Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The True State of Adam and Eve: The Bright Nature

Greetings Everyone,

                 I have been doing some extensive research on the lost books of the Bible. I have recently started reading the First book of Adam and Eve. Did you guys know that Adam and Eve were celestial beings, bright angels, before the transgression that happened in the Garden of Ahayah? They were beautiful celestial light beings that did not have the need to drink, eat, sleep or any of the other actions that we do in our everyday lives. That is indeed their bright nature.

                 When they transgressed within the garden, their bright nature was taken away from them and they were to live in the Cave of Treasures. There beautiful bodies have then became flesh and all of the earthly trails fell upon them. The knowing of hunger, of thirst, of suffering, of faintness and sleeping. These ailments have replaced their bright nature that they once had.

                    In the actual bible, it just tells about the transgression of Adam and Eve. I once believed that Adam and Eve where already as flesh and not in their celestial form, as mainstream religion has put it. However, that is not the case. In the first book of Adam and Eve, it clearly states that they were in their celestial form and they in fact did not feel the need to drink or eat even though those things were in fact in the garden.

                  In fact, Ahayah also states that after 5,500 years have past Adam and Eve as well as their descendants will return to the garden. The First Book of Adam and Eve is very insightful and it does clear up a lot of confusion. I encourage you guys to read the First book of Adam and Eve. There are a total of two in all. Here is a link of the First Book in pdf form right here:

First Book of Adam and Eve

                  It is indeed an eye opener. Please read.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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