Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Return of Israel

Greetings Everyone,

          Sorry for not posting anything yesterday. My charger died the night before. Until a new charger comes for my laptop, I will blog on my sister's laptop for now. However, that is not important. What is important is the message that I have also received from Ahayah.

           The message that I have received is that the Children of Israel are going to be redeemed and return home. Note that this is Spiritual Israel that we are talking about. Not all Israelites in the flesh are going, only those that have received Ahayah's message through the spirit. Does that mean there are only a few that has gotten the message? Not necessarily. All of the Israelites did, in fact, received the spirit. However, those that have received through the spirit will answer and prepare for the Coming of Ahayah.

           With that said, I also wanted to note that the inhabitants of Israel today are not the true Children of Israel. The true Children of Israel fell into captivity for the duration of 400 years. The Israelis today are actually the Ashkenzai Jews. A lot of people think that the reinstatement of the State of Israel in 1948 is fulfilling the Prophecy of Redemption. This is simply NOT the case. They are not the true Jews.

          If they are not the true Jews, then where are they? Well, many of you have definitely have meet the true Jews, even have seen them on T.V., music, and other media. However, they are still being portrayed in a different light. A not so good light considering the MASSIVE stereotypes surrounding them. Yes, the so-called African-Americans, Mexicans, Haitians, Dominicans, Chilean, Caribbeans, and any other "indigenous" people that are scattered on the four corners of the earth.

           How can that be? Well, the captivity lasted for 400 years. If you go back 400 years later, you will have a close estimate of when the King James Version of the Bible had came out. This is a time period dating from the King James Bible all the way to the present times.

            This message that I have received is aiming directly at the Biblical Israelites, the true Jews. Ahayah wants you guys to know that He is almost ready to return His Children to the wilderness. So I really need you guys to get ready. Get prepared for this very event. Study the Bible, the Lost Books of the Bible, as well as your history. I guarantee you that there is very rich history and culture if you are willing to put your toy down and do some research. It is indeed staring you all within the face.

              Remember, Ahayah is talking about Spiritual Israel this time. He poured His Spirit out to His people in order to you up from your slumber and get in touch with your identity. However, not all is going to answer the call either right away or not at all because they are too comfortable with the way things are running right now. It is not going to be like this forever. When Ahayah establishes his kingdom, I highly doubt that iPhones, Smart phones, Smart TVs and any other modern technology is going to be allowed. Wake up and get redeemed. There is not much time left.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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