Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Human Unconsciousness Is The Spiritual Conciousness

Greetings Everyone,

             We are very familiar with the Human Consciousness. We get up everyday that Ahayah sends and begin our day. Work our 9 to 5 jobs and work out our schedules through out the day. We are all familiar with our lives, but what about those times where you are asleep? Where do you go? When the Human Unconsciousness is activated, your Spiritual self is truly awakened.

               This probably where dreams are formulated. Your spiritual self is astro-projecting out of your body and traveling somewhere else. There are dreams that the human consciousness cannot seem to understand. Such as signs, symbols and metaphors. That's because it is too complex for the human mind to comprehend. Only your Higher self can understand it.

                Now what I mean by that, I mean that there may be times where you dream about a certain animal doing a certain thing. You wake up wondering what exactly does this dream mean? Does it even mean anything because it was so bizarre. Yes, it does mean something. The animal is used as a metaphor usually for a person or spirit. However, your spiritual self knows exactly what it means. Usually your spiritual self will decode the message and suddenly inside of your human consciousness will receive an answer to a certain dream. Thus becoming a premonition.

               Dreams are very important because it is your spiritual self that is connecting to the spiritual world. This is also another form of communication between Ahayah and you. Visions are as well. Visions can occur when the human unconscious meets the spiritual conscious. Thus calling it the human subconscious. When this happens you are able to remember the messages that you have received from Ahayah as well as the spiritual world. That is basically the differences between dreams and visions.

               So the whole dreams are nothing theory is a total lie. Why I say that is the prophets in the bible had this form of communication with Ahayah a long time ago. Now it is prevalent in many believers. I say that also because people who do not believe in these forms of communication will not receive a thing. So if you had a dream and it has come to pass, then this is a prophesy dream. Of course not every dream is to be taken seriously. Your spiritual self will send signals to your physical self whether or not to be concerned about a certain dream or not so there won't be any confusion.

              It would be helpful to have a notebook handy for dream journalling, okay?

May Ahayah Bless You.

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