize and I hope that you all accept my apology for this error. Secondly, I will correct all of my post and replace it with the correct name. Afterwards, I will work talk more about the origins of the Jewish name for God.

         Now that that has been cleared. I wanted to let you guys know that the correct name for The Most High is Ahayah. I made sure that it was the correct name for the Most High this time. If you want to go with something a bit more safe while addressing our Elohim, then I would highly suggest the name "Father". I personally call Him Abba which is Hebrew for "Father".

           Ahayah is pronouced "a-high-yah". Those are the correct pronunciations of Ahayah.  I will be back with a post in regards to the name. Once again. I am sorry for the this matter.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Return of Israel

Greetings Everyone,

          Sorry for not posting anything yesterday. My charger died the night before. Until a new charger comes for my laptop, I will blog on my sister's laptop for now. However, that is not important. What is important is the message that I have also received from Ahayah.

           The message that I have received is that the Children of Israel are going to be redeemed and return home. Note that this is Spiritual Israel that we are talking about. Not all Israelites in the flesh are going, only those that have received Ahayah's message through the spirit. Does that mean there are only a few that has gotten the message? Not necessarily. All of the Israelites did, in fact, received the spirit. However, those that have received through the spirit will answer and prepare for the Coming of Ahayah.

           With that said, I also wanted to note that the inhabitants of Israel today are not the true Children of Israel. The true Children of Israel fell into captivity for the duration of 400 years. The Israelis today are actually the Ashkenzai Jews. A lot of people think that the reinstatement of the State of Israel in 1948 is fulfilling the Prophecy of Redemption. This is simply NOT the case. They are not the true Jews.

          If they are not the true Jews, then where are they? Well, many of you have definitely have meet the true Jews, even have seen them on T.V., music, and other media. However, they are still being portrayed in a different light. A not so good light considering the MASSIVE stereotypes surrounding them. Yes, the so-called African-Americans, Mexicans, Haitians, Dominicans, Chilean, Caribbeans, and any other "indigenous" people that are scattered on the four corners of the earth.

           How can that be? Well, the captivity lasted for 400 years. If you go back 400 years later, you will have a close estimate of when the King James Version of the Bible had came out. This is a time period dating from the King James Bible all the way to the present times.

            This message that I have received is aiming directly at the Biblical Israelites, the true Jews. Ahayah wants you guys to know that He is almost ready to return His Children to the wilderness. So I really need you guys to get ready. Get prepared for this very event. Study the Bible, the Lost Books of the Bible, as well as your history. I guarantee you that there is very rich history and culture if you are willing to put your toy down and do some research. It is indeed staring you all within the face.

              Remember, Ahayah is talking about Spiritual Israel this time. He poured His Spirit out to His people in order to you up from your slumber and get in touch with your identity. However, not all is going to answer the call either right away or not at all because they are too comfortable with the way things are running right now. It is not going to be like this forever. When Ahayah establishes his kingdom, I highly doubt that iPhones, Smart phones, Smart TVs and any other modern technology is going to be allowed. Wake up and get redeemed. There is not much time left.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Warning: The Fall of America

Greetings Everyone,

            Today, as I was sitting in a quiet room, meditating approximately around 7:30 in the evening. I started to have an open conversation with Ahayah, Whom I call Abba. His energy was so strong before me and when He spoke to me I felt a tremble in my spirit for it was moved by His Voice.

            Today I have received a message about the collapse of America. How the blood red moon that is going to take place next week is a sign or a warning to America about His Judgement that will be bestowed on her. She will pay for the sins that she has committed over the years and the punishment is fierce.

            This punishment will start with the economic collapse of America. Do not be fooled by the numbers of the stocks on Wall Street for they are fabricating a lie. The stocks are not going up they are, in truth, plummeting to the floor. I was now then told, in meditation to release the information I received back in September from Abba. So here is the information I have received and was told to release:

                    Warn Everyone about the downfall of America for her judgement will be swift and painful. She  has created many sins that she must pay for. Economic collapse will be on her head. The riches that she has will no longer support her. The federal subsides will be cut off among her people. She will turn crippled and weak and no other nation will be there to give her aid. There will be famine among her people. Government supported jobs will be no more. Natural disasters are going become worst and worst among her shores. There will be no more pleasurable moments in her sight. She will become a 3rd world country. Her people will have civil unrest. Brother against brother, and sister against sister. Sheer chaos for she will know that I AM HE.

            After receiving this message in September I have already started to notice some of the early signs with the continual plummeting of unemployment, but after watching Youtube videos of what is really going on in America today. My spirit trembled strongly for a while. This message is indeed a real message. I know that there are some of you that have seen or heard messages from false prophets and such. I am in no way claiming to be a prophet in any way, shape, or  fashion. I just want to warn you all about this very strong message that I have received in September and today is a reinforcement of that.

            My dear brothers and sisters and dear friends, do take this time to prepare for the worst. I do not know anything about dates however, I was told that in this month of October, there will be a series of events that will shape the world into the Great Tribulation. So from October onward will be events that will shape the world into tribulation. In order to avoid the famine please get prepared now. Please do not rely on Food Stamps because it will eventually come to an end. I believe that the EBT Shutdown is really another drill to test peoples reactions to certain situation like this one. 

          Please get prepared for the worst, also know that these events also signal the Coming of Ahayah. So for those who are lukewarm sober up on your faith because things are only going to get worst here in America. Get prepared and be safe, okay?

May Ahayah Bless You.

Importance of The Ten Commandments

Greetings Everyone,

            I hope that everyone had a fantastic Sabbath Day. I come to talk about the importance of the Ten Commandments and how mainstream Christianity dismiss them as being old and not really consider them relevant anymore forbid that the Old Testament is supposingly replaced by the New Testament. I am not saying that all churches does this. There are, in fact, still churches that are ministering on Saturday which is the original Sabbath Day.

           I come to tell you that this is not the case. The Ten Commandments are still relevant. You must follow the Ten Commandments still. The Commandments that are within the New Testament does not replace the Commandments within the Old Testament. Think of it as an extension to the Old Testament. The New Testament does not rule out the Old Testament at all okay.

           Also, when they say that only Jews must follow the Ten Commandments, that is also false. Anyone who is a true believer of the Word of Ahayah must know that the Ten Commandments are still intact to this day. In the New Testament, Yeshua, which we have found out is really Ahayah, said, "Those who love me will keep My Commandments." The fact that the "Commandments" part is plural that means that it must be mentioning the Ten Commandments within the Old Testament.

         All of this is essential as we go onto the Great Tribulation, for us to ascend to the new earth that Ahayah has prepared for us. So remember that the Ten Commandments are still intact and relevant as the Commandment mentioned in the New Testament.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Importance of Sabbath Day

Greetings Everyone,

           I wanted to take the time out and talk about the importance of Sabbath Day. As we learn in the Bible text, the Sabbath Day is a holy sign between Ahayah and the children of Israel. The Sabbath Day of rest. A holy convocation. However, as the years past, this day has slowly slipped the minds of His children and now it has been replaced by another day by the Vatican.

         As many know the Seventh Day falls on the sunset on Friday to the sunset on Saturday. Making it a lunar day instead of a solar day. It is important to keep this day holy for it is a sign. A holy sign between Ahayah and His children. There shall be rest on this day and no work. No cooking, driving, writing, nor any use of electronics, just plain rest. How exciting is that to take a full day's break without having to worry about work all day long like the other six days.

          This is a way to establish your tides with Ahayah. Having this day also strengthens your relationship with Ahayah. You can take the time to read the Bible, and meditate. Have an open conversation with Ahayah. Tell Him about the things that are happening in your life. It will make you feel better. Like a huge boulder has been lifted off your shoulders.

          The Sabbath Day has been changed from Saturday to a Sunday on the solar calendar so people end up worshiping Ahayah on the first day of the week rather than the seventh day of the week. Yes, it is confusing to understand what is going on with religion all together. Please know that the mainstream of religion does NOT in ANY way follow the Bible text.

         Mainstream Christianity has taught us to worship on a Sunday and not a Saturday, and offer tithes of money in hopes of it going to charity. Those are the main things that are extremely frustrating to me, because it makes people wonder astray. Suppressing people away from the truth. Please know that the Sabbath day falls on the sunset of Friday and last until the sunset of Saturday. For those who run on a solar calendar, this day falls on a Saturday.

          Please take the time out to meditate and have open conversations with Ahayah, read of the Word that speaks to your heart. Take a stroll in nature and visualize yourself taking a personal walk with Ahayah. Take this precious day and time to strengthen your relationship with Ahayah. It will do you wonders. Today is a Friday so tonight I wish for you to have a great Sabbath Day.

May Ahayah Bless You.
moon cycle