Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pagan Holiday: Halloween

Greetings Everyone,

                  Today I am going to cover the pagan holidays that should not be celebrated. I will go over each holiday post by post. Since Halloween is tomorrow I will go over that and then I will go from there. For one thing, these holidays have nothing to do with God at all. Period. Instead, these false holidays are there for those who are lazy and want an excuse to party away. Either way the origins of these holidays are just not good at all. So I will briefly explain the general origins of these holidays.

                    These origins are simply this. Since Early Christianity has been on a rocky road since development, they have pagan roots in them. Many people who like the words that Yeshua's teachings during the time of his ministry they decided to go to the Romans and talked about it. However the Romans did not understand what they were saying. The early Christian church did not have many followers of the Romans so they decided, in order to get more followers than they will have to incorporate pagan roots and then convert them out of it to full Christianity. In those times they were at war with the Roman Empire, for they did not want change. So the Roman Empire went and persecuted the early Christian church. However, their pagan roots are still there and alive today. They have been incorporated as holidays for the regular christian life.

                      Halloween is a ritual were pagans would make jack-o-lanterns, and anything scary to try to scare away evil spirits because they believe that the evil spirits are going to be after them so in order to keep them at bay then they will do that. Some pagans have even sacrifice human bodies to their god. Having children dress up every Halloween and going out door to door signifies sacrifice of innocent souls to Satan.

                      You may think that I am crazy to even think that but it is the truth. Halloween or any other holiday for that matter has a double meaning. Meaning that you will find bitter candy in sweet wrapping. This is like an illusion to make children think that witches, zombies, mummies, and vampires are actually their best friends because they give them candy, just because they say Trick-or-Treat. As they become a teen, they become familiar with these Gothic characters and then they themselves turn dark. This is leads to the tainting of a young soul and self soul affliction. They become lost and do not really understand their purpose.

                    Yes, I am fully aware that when they hit puberty they struggle with trying to find themselves. Yes it is apart of hormones. However, they will, in the their subconsciousness, gravitate with what they have connection to as a little kid and if their interest goes into Halloween and recognize them as their "happier days" as a child. They will go back to them and eventually go towards the dark things that surrounds them. It always starts with an interest.

The Deadly Sin Most Represented In Halloween:

                    I am not telling anyone how to live their lives but I am simply pointing out the Paganism that is found in religion and how the corruption has now gone out of control and as they turn it up a notch it. Then it becomes more accepted in society as a whole. This is a form of sorcery. It is a false holiday just like all the other holidays. I would suggest people to take their children out to the movies or do something else other than celebrate Halloween, besides there are other things that are better than doing that.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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