Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Satan's World: We, the just, are Prisoners until the Most High comes and saves us

Greetings Everyone,

           I'm sure that everyone is familiar with the phrase "Hell on Earth", but what if I told you that Hell on Earth has been established since the beginning of time. I'm sure that you may respond with "You must be kidding right?", "How can that be?" "Prove it" "You are crazy" or "Yeah, I know." However, there are only a few that would actually agree with me on that point but Hell on Earth has been established since the days of Adam and Eve. Yes, that is how far this phrase dates back too.

           I have read the first and second book of Adam and Eve and it has clearly stated more that once that Earth is Satan's prison along with his host and he cannot escape out of it. I know that seems like a great claim as some of you would say but the facts are in the book were Ahayah, Himself, has said this. In this world, Satan is king and he is making all of our lives a living hell. When I mean lives, I mean those who are kind-natured and walks in the footsteps of Ahayah (God).

           Everything that is on the earth, from the modern technology to music, all have been stamped approved. Everything has his signature stamp on it. These stamps have various symbols on it, even the food. The Devil has his hand on everything except for the earth itself.

His goal is simply this:

                 To make war with all descendants of Adam and Eve, not to allow the descendants to rest until he has beaten all of us into submission and if not murder all of the descendants who rebel against him. 

         That my dear brothers and sisters, is his ultimate goal until his is cast into the lake of hell fire. Until, then we have to be strong and not let him get the best of us. Again, that is why it is important to build a relationship with The Most High. There is no other Saviour besides Him. There will be no deliverance until Ahayah comes back and straighten out all the corruptness in the whole world. 

          This news may be alarming to most and most of you may disagree with me and not believe a word that I say about this world being a prison for Satan and his gang. However, what I tell you is the truth. The world has been scarred with corruption ever since the times of Adam and Eve. The time of the original transgression which led us all the way up to this point. I ask you all to take the First and Second book of Adam and Eve as well as the other Lost Books of the Bible into consideration and read it. It will tell you all about this. 

            With that said, I want to remind you that we have our own goals here. Our goal is to get closer to Ahayah, build a closer relationship with Him, keep His Commandments, His Laws, and His Statues. We must become wise during this difficult time and try your best not to fall into temptation. That is our main goal as well as our top priority. We cannot allow these distractions to no longer withhold us from our bonding with Ahayah, The Most High.

May Ahayah Bless You.


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