Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pagan Holiday: Easter

Greetings Everyone,

              I have skipped Valentine's day because I wanted to talk about Easter first. Easter is like Christmas because it is the second most widely spread holiday in the Christian religion and I think that those who are Christian need to know this. Just like all the corruption that has been brought to light about Christmas. I just think that we all need to know the truth of this world and try their best to ascend to the 5th dimension and not look back to this world (Modern Society) and all its corruption. Now lets begin:

             Easter, of course, is the celebration of the resurrection of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. However, the same thing happened to this holiday just like the Christmas holiday. This time it's involving a bunny. Aww, how "sweet". Now, I ask out of pure curiosity and honesty. What does the bunny have to do with the resurrection of Yeshua.? It doesn't carry any relevancy to Yeshua in anyway. So why humor me with the bunny and the eggs it brings? I never understood that even as a child. Back then, I didn't understand how the bunny got into the mix. Why did I go to sunday church and then afterwards color eggs. Never really made any sense. I asked this and then I was suppressed to not say anything else about the holiday. "Just roll with it." So to speak. As a child, my mind then wondered off to the bunny. I couldn't wait to go the bunny and sit on its lap just like I sat on Santa's lap and telling the bunny what I wanted. Just like Santa. 

                As I got older, I became annoyed with the bunny and everything that went with it. So I was kinda like the Mr. Scrooge of Easter. Now as I was becoming more spiritually aware and continuing to have more intimate relationship with Abba. I begin to look at different paths and ways to get to Him but they always seem to lead me to a dead end. However, in my discovery, I realized that Easter isn't all what it cracks up to be. Now, we have a bunny just came out of nowhere, busting into the scenes and handing out eggs. 

"What the..."

                  Well the lets look over this fable. We have a bunny going around with a basket full of eggs.  This reminds me of the story of the pelican going around carrying a baby in its lower beak making deliveries. The paganism is this. The eggs represent fertility, the shape of the eggs represents the testicles. Easter is really named after the goddess Ishtar. So Easter is really a day of worshiping Ishtar, the goddess of fertility. A celebration of adulteries and sexual immorality. That is where the roots of Easter comes from. Highly disgusting.

The Deadly Sin Most Represented In Easter:

                   That is all that I wanted to cover for that particular holiday. See the hypocrisy in these holidays. Christmas and Easter especially. Those days are suppose to be designed to appreciate all of what Yeshua has done but instead these holidays are being turned into a late night after show costume party. I mean really? I will cover a few more holidays and that should do it as far as exploiting the hypocrisy of these holidays. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

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