Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, October 21, 2013

Free Yourself From Wants

Greetings Everyone,

              Today, I wanted to talk about having yourself broke free from wants. Wanting something every now and then is okay, but when it starts going into a list of unnecessary stuff than there lies the problem. For instance, if you were to go to a store because you are in need of a new shirt or pants or something of that nature and you see even more things that are appealing to the eye. The next thing you know the wants, instantly overshadows your needs for things. As a result, you leave the store unsatisfied and overspent. Sometimes its best to get something that you need in most cases.

               Wanting something can easily turn into lust and lust has everything to do with desire. The more you want the more you end up miserable because you do not have it. Its best to focus on things that you have than the things that you don't have. Lots of magazines talk about the latest fashion and models rocking out the latest designer clothes. Please before going to the store to buy it. You need to ask yourself, why must you buy these things? What is so appealing about this particular item that makes you say, "I got the have it! No matter what!" Is it because your favorite model is wearing it? Is it because of the color? Is it because of the design? What is it?

               Wanting can also become your worst nightmare because everyday there is something that you may want and is upset because there seems to be mo way in obtaining it. In the process, the feeling of misery can overcome your emotions. Wanting can really mess with the psyche. It is best to leave it alone. It is not worth you breaking your back over it. Trust me when I tell you.

                Wanting is like an event similar to pressing the rewind button and play all over again. There is going to be something flashy that will catch your eye, You want it and then you try to pursue in getting the item. Once you have it, you use the item, then it gets old and you see something else that you want and then its back to square one yet again. It is a continuous vicious cycle. The only way to break it is to simply shy away from it.

                  To look more into the wanting situation a little deeper. I'll choose the topic fashion, the clothes that you see may look nice and stylish but the following year it is considered old and then you want to move on to the next thing. Some of the people who buy these things will instantly get upset because after a certain season is up, they tend to find the same coat that they bought for, let's say, $50 or $60, and now it ends up on the 75% or 85% clearance rack because the season is over. That would consider to be a waste of money.

                  Another topic is the flashy fad trend, the iPhone phenomena. Once you by those new colorful iPhones, here comes Apple yet again with another iPhone that happens to debut two or three months later than the one before it. It is nothing but a huge game. Its best to buy something that does what you want it to do and call it a day. Do not go for the latest stuff. Oh, and those iPhones are actually in code for iWatch, so please save yourself the trouble and avoid it.

                   So the huge lesson in this matter is wanting something is going to lead you into a huge plateful of misery. You see things that are out of your price range and you are commence to max out your credit cards just to have the latest gadget on the lot. Flashy is and will always be the trend and the push them out so fast that you really don't get a chance to process what just happened a few days before then. That goes for anything.

               So my dear brothers and sisters, if you want to have a happy carefree life and not worry so much about bills or whatever seems to bother you at that point materialistically, please do not go for the latest invention out there. Free yourself from the wants of this life because it is not going to be here long. The materialistic world is coming to an end. There will be some of you who will disagree with me because you personally like this form or way of life. However, if you look at the world from the outside, from a stranger's point of view you will notice that there is a change that is taking place right now. My brothers and sisters, who are happy with your simplistic life, rejoice because you have riches in spirit and not with materials and that's what really counts right now. Not materials. Okay.

                 Can you totally be free of wants? Not really. However, I will encourage you to minimize the wants of everything. Be cautious of what you are buying. Really ask yourself, do I really need this? Why ask this question? Because your mind is conditioned to think that a want is a need and a need is a want. You need to take time before buy something to make sure that you really need it. Also, for electronic sake, is it easy to work? Why am I asking this question? Because there are so many people out there that buy things and do not now how it works. For instance, you buy, yourself, a smartphone with all the neat gadgets but you really use it for talking and texting and not really using it for its full functionality than there is no need to have it. Same for a car, and everything else that goes down the pipeline.

                You must look at it from that perspective. Again, there is nothing wrong with wanting a little something here and there but if it turns into a full all out monster than there must be a few things that you must evaluate. Try to detach from materialistic things as much as you can because in the next life you will not be needing those. Those who are just and walk in the path of righteousness will be with the Most High. Okay?

May Ahayah Bless You.

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