Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Religion: The Greatest Tide To Division

Greetings Everyone,

              Today, I will be taking about religion and biggest flaw that they all share. The major thing about religion that I learned about is that they all have flaws. None of these religions honor anything that is mentioned in the book. I can talk about all the flaws that each and everyone of them have but this post will be pages and pages long. So I will keep it short.

               One part of this flaw is what the mainstream media has proclaimed on TV. These images will either appeal people to join or will appeal people to rebel against it. Whether media is broadcasting people honoring a certain holiday or showing terrorism clips. These images all have huge effects on people. Most media servers will work hard to put fear into peoples hearts about other people following another religion.

            Another part, is racism. One thing that I have realized that every religion has racism towards it. Each religion has some type of stereotype applied towards a certain group of people. This type of flaw prevents unity. We are all human beings and we all have emotions. Treating another group of people differently because of skin color or heritage is completely against what the religious text talk about. No one in this entire planet is subhuman or some alien from outer space. We all have a purpose here, if not, we would have not been created in the first place.

            Another is containing half-truths. In order to get a full spiritual development of the big picture you must be able to expand the mind. Have an open mind towards other religions. What is the core teachings of this religion or that religion? Please do not close the mind towards any type of religious teachings. I promise that the core teachings of all religions go towards Abba. The rest of it (particularly mainstream) is all fashioned out of a lie. In other words, all religions have a piece of the truth that is surrounded by lies.

            Another is idolatry. Symbols, images, and everything else they have shown in mainstream media is not what Abba is about. In actually, in all accordance to the ten commandments, idolatry is labeled as the most despicable sin that can ever be done. We are suppose to worship the true essence of God. Not suns, moons, wood, and stone. Just symbols that have nothing to do with God. All of that is just excess stuff.

             In addition towards the idolatry flaw, they all have references of paganism in all religions. This is what the religious text said not to do. However, this is something that we are commonly hit with on a regular day to day basis. Its really deeply rooted in mainstream religion.

             Another is religious text that is being misinterpreted as a tool for warfare. We have seen these things that happened already throughout the course of world history. There is constant fighting that is happening all over the world 99,9% all deals with religious reasons. The constant fighting between Israel and Iran, or the U.S. and Syria. All of these wars that will eventually grow into a massive World War.

             Overall, all of the religious text that teaches us and guide us into spiritual development is no longer being followed. No longer being taken seriously. Instead, it is being used as a factor to kill innocent lives from all over the world. It saddens me to see innocent people getting hurt for evil reasons that creep deeper than just the label of religion that is being stamped on every conflict that happens on earth. Now all I see is that religion is causing massive divisions from around the world and is spreading hate. This is not what the sacred text tell us to do.

               Yeshua taught us (and will continue to teach us) within his ministry to love one another. Not to be judgmental towards anyone. Abraham was very hospitable towards strangers and entertained everyone that crossed paths with his dwelling place. We often hear the Word of God and most of us do not even attempt to do them like our forefathers have done. If we go back into the Word of God, and do the Word of God, than we will see our lives gradually get better. We then develop a wonderful relationship with God.

                So what I am trying to say in short is this... there are pieces of the truth that have been scattered from all over. There is a code in the Bible that says:

"seek Me with all of your heart." 

                    This verse is inquiring that there is more out there and you must search for it. You will find it. I promise. There is really one path that has been divided among the people for many centuries. Pieces of the truth that have been scattered and it's like a treasure hunt to find all the clues in order get the BIG picture. I will also help you find the pieces, meeting you half way and allowing you to complete your journey into knowing yourself as well as knowing Abba on a personal scale.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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