Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Profiting on the Most High: The Consequences

Greetings Everyone,

                 As I was sitting down wondering what my next post would be about, I instantly remember the letters that my mom receives in the mail. These letters have a false image of Jesus and it talks about helping out a ministry and in return "God, in the name of Jesus, will bless you abundantly." I looked at it and I was angry, then I laughed followed by a sigh and a shaking of my head. I was angry because I was tired of seeing the false image of Jesus matched with a "if you donate money to me, God will bless you." That is just a whole bunch of baloney. People will do anything in the name of the Most High. They will try there best to profit off of Him in any possible way that they can.

                   I'm sure that there are many of you that have received something in the mail with this kind of slogan. Do not fall for that, they are just trying to make a quick buck for their own personal gain. The Word of God is suppose to be free to everyone who wants to receive it not made into some type of money profiting event by many pastors, preachers, or clergies. THE WORD OF GOD IS FREE!!!

               Lets revisit the post that I have made about the tithes. About what the churches really do with the tithe money rather than give it to charities. The money that is given to them as apart of their tithes really go to other things not charities. They go on their personal stuff. Whether it be used as some saved up revenue for their car note, house note, or other bills that they may have. It doesn't go on the charities and it barely makes the ticket to keep the church going. That is how selfish these pastors and preachers really are. That is not appart of the works. Out of all the churches that I have seen, I haven't seen one get physically active in hunger drives, walking for Alzheimer's Disease or any other charity. Instead they take the change out of the wallets of "devoted" Christians and go off and buy something fancy.

               Now that is an all time low. Now we have reached the peak where they are benefiting from profiting off of the Most High so much that you can physically see it. This doesn't make any sense. I've been in churches were you don't even have a chance to rest your legs for the duration of five minutes before they are pleading for an offering. In some churches the tithe offerings are more than once. I have already established that tithes are not really based on money instead, tithes are works that you have done in your life and it will be recorded into the book of life afterwards.

                 However at the end of the day, every church will fall. It is already starting to happen right now. All the churches that you see that are being destroyed either by missile fire or by natural disasters. I believe that it is part of their judgments for scheming. Even on the local news you can see where there are many pastors or preachers that have been involved in some type of affair, or in some kind of sticky situation. All of these false prophets out there. There are so many these days and they will swear that it is right knowing that deep down inside of their hearts they are wrong for doing it.

                I have had a dream about churches that have been set of fire by Christians because of the lies that they have told and deceived them with false promises. Now I am starting to see churches overseas getting blown into pieces and set on fire. They have even set the preachers and pastors on fire as well. As a result of that, many people will feel that they have been lied to the whole entire time and begin to lose their faith. Some will turn atheist and renounce everything that they were taught because of the everlasting unfolding lies being told through out the world.

                 There are just so many churches that are scheming nowadays that they don't really care if you show up or not. Especially if you are not a huge contributor into the church. On that note, it should not really be much of a surprise, I mean, they are all under the Vatican control. Its been that way for years. That is why it is important to seek the truth for yourselves and not rely on the church services anymore. They are nothing but a bunch of phonies that are after what is in your wallet rather than teaching you guys the Word of God.

                   If this has happened to you. I just want to tell you that God does exist, its just that you have the wrong people preaching about God and what He is about. If they told the truth in the beginning than none of this would have been an issue. That is why in the Bible, He tells you to seek Him with all of your hearts and you will find Him. So in code, that means that the clergy are a bunch of liars and you have to seek the Truth for yourselves because all they are doing is profiting on Ahayah, The Most High. That is it.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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