Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pagan Holiday: Christmas

Greetings Everyone,

                Christmas is categorized as the "most wonderful time of the year, and the most happiest season of all." With all these advertisements the dashing green and devilish "sweet" candy red wrappings, for all of these stores begging customers to by from them for the holidays season. Preparing a feast, and singing carols to the Lord Jesus Christ. I mean who wouldn't think that it would be a labeled as the most wonderful time.

                Christmas is a widely celebrated by people all around the world of exchangement of gifts in honor of celebrating Yeshua's birthday because the wise men have brought gifts to Yeshua as a small infant. Now here is the HUGE problem I have with Christmas. If it is suppose to be about Yeshua's birthday, then how did the old man in a red suit got into the mix? Well I will tell you why.

               The most popular Santa fable is believed to be a great story for kids in order to understand why presents are so important. So, does that mean Santa rode on his sleigh and delivered gifts to Yeshua on his birthday? I don't think so. Its a fable that St. Nick went around giving presents to people out of the kindness of his heart, only if the children have been good little boys and girls. However, if they misbehaved then Santa turns into his altar ego to scare them straight.

                 We have gradually seen society over the years embrace this old man more than Yeshua. Songs turning from "Oh Holy Night" to "Santa Baby". Everyone is engulfed in the gifts and then forget what it is suppose to be about. The attention shines away from Yeshua and then all the attention goes to Santa and then when people get to old for Santa then they are programmed in their psyche to get them something for themselves.

          Even though, it is the world's most popular fable, it has taken over what "Christmas" is suppose to be about. Now that we have talked about the present time of Christmas, now I will reveal to you the truth. There may be some of you guys that already know. If you do please help someone and tell them the truth.

                 Besides the fable, I will start with the birth of Yeshua. It is said that his birthday is in spring time. However, in research of the scriptures, there seems to be another story. In actuality, Yeshua's birthday is actually in the fall. Furthermore, he was not born in a manger, nor was he born under a palm tree. He was actually born in a cave. There were three kings that gave him gifts and not the wise men. The wise men wanted to lead Herod and his crew else where because Herod wanted to do harm to Yeshua.

                So the whole thing about Baby Yeshua being born in a manger with the three wise men are nothing but lies. Now how did the tree get in the mix? Well they tree is actually a pagan ritual done on this day. The tree represent the rise of Nimrod as a god. Who is Nimrod? Nimrod is the first anti-christ in history. He talked badly about God because things weren't really flowing his way like he wanted it too. But he was killed and his body was not found. However, there was one part of his remains that was recovered and they happen to be his genitals. So his mother than established this day in his honor and of course Nimrod's son, Tammuz gets to enjoy the fruits of this worship. So here is the whole story of the tree.

                 Knocking down the tree, represents Nimrod being killed. Putting up the tree represents the resurrection of Nimrod as a god. Decorating the tree representing Nimrod getting adorned with all the fine clothes and jewels and the star at the top of the tree represents Nimrod getting crowned the crown of divintiy. Setting gifts up under the tree represents and offering or sacrifice for Nimrod to accept. Singing carols around the tree represents singing praises to Nimrod.  So the tree is all about Nimrod.

The Deadly Sin Most Represented In Christmas:

                  These events that make this holiday the "most wonderful time of the year" is also one of the most greatest lies ever told by the Roman Church. This holiday is the most corrupted one out of all the Christian  religious holidays and it is the most egotistical holiday I ever crossed paths with. Some of you may argue with me on the egotistical part because we are giving to the other and not to the self. However, ego may be self-centered but it also clings to materialistic things no matter what it is and who gave it to you and vice versa goes to the person whom you are giving your gift to. The gift turns out turning into a "mine" gift for anyone. Then ego takes clams on it and it doesn't want anyone to touch it.

                  I not saying don't give to the other person. what I'm saying is this. If you want to give a person something than let it be something that they need not what they want. We talked about wanting things at the beginning of this ministry and how it eventually turns into misery. So if you are naturally a giver, than give to those in need or to a relative that is in need of something. The basic essentials. I just wanted to point out the evils in Christmas and any other holiday that is widely celebrated. It is nothing but a distraction tool. To keep you in the 3D state of mind. You guy are so much more than materials. Do not let materials define your state of being because it doesn't. At the end of the day its just matter. That's it. So let it go guys. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

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