Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Using Herbs As Medicine

Greetings Everyone,

              I would like to take the time out and talk about using herbs has an alternative medicine. There is going to be a time where you will not be able to use commercial medicine for regular treatment. Instead, you will find yourself having to rely on the herbs of the earth to help you in any medical situation. Healing with herbs are very safe, eco-friendly, and reliable towards the human body. There may be some people out there in the world that disagree with what I just said by saying that it is witchcraft and are quick to decline hearing about the benefits that come from herbs.

             I come to tell you simply this, "No, using herbs as a healing component is not a form of witchcraft."

             Instead, it is a natural healing factor if you ever have a sinus problem or something and don't want to take Robitussin, than you may prefer a herbal tea that would help with the cold naturally. I like using herbs as a healing component because its natural and I don't have to worry about the side effects from prescribed medicine. It can be really harmful for the body if there is allergic reaction from prescribed medicine. I mean there is a possibility that an addiction can occur from it. Who wants to go through with all of that? Its best to minimize the prescribed pills as much as possible.

               Another thing, because we are living in the end times, its best to start doing research on what herb helps with what condition. Once the economy collapses and people start getting sick from environmental factors, it can be a major problem. Without the help of healthcare (because its too expensive to keep at that time), those commercial drugs are going to be sky high. So the best bet is alternative medicine. It'll come out way cheaper than the commercial.

               I may also add that herbs come from the earth, and the earth comes from God Almighty. So what can be "witchcraft" about herbs? It is what a person decides to do with the herbs that makes it one way or the other, not the herb itself. I'm suggesting using the herb as medicine, because there are lower chances from developing any allergic reactions and there will be no side effects like those that's on the pharmaceutical counters.

              I recommend that you guys do some research on the benefits of the herbs, what the herbs help with what condition and start stocking up on them.  It will help a lot if someone gets sick and there is no way to pay for those commercial pills. It's a way more healthier choice and no worries about seeing to doctor about anything.

              The earth is changing as we speak and there is going to be a time where the commercial drugs used to help the public will no longer be the case. It will be useless because of the ever changing seasons and environmental factors that come with it. The air is very different than what it was from just 2 years from now. There were lots of outbreaks just last year of illnesses and the CDC were talking about how they did not have enough vaccinations for this and for that. Medical facilities were packed with people from General Practice to Pediatrics.

              So please guys I recommend you get right on this while there is still time because once the economy collapses, there will hardly be any money to afford a loaf of bread. Remember the scripture where it said, "A weeks worth of labor equals one loaf of bread." It's getting to that point. It is definitely time to start shopping smart and getting prepared. May Abba be with you.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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